Home > Taken by the Tiger (Alpha Claimed #2)(20)

Taken by the Tiger (Alpha Claimed #2)(20)
Author: Milly Taiden

“The company and the foundation you love so much?”

She nodded. “It was my grandpa’s dream that dad would expand and make it even bigger than he had. After all, Grandpa had already built a massive company, sold it and created another. He wanted my dad to keep that growth.” She linked their fingers together. “But my dad isn’t like that. He’s happy with keeping things as they’ve been.”

“So who did you play with as a kid?” he asked.

“Liam, Jade, and Balgair. Liam’s been a great friend my whole life. Jade and Balgair are my cousins, who you met at the wedding.”

“Liam…why does that name sound familiar?”

She laughed. “Because the whole world thinks we’re going to get married one day. Every time we go out for lunch, they think we’re planning a wedding.”

He cleared his throat. “Are you?”

“Yeah, I’m sleeping with you and going to marry another guy. Does that sound like me?”

He kissed her forehead and squeezed their linked fingers. “No. It was a stupid question.”

“Liam’s always been a friend. A great friend. When I’ve needed someone to listen, he’s been there for me. And it has nothing to do with having those types of feelings for each other.”

“I know, love.” He pulled her onto his lap and cuddled her at his chest. “What’s your next plan for the pride?”

“I have to think about it, but I think we’re going to help the elders do some sprucing up of their homes.” She glanced up at his face. “I’m sure they all have stuff they’d like to do but can’t because they don’t have the strength or help.”

“You’re a fucking genius,” he growled and kissed her hard.

She moaned and he pulled back quickly. “I wasn’t complaining.”

“Oh. Too bad. The doctor said you’re supposed to rest,” he said.

“You suck.”

“I lick, too.”

She giggled and sighed into his hug. How had love come into the picture? Why were her emotions all over the place when it came to him? She knew better than to open herself up like that, but she did it anyway.

“Stop thinking so hard, Parker,” he ordered and picked her up in his arms. “You’re going to give yourself a headache.”

She curled her arms around his neck and kissed his ear. “What do you propose we do in order to stop that.”

“Watch a movie.”

“Ugh,” she groaned. “You’re no fun.”

“Trust me, love.” He carried her back up the stairs. “Once you’re feeling better, I’ll be ready for all the fun.”



Chapter Eighteen



It took two days before Parker was back on her feet. In that time, her father hadn’t called to discuss her missing their meeting. Her mother hadn’t called or texted to find out when she’d be available for lunch again. All in all, it was clear her parents just didn’t care.

Her cell phone rang, and she smiled at the name on the screen. “Liam!”

“You’ve never sounded this happy to hear my voice, Parker,” he chuckled. “This must mean you need something.”

“Oh, stop. I love hearing from you.” She tied her sneakers and glanced down at her yoga pants. She was ready to go work. “How’s everything?”

“I was calling because it was leaked to the press that you’d been in a car accident a few days ago and since I hadn’t heard from you, I wasn’t sure how true it was. So is it real or fake?”

“Real,” she bit her lip. “I blew a tire on my way home, but I’m okay.”

“Why didn’t you call me?” Liam admonished. “You know I would’ve been there to see you and spend time with you.”

She slipped her notebook in her bag. “I know, but I’m sort of seeing someone and he took care of me while I was hurt.”

“What?” Liam gasped. “No. This won’t do. I need to see you. So whatever you’re doing, drop it and meet me for breakfast.”

“No can do, babe. But if you’re not busy, care to do some community service?” She waited expectantly. “Please?”

“Oh, fine. It’s not like I’ve got anything exciting going on,” he grumbled. “Send me an address. You owe me for this.”

“Yeah, I know,” she laughed. “I’ve been owing you for doing community service since we were in our teens.”

“True. All right. Do I need to bring anything?”

“Can you swing by my parents’ house? Grab a couple of boxes of pastries and croissants Rita baked and some coffee she’s got ready to go.”

“Got it, boss,” he said. “See you soon.”

She slipped her hair up into a ponytail and rushed out. Today, she drove her own Jeep to the pride. It had better handling, and if she were honest with herself, it made her nervous to get into another of her grandfather’s precious cars. She’d destroyed that BMW and there was no replacing the sentimental value it had.

When she got to the Pine Pride lands, she smiled at how cute the town was. Driving to the town center, she headed for the townhall and parked out the front. Ryan’s SUV was already there, so she knew he was waiting for her.

Inside, the kids were already talking in groups. Liam and Balgair were setting up the pastries and coffee while Ryan talked to Barrick and Kell.

She rushed over to Ryan, a smile wide on her face. Then she realized the kids had stopped talking to stare at her face. They hadn’t seen her since her accident and though her face wasn’t as swollen, she was still bruised.

“I’m good,” she grinned. “You should see the other guy.”

The kids laughed and she threw herself into Ryan’s arms.

“Hey,” he kissed her neck and then her lips. “I was getting worried.”

She frowned and caressed his cheek. “There’s no need. I took my time today.”

“There’s a first,” Liam chuckled and hugged her. “I’m glad you’re okay, Parker.”

She kissed Liam’s cheek and was startled to hear a soft growl from behind her.

“Uh, Parker, I don’t think he likes you hugging up on me,” Liam said taking a step back and putting space between them.

Parker turned to look at a very ferocious looking Ryan. “Are you okay?”

He nodded. “Yeah. Sorry. I’ll try to control myself.” He inhaled and let it out slowly. His eyes flashed gold and blue. “Go, get started. I’m okay.”

She walked up to the stage and glanced at the kids, but her gaze strayed to Ryan. Was he jealous of Liam? All she’d done was hug him. Did he not believe her when she said there was nothing more than friendship between them?

“Hey, guys,” she waved at the young tigers. “Today we are all going to help our elders do some spring cleaning. We have cleaning supplies, big trash bags and even a few dumpsters to help get rid of whatever they don’t want.”

The usual group groaned. “Are we gonna get paid for this?” Nigel asked.

“Of course, you are,” she grinned. “With gratitude.” She stared at Nigel, the smile gone from her face. “Your elders shouldn’t have to pay you to get you to do something kind. That’s just selfish.” She pointed at Balgair and the snacks. “We have coffee and pastries if you want to grab one before you get started. Then see my cousin Balgair.

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