Home > Set Up (Taking Chances Book 1)(14)

Set Up (Taking Chances Book 1)(14)
Author: TC Matson






“You design blocked Lindsay?” Cody groans stepping into my office and shutting the door with more force than he should’ve. “Do you realize she has the power to laser your dick off in your sleep?”

I don’t look up from the papers in front of me.

“You denied the designs for West Plaza. The ones that need to be done this week. You’re so fucked.” He parks his ass in the chair in front of my desk.

Inhaling a steady breath, I fold my hands on top of my desk, giving him a pointed look. “I hated it. It was a design better suited for a fucking cheap stay motel. Not my hotels.”

His eyes narrow, crinkles appearing at the sides. “What motel in the US of grand A has a palm tree paradise in their fucking lobby, dude?”

“Aren’t you in finances?” I grit. “Don’t tell me how to run my business.”

“The birds’ nest suspended above the restaurant would’ve been the first in the nation. It would’ve added a romantic feel. And I think that’s your problem,” he grounds out, bouncing his finger at me.

I glower, not responding.

“You like her. You like her a whole damn lot. And you’re pissed off that you do so you’re tossing the romance shit out your window. What the hell is your hang-up?”

“I don’t have one,” I reply and he just stares at me. I sigh. “Tell me when I’d have time for her.”

His lips contort to the side. “You’ve made it several times in the past couple of weeks. What are you afraid of?”

“Not a damn thing,” I snap.

“Then why the hell aren’t you acting on it?”

Leaning back in my chair, I press my fingers to my lips and train my gaze on him.

“Oh no.” He shakes his head. “Not going to work. Do that Bennett death stare all you want, but that shit doesn’t faze me one bit.” He scoots to the end of the chair, resting his forearms on his thighs. “You won’t know if you can trust her unless you offer her what you have. But the little that I know of her, she’s not interested in anything sitting in your pockets. She’s interested in you, but you’re a damn chicken shit.”

“I have a business I’m focused on. And my focus is the reason I’m so successful.”

He blows a laugh. “Damn shame you’ve busted your ass to get this far but have no one to share your achievements and successes with.”

“Tell me, Cody. What CEO would put himself out there and run the risk of losing everything.”

“What the hell would you be losing?” he snaps. “I didn’t say sign your fucking will over to her.”

“I don’t have the time whether I like her or not. She deserves better.”

“Says who? You? Isn’t that her choice to make?” He stands and straightens his suit jacket. “But for the record, I think you’re right about one thing. She does deserve better. Someone who isn’t a damn pussy.”

Anger flares. I rise, slamming my palms to my desk. “What the fuck is in it for you, Cody? We know you don’t do shit for the fun of it. Something is in it. Why are you so fucking invested?”

His hunter green eyes darken with exasperation. “Call me a sensitive prick, but seeing you smile with a true happiness behind it.” He tips his chin arrogantly. “That’s what’s in it for me. I’ve watched you since you were twenty-one build the business you’re running. For seven years, you’ve disregarded everything to make this empire the way you wanted it. It’s planted. You watered it. It’s successful. Now it’s time for you. So fuck you for getting mad at me for giving a damn about you. For once in your life, put your damn self first. You fucking deserve it.”

I’m still bent over my desk grinding my teeth when he pulls open the door, pausing to look back to me. “You know good and damn well she’s woken something up inside of you. You’ve given her glimpses while hiding everything else and yet she’s interested. She likes you. I know it.” Asshole winks and shuts the door behind him.

Dropping my head, I close my eyes and pull in a few deep breaths. I hate when Cody sucker punches me like that. He’s done it for years. He’s got a way with words and shoving them down my throat. It’s one of the reasons why I wanted him in my company. He’s brilliant with numbers and not afraid to put anyone in their place.

My office phone rings and I’m expecting round two of his ass chewing when I pick up.

“Mr. Bennett? I have two flights you can board. Thursday evening or Friday morning. Which do you prefer? Your meeting isn’t until three Friday.” Patricia Murphy has been with me for five years, managing my calendar and assisting in keeping me sane. She’s a fucking saint and I love her.

I dig my fingers into my forehead. “How early Friday morning?”


“Put me on it. Thank you, Patricia.”

“You betcha.”

After she disconnects, I scour the internet for local pharmacies. I know she works close by from the way she manages dates after work. I don’t have a plan, but when I see the search results, I realize this will take longer than expected.

Me: Which pharmacy do you work at?

Brooklyn: I don’t readily give out that information.

Me: Then what is your address?

Brooklyn: Nope. Not that either.

Me: I’m going to have to call each and every pharmacy to see if they have a Brooklyn with beautiful espresso eyes and hair to match.

Brooklyn: Have you seen how many pharmacies are in this town?

I snap a picture of my computer screen and send it to her.

Me: I’m starting to call them now.

Brooklyn: Why do you want to know where I work?

Me: What if I wanted to surprise you?

Brooklyn: I hate surprises if I know one is coming.

Me: Then quit asking me questions. I’m calling the first one now.

Brooklyn: Third one down. But please don’t show up. We’re busy and I have a meeting with corporate that I need to be focused on.

Me: Thank you. Have a good day, Brooklyn.

I grab the phone and place a call to the nearest florist. I haven’t ordered flowers in a long time, normally having Patricia do it for me. But this is personal and I can’t help but grin during the order.






When Caroline came in and relieved me, I was instantly whisked into the office with Ted, a corporate representative and Lew, the head pharmacist. My palms begin to sweat when I’m told to sit. I don’t really want to, but I do as I’m told.

My pulse is through the roof. They don’t normally call meetings unless it’s to fire someone or hold an employee meeting. I’m the only one in here so there’s only one reason why I’m here. I’m getting fired. It confuses me. I’m an outstanding employee. I’m never late, except a few times when Shyla and Aimee won’t get off the phone when I’m at lunch. Is that a fireable offense without disciplinary actions? Surely not. I can’t tell you the last time I called out for any reason. I don’t mess up with scripts. The till always balances.

My head is pounding when Ted sits at the desk. He definitely looks the corporate part with his sandy blond hair parted on the side and slicked back. He’s got a long slender face, thin lips, and a very bland look.

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