Home > Until Then (Cape Harbor #2)(32)

Until Then (Cape Harbor #2)(32)
Author: Heidi McLaughlin

“We don’t need family counseling,” George blurted out. “I’m not going to let some shrink tell me how to raise my boys.”

Rennie glanced at Johanna, who looked embarrassed, then over at Graham, who hung his head. The family dynamic with the Chamberlains was odd. Johanna wanted her son to get all the help he could, Graham wanted his brother and his life back, and George refused to believe there was anything wrong with his kid. And Rennie was in the thick of it, trying to do right by all parties involved.

Rennie excused herself and left the family to talk. She was tired and in need of a nap and suddenly eager to get to the hotel Ester booked for her. In the parking lot, she turned at the sound of her name. Graham jogged toward her and didn’t stop until he had her cocooned in his arms.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“I’m just doing my job.” She knew she was going above and beyond, but the idea of not helping Graham or putting Grady’s fate into someone else’s hands never crossed her mind.

Graham held her tightly. She could hear and feel his heart pounding and smell the sandalwood in his cologne. He also smelled like the beach, which, to her, meant warmth and sun. Rennie inhaled deeply, needing to remember the moment.

“I should really go,” she said, motioning toward her car. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

He stepped away from her and nodded. Tempted as she was to ask about his accommodations for the evening, she held back. Rennie needed to put some distance between herself and Graham. It would be best for both of them.

The next morning, Rennie rose with purpose. She called for room service and sat at the small round table in her hotel room, going over her notes. It wasn’t necessary, as an arraignment took minutes. However, she would be prepared for anything that came her way. The only other time she had gone to an arraignment was back when she clerked. She had entered a plea, agreed with the restitution set, walked out, and switched to family court.

Her phone rang, and she smiled at the sight of Theo’s picture lighting up her display. “Well, hello,” she sang into the receiver.

“You’re chipper this morning. I love hearing the confidence in your voice.” Nights prior, they had sat on the phone, and she told him how her research into criminal law had sparked something in her, how it had brought to life the idea of opening her own firm and becoming a general practitioner. She wanted to help everyone or at least be selective in the cases she took. Family law was still her passion, but she liked the idea of helping in other areas.

“I am confident, Theo. I know it’s silly because it’s a preliminary hearing, but there’s this thrill. I don’t know—I’m excited to stand in front of the judge and enter a plea for my client.”

“I get it, my love. There is nothing more satisfying than telling a client their books are exactly where they need to be, that no one is stealing from them.”

Rennie chuckled at the thoughts that rolled around in her head. “You know, we could open a firm. I could take to trial the people who embezzle from your clients.”

“I like the way you think, Ms. Wallace.”

“Why, thank you, Mr. Wright. I do believe we could make a powerful team.”

“And a team we will become. Listen, I have to get to the office, but I wanted to wish you good luck or whatever. I know you said things should go smoothly, but I wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you.”

“Thank you, Theo.”

“I love you, Renee.”

“I love you too.” They hung up. Rennie held her phone in her hand and thought about everything she had said to Theo. Telling him she loved him had become an automatic response for her. They had dated for about four months when he told her he was in love with her. It had happened after they had made love. He had looked her in the eyes and said the three words women often longed to hear. Except, Rennie preferred not to hear them after sex. She felt the words meant more if they happened naturally and not spurred by other acts. Rennie returned the sentiment because at the time, she was in love, or at least that was what she thought. Since her frequent trips to Cape Harbor, she had started to question her feelings for Theo, which hadn’t made her very happy.

Rennie dressed the same as she would for any other court hearing. She wore a navy-colored knee-length skirt with a matching blazer and a white blouse. She curled her hair, gave herself a natural look with her makeup, and dabbed on a light-pink-tinted lip gloss. When Rennie felt complete, she stood in the mirror and practiced the few words she would say today. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why she was so nervous.

“It’s because it’s Graham,” she said aloud in her room.

She grabbed her bag, then checked out of the hotel and made her way to her car. The drive to the courthouse was quick, as was getting through security. When she reached the courtroom, the Chamberlains were waiting. Johanna sat on a wooden bench, while Graham held up the wall beside her and George paced.

“They took Grady out in cuffs.” George pointed his finger at Rennie.

“Dad, knock it off. It’s not Rennie’s fault.”

“She said they wouldn’t do that. It’s embarrassing.”

Johanna stood and confronted her husband. “Our son is an embarrassment, George. It’s time you see him for what he is—an alcoholic and drug user. If these past two weeks haven’t proven this to you, I don’t know why you’re even here.”

Graham and Rennie separated the married couple. George wouldn’t budge, but Johanna went back to the bench and wiped away her tears.

“This type of arguing—it’s not good and can’t happen here,” Rennie told them. “Although cuffing Grady is excessive, they had the right to do it, and I think it’s because I asked for favors which benefitted Grady. Our country is fighting an opioid crisis right now, and if Grady hadn’t taken the drugs with the officer standing right there, he’d be facing a DUII charge only. He needs help, and that is what we’re going to get him today, but I need everyone on the same page. Okay?”

George ignored Rennie and walked down the hall, away from his family. Graham said nothing and sat down next to his mother. Rennie understood the enormity of the situation in front of her. It was one thing to know and think a family member had an addiction, but it was something else entirely to be face to face with it—and with your hands tied.

The bailiff opened the doors, and everyone waiting for court filed in. Rennie and the Chamberlains took a seat on the left side of the courtroom, and while Rennie waited for Grady’s case to be called, she went over her notes.

“State v. Chamberlain is up next.”

Rennie rose and walked to the defendant’s table. An officer of the court escorted Grady in, without cuffs, which pleased her.

She introduced herself to the assistant district attorney, Kate Martell. “I’d like to talk to you about a plea, but I am requesting my client be remanded to the Port Angeles Rehab Center for at least ninety days.”

“He could get help in jail,” Kate pointed out.

“He could, but it’s a matter of life or death.” Rennie handed the ADA a letter from his doctor backing up her statement.

Kate nodded. “No prelim?”

“No, straight to trail and revisit for a plea?” Rennie pushed.

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