Home > Puck Performance (BTU Alumni #4)(56)

Puck Performance (BTU Alumni #4)(56)
Author: Alley Ciz



MOTHER OF DRAGONS: Whatever. You deserve it. You were a dick. But please…proceed.



THE BIG HAMMER: *big sigh* So Mels has mentioned her family—outside of her douchebag brother—doesn’t come to her opening nights.



ALPHABET SOUP: Um…you’re trying to win her back. Word of advice: don’t call her brother a d-bag.



SANTA’S COOKIE SUPPLIER: *GIF of girl pointing up saying, “This.”*



QUEEN OF SMUT: Do you need me to give you notes on How to Grovel 101?



THE BIG HAMMER: You guys are the WORST!!



MAKES BOYS CRY: And yet you still come to us for help *emoji of person shrugging*



THE BIG HAMMER: *GIF of person banging their head against the wall*



MOTHER OF DRAGONS: Okay, before we break my twin, let’s at least hear him out.



THE OG PITA: Unless he’s sending a voice memo, we aren’t ACTUALLY hearing him.



YOU KNOW YOU WANNA: Beth, have I told you lately how much I LOVE that you are a part of our squad?



THE OG PITA: *GIF of Melissa McCarthy making a heart with her hands*



THE BIG HAMMER: OMG. I can’t even. I give up. I’m out.



Chapter Fifty-Two



From the Group Message Thread of the Boys—AKA Counterfeit Coven Conversations



THE BIG HAMMER: OMG. Why? Why did I do this to myself?



HOLLYWOOD (Cali): Do I even want to know?



CAPTAIN AMERICA (Ryan): Haha, I think I know.



THE BRICK WALL (Jake): Yup. There’s only one thing capable of bringing on a reaction like this.



DAUNTLESS SUPERMAN: **whispers** The Coven



WANNA TUCK (Tucker): What are you whispering for, bro? They are like Beetlejuice—you have to say it three times to summon them.



WANNA TUCK: *GIF of Beetlejuice*



THE KRAKEN: There are days I legitimately wonder why I am friends with you guys.



THE BOONDOCK SAINT (Nick): Bro, you aren’t friends with us. You’re family.



THE GREEN MONSTER (Damon): True story.



BIG DECK (Deck): Have we taught you nothing?



THE SPIN DOCTOR (Sammy): You should know by now, you don’t just marry one person when you marry a Covenette.



ROCKSTAR MAN (Jamie): This is also true. As an outsider, I can speak from experience.



THE SEAL DEAL (Justin): God, I miss the days when Madz didn’t really have female friends. They are scary.



JUST RAY (Ray): Are we going to help our boy out or what?



THE FEROCIOUS TEDDY BEAR (Griff): If you were reaching out to The Coven, I assume this has to be about Melody?



HUGE HOSE (Wyatt): Um…anyone want to tell me why my wife looks like someone offered her a lifetime supply of calorie-free ice cream?



THE BIG HAMMER: *facepalm emoji*



DAUNTLESS SUPERMAN: Bro, you know the Covenettes have ZERO chill. You seeking them out for help is like throwing chum in the water.



CAPTAIN AMERICA: Can we maybe get around to ACTUALLY helping Jase?



THE BRICK WALL: ^^I second this.



THE SPIN DOCTOR: You guys like to give the girls shit, but damn this conversation is just as scatterbrained as one of theirs.






BIG DECK: Oh, burn man.






Chapter Fifty-Three



Opening night.

When my alarm goes off, I almost feel like I’m tempting the theater gods by not being more excited. Like I might as well walk through the doors and yell, “Macbeth.”

Our short tour of previews received rave reviews, and already our production scale is being talked about in the same way as many of the greats.

Tony eligibility is there, and if the nominating committee likes me, I might finally have a shot at accomplishing the only dream I’ve ever had.

Well, at least the only one I had until I went and fell in love with Jase Donnelly, only to flop.

Thank god for routines to keep me sane.

Performance days all follow the same itinerary, with a few variations on the days of dual performances, but opening night has a few special and time-honored traditions.

If I’m going to have any chance of making it to curtain call without crying, I need to focus on my routine and not anything else. Which means not texting my brother—again—because if he ignores me—again—I don’t think I’ll recover. I haven’t heard a word from him since before I left for Boston. This is the longest we’ve gone without communicating, and it’s killing me as much as not being with Jase is.

I get out of bed and do a few stretches to loosen up.

Breakfast is a simple affair of fruit and yogurt before I spend twenty minutes with my steamer to help open up my vocal cords. I scroll through social media to pass the time, and no I do not check Jase’s (total lie).

In the shower, I warm up with a few songs from the show, my favorite of late being the ballad I sing after Marilyn and Arthur Miller break up. It is gut-wrenching and heartbreaking. Pretty much it speaks to how I’ve felt the last month and a half.

As luck would have it, the Bruisers clinched the first round of playoffs two nights ago, and Nate will be free until the outcome of the Columbus/Tampa bracket is determined. The question is—will he come?

Our already frosty relationship has deteriorated to the point that I don’t even recognize it. He’s mad at me for dating Jase, and I’m hurt he flaked on our plans when the show was in Boston. It is a passive-aggressive cycle I’m completely over.

To be honest, I almost wish the Bruisers hadn’t won in five games so at least I could say he wasn’t in the audience because of work.

One of the last things I do before leaving for the theater is pack my performance bag:

Water bottle.

Jase won’t be there.

Hand sanitizer.

What is Jase doing tonight?

Body spray.

Is he dating someone new?

Baggie of bobby pins (because you can never have enough of them).

Should I try texting him again?

Lip balm.

Why hasn’t Nate at least sent a “Break a leg” text?


It’s fine. Ella will be in the audience.

A picture of Zoey, Ella, and me from high school.

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