Home > Hard Hit(12)

Hard Hit(12)
Author: Toni Aleo

I look around and notice that people are watching as his voice rises. “That’s ridiculous. You’re saying that to hurt—”


I swear on everything holy, the very busy pub goes quiet as I whip my head to where Kirby is standing, while the twins and my main man, D’Artagnan, slowly mirror their mentor. Even from four tables away, they’re massive, huge, and I wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley with them.

Kirby… Well, I’ll be anywhere dark with him. Shit, maybe I am a slut?

No, I’m a fucking queen.

“I suggest you take your hands off her,” Kirby says sternly. Celeste looks up at him from her high chair and promptly wails in alarm. His eyes don’t leave Allen’s, though. Instead, he puts his hand on her head, stroking it as his gaze turns terrifying.

Oh, talk about some massive chills.

“Excuse me?” Allen says, letting me go and standing himself. I grab ahold of my wrist, surprised he hurt me. He’s never been rough in bed, always gentle. Was he hiding this part of himself?

“Did he hurt you?” Kirby asks, and I turn my gaze to his. I can see the fire in his eyes.

I shake my head. “I’m fine.”

“That’s not what I asked, Jay. Did he hurt you?”

I know for sure I could hear a pin drop in this pub. His voice echoes, such authority in it.

Suddenly, another voice joins the conversation. “Hey, this is a family establishment. Take it outside.”

Kirby holds up his hand to the manager-looking guy. “We don’t need to take it outside. That guy right there put his hand on that woman, and as this is a family establishment, surely that isn’t tolerated.”

The manager looks at me. “Ma’am, are you okay?”

“Thank you, I am. I’m leaving.”


I quickly look at Allen, my eyes in slits. “We’re not doing anything.”

“Jay—” he tries. But out of nowhere, Kirby is beside me, and Allen promptly presses his lips together. His eyes burn into mine, but I don’t react. “Really?”

“Really,” I say, glaring at him. Three years on and off, I’ve been hooking up with him, but in my defense, he never made it seem like he wanted more or felt anything more. I assumed we were only fucking. Could it have been something? Maybe, but not now. Not ever. “This is unacceptable behavior, and I don’t have time for it.”

He shakes his head as he throws some money on the table. “Don’t call me.”

“That’s my line,” I throw back at him. I’m pretty sure if Kirby weren’t standing beside me, Allen would have called me some kind of name. But instead, he walks away. Once he hits the door, the normal volume of the pub picks back up, but the manager’s gaze and those of some other people still linger.

I’m not a troublemaker, which sucks because I really love their cider here.

Kirby slides his hand up my back, and I look into his beautiful face. “Why don’t you join us for dinner?”

“I should go,” I say, hooking my thumb to where everyone is staring at us. “I’m not comfortable.”

His eyes meet mine, and chills run down my spine. “I’d really like you to stay with us so I know you’re safe.”

My lips perk. “I can take care of myself, Kirby.”

“I know,” he says, his eyes softening. “But for shits and giggles, why don’t you join us?”

I bite into my lip. “I don’t know. I feel stupid.”

“For what? Bad dates happen.”

“I know, but I’m not okay with how tonight went down.”

He nods slowly, and I see the understanding in his eyes. “Well, how about you let Celeste and me walk you to your car, then?”

I look back at where Owen is holding Celeste, rocking her back and forth as he throws a piece of burger meat into his mouth. “She looks pretty content. I wouldn’t want to disturb that.”

Celeste lays her head back on Owen’s chest, moving her fingers over the hair on his jaw. Kirby chuckles, a low, throaty sound that sends heat straight to my vagina. “You’re right. She does look pretty happy.”

I should go home. Chalk this day up as a loss. But instead, I say, “I guess I should come eat with y’all so she isn’t disturbed.”

Kirby’s lips slowly turn up as he reaches for my plate. “I couldn’t agree more.”

The way he says it isn’t meant to be sexual, but it sure does sound like it. Especially when, with his other hand, he guides me to his table. When he pulls out my chair, setting my plate before me, I look up at him in amazement. He gives me a small smile before grabbing his daughter from Owen and sitting beside me. When his eyes meet mine again, I feel all kinds of right.

Which is so damn scary, I almost shit myself.



Chapter Nine





* * *


“So, what was up with the asshole?” Owen asks as I pull out the chair for Jaylin and she sits down. I hate that Owen brought it up; I’m sure she’s embarrassed by the way that jackass acted. He’s lucky I didn’t kick his ass. Thankfully, she just laughs.

Meanwhile, I’m in awe of her. She’s wearing a tight green dress that hugs every inch of her in ways I wish I had the opportunity to. Her hair is wild, with curls along her shoulders. And I can’t decide if I like her hair straight and sleek or curly like this. One thing is for certain, I sure like looking at her. She has her makeup done to the nines, and the heels she wears are high and dangerous. Her lips are gorgeous and plump, and I want so much to press my own lips to hers. She sits with such class, her hands in her lap as she grins at Owen. “A mistake, obviously.”

“For sure. Thought Kirbo was gonna kill him,” D’Artagnan teases, and while his nickname for me is downright annoying, I nod in agreement. I haven’t seen red like that since Lilly ditched Celeste. Even then, I wasn’t as mad as I was in the moment that douchefuck grabbed Jaylin.

“He had one more chance to put his hand on her before that happened,” I admit, and everyone chuckles along. Though, Jaylin’s eyes move over my face. A smitten little grin sits on her lips, and I get the vibe she’s feeling me. But could she be? I’m so insecure about the idea that I could actually be enough for her. She’s so successful, so smart and classy. I’m not saying I’m trailer trash, but I have no family, my baby mama dumped our kid, and I knock into guys for a living trying to score in a net that is guarded by a huge-ass dude with a frozen biscuit. Plus, I’m a single dad.

Is that something she would want to involve herself with? She seems different. I’ve never seen her look at a child the way she looks at Celeste. She’s always grinning at her and saying hi. Of course, Celeste eats it up. Like her daddy, she loves attention and feeling important. Or maybe it’s just my uncertainties that make me feel she craves those things. I don’t want Celeste to ever feel alone.

It’s an awful feeling.

“So, easy to say, you’ll stay away from assholes?” Owen asks, and Jaylin nods.

“That asshole, for sure. I still can’t believe he acted like that,” she says, and I can see embarrassment on her face. “But let’s let that go. I don’t want to think of him.”

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