Home > Puck Performance (BTU Alumni #4)(43)

Puck Performance (BTU Alumni #4)(43)
Author: Alley Ciz

My heart gives a pang. Here I am worried she would feel uncomfortable meeting Mom without me when really it’s the stuff it could bring up for her, witnessing how crazy involved my parents are in my life when hers can’t be bothered to show up when it counts.

I need to remember to give her brother a hug or something on opening night for always making my girl feel like a priority to him at least.

“Dude, you better not be logged in on my account and messing up my score.” I drop down on the couch next to Sean.

“Jason.” My mom scolds me like I’m nine years old and not twenty-five.

“Puh-lease.” Sean waves the wheel-shaped controller in my face. “I would boost your stats if I played for you.”

“Yeah right.” Carlee snickers. “He would only get a boost if I were playing, Donnelly.”

Carlee is the only one who can put Sean in his place—forget the fact that the rest of us are almost three times their age.

I bite my knuckle, trying not to laugh, and bury my face in Melody’s neck when I fail. Being ambushed—for the third time, I might add—by my family must have prevented her from showering, because I’m hit with the most intoxicating scent. I didn’t think I would find anything better than the sweet bubblegum one I’ve come to associate with Mels, but it mixed with mine and sex now tops the list.

Mels trembles, and I feel a pinch at my side from her clutching the bottom of my shirt as I drag my nose down the length of her neck. Her responsiveness is a major turn-on, and I will myself back before I have an embarrassing situation on my hands.

Sporting a boner the size of the Empire State Building in front of my mom is not an achievement I need unlocked in the game of life.

“Hungry?” I ask Mels, getting up to head to the kitchen. Normally on game days I’ll grab lunch with my teammates, but I forwent that part of my usual routine to spend more time with her.

“What’s Gemma have prepped?”

Yeah, I haven’t lived down the pot pie incident.

“There’s a chicken stir fry we can share?” Gathering the appropriate dishes, I portion out the meal and call over my shoulder, “Are you two hellions hungry at all?”

“I resent that classification.” Carlee shoots me a look her older brother has given me a time or two.

“Look, Car.” I lean across the island on my elbows. “Your best friend is my younger brother. Comes with the territory.”

“Sean Patrick!” Mom scolds when he flips me off. “Oh, don’t you start, Jason Richard.” She turns on me when I snort. “You think I don’t know where he gets it?”

“It wasn’t me.” I’m the picture of innocence.

“Oh really?” Mom folds her arms over her chest, and I have the overwhelming urge to gird my loins when I’m hit with the full force of her mom look. Shit, no wonder JD is so good at it. She learned from the best. “Refresh my memory then…”

I clamp my mouth shut, refusing to take the bait of her incomplete sentence.

“Which one of my children was the one to teach my darling granddaughters to say asshole?”

Do not laugh. Do not laugh.

No matter how much I tell myself this, when I hear Mels say, “Oh my god,” and fall over laughing, I lose the battle. What? Hearing a pair of one-and-half-year-olds volleying asshole back and forth between them was funny as hell.

“But to answer your earlier question, no, they don’t need food. We’re meeting up with Sammy and Jamie soon. I know how important your pregame nap is, and I would never want to interrupt that.”

Can you tell she’s raised three hockey players?

Food heated, I retake my spot on the couch, pulling Melody’s feet into my lap as we settle in to eat. I don’t miss the knowing looks Mom shoots my way while she talks to Mels about her rehearsals.

It takes lots of hugging and kissing as well as a promise that Mels will join them in their box at the Garden tonight before we are alone once again.

She lets out a shriek when I scoop her into my arms and sprint for my bedroom.

After locking the door, I toss her onto the bed. “Strip,” I command, removing my own shirt and carelessly tossing it to the ground.


“You heard me, baby.” My thumbs hook in the band of my joggers, and I rid myself of them and my boxer briefs in one go. The sight of her in my bed already has me at half-mast, and the way her dark gaze automatically homes in on my MD has my sails waving proudly.

“What about your nap?”

“What better sleep aid is there than an orgasm?” Kneeling on the bed, I peel her shirt off her since she still hasn’t made any moves to do it herself.

“I thought athletes weren’t supposed to have sex before a game…something about weak legs and stuff.” Her arms rise in an effort to help me remove her sports bra.

“I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” She lies back as I roll down her leggings. “Personally, I think the memory of how it felt to have your sweet pussy milking my cock will put a pep in my step. Live and learn, I suppose.”

“Oh god.” She moans, whether from my words or the feel of my dick sliding through her folds when I cover her body to kiss her, I don’t know, nor do I care.

Her nails scour my back as I drag the head of my dick back and forth over her clit.

I would love to spend hours drawing out our pleasure, making her come over and over, but she’s right—I do need to nap.

One of her arms flings out to the side, the sheets making slapping sounds as she flops it around.

“Looking for something, Sweet Potato?”

Her neck arches when I bite her pulse point.

“Condom,” she rasps as I make another pass over her clit.

Unlike her shorter arms, my wingspan is enough to reach the bedside drawer. I make quick work of sheathing myself and get into position at her entrance.

“Fuck, you’re so wet already, baby.” Liquid fire covers the head, the heat so pronounced I can barely tell there’s a layer of latex between us.

“I am. Now stop fucking teasing me and fuck me.”

“Demanding, woman.”

I yelp when she pinches my side.

Circling my hips, I work myself inside her with small thrusts, giving her body a chance to adjust to my size.

“More.” Her ankles lock at the small of my back, her hips rocking up to meet mine thrust for thrust.


I snap back and surge forward.



I hiss at her nails digging in hard enough to know I’ll have some interesting marks I’ll have to explain in the locker room later.


I don’t know what’s better, the way my name sounds falling off her tongue breathily or her tight heat surrounding me.


I snake my hands around her lower back, cupping her ass and tilting it for a deeper angle, driving into her until we explode together.

When we finally catch our breath, we each take our turn in the bathroom. Mels attempts to pull on a shirt, but I drag her back into bed before she can, telling her I’ll sleep better pressed against her skin to skin.

We settle under the covers, my big spoon to her little, just like last night.

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