Home > Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(11)

Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(11)
Author: Michelle Howard

It was one of many points of contention between them.

Vee groaned. “According to my sister, Sollee, my matire has complained on several occasions about my obsession with this other who stole me away.”

Bane chuckled against his will at Vee’s Chosen and nestmate being referred to as other. Eva was a human from the planet Earth and perfect for Vee. She brought him out from his self imposed distance with those around him. “How is Eva doing?”

The grin on Vee’s lips spoke volumes. “Finally growing rounder. The injections are working and she hasn’t been sick at all.” He lost his smile. “Still insisting she wishes to meet my matire.”

Bane flinched, commiserating with Vee. The ruler of the Serpine home world would eat Eva alive and spit her out. “Maybe you should—”

The door wrenched opened abruptly. Vee’s hand went to the laser on his hip as he rose from the chair, poised to attack. Bane saw who it was and gripped Vee’s wrist tight. “No.”

Dharma’s gaze darted from him to Vee. She licked her lips and made her way further inside with an awkward gait. Bane frowned. She cradled her left arm.

Vee moved forward, breaking Bane’s hold. His steps were sinuous as he eased around and strategically placed himself between the bed and Dharma. He still had his hand on his weapon.

Bane heaved to the side, planning to jump from the bed and stop him except his legs refused to work as usual. His breath whistled through his teeth. “Fuck! Stand down, Vee!”

Dharma must have sensed the danger and froze. She eyed his friend then adjusted her stance to one of defense. Vee leaped across the room and landed in a crouch inches from Dharma, a blade in his hand.

“Don’t. Don’t hurt her, Vee. Don’t touch.” The two were in an odd standoff. Bane banged his fist on the bed at his impotence. Vee possessed venom which could incapacitate and in the right amount kill. “She’s mine.”

The last words got through. Vee rose to his full height and released a low vibrating trill, the line of his back stiff. “She bleeds.”

Bane struggled to see around Vee’s body. “Dharma?”

Red streaks lined the collar of her blue shirt. There was a corresponding smear of blood on her neck. He caught sight of the rapidly darkening bruise on her face. His gaze dropped further. Her sleeve was torn, the material hanging loose about her elbow.

Cut, not torn, he realized. Someone had attacked Dharma. His blood heated and his inability to get out of the fucking bed was going to drive him mad.

Dharma reached a hand behind her, steps retreating. “Sorry to interrupt. I didn’t know you had a visitor. I’ll come back later. I—I have a mm-meeting.”

“Vee, stop her. Don’t let her leave,” Bane growled.

His friend glanced at him over his shoulder. Rare humor glinted in the diamond green-gold gaze. He slid the blade back in the holster strapped to his left thigh. “Stand down. Don’t touch. Stop her. Which one should I follow?”

Bane didn’t have time for jokes. Dharma was hurt and the tightness in his chest was increasing the longer it took for him to confirm she was alright. “Bring her to me.”

Dharma had a hand on the door. “I-its...fine. I’m fine. I should get this checked.”

Vee moved before she finished speaking. Dharma gaped and turned to run, but as a Serpine, she was no match for his speed. Vee clasped her about the waist and she cringed, her face losing all color. “Sorry. I will not harm you.”

He lifted her easily and carried her to Bane’s bed where he gently deposited her right next to Bane.

Off-balance, she fell onto her side. Bane brushed her disheveled hair back and studied the purpling bruise forming on her face. A deep scrape. Recent. He catalogued the other visible injuries, most notably the reddened slice across her throat. On top of that, he didn’t like the way she held her arm.

“Get a medic, Vee!” he snapped.

“Wait.” Dharma struggled, but Bane rocked his hips and rolled. He landed half on top of her, pinning her to the narrow bed. As strong as she was, he was stronger. His upper body, at least. He didn’t need his legs to keep her down.

Vee was through the door in a beat, the snick of the latch loud in the room. Bane forced calm into his voice when he asked, “What happened?”

Wariness flickered in her brown gaze. Because of him? Was she scared of him? The idea offended him to the point he leaned away and cupped her jaw with his right hand while keeping the left circled about her shoulder, aligning their bodies together on the too small bed. “Dharma, trust me. I won’t hurt you. Tell me what happened and I’ll make whoever did this pay.”

Pay in a way that potentially involved their death.



Chapter 6


Dharma wasn’t sure where to start. She hadn’t expected Bane’s fierce response. She shouldn’t have come to his room. It would have been better if she’d sought medical care for her burning arm and face then explained what happened to security so they could check on him.

Except for the first time, fear for another had guided her actions. That wasn’t like her. She’d learned long ago to be selfish and see to herself before others. No one cared if she was hurt. Hadn’t she suffered repeatedly when that particular lesson was drilled into her head years before?

Yet her instinct, this unusual need, had pounded at her to make sure the Jutak warrior was unharmed as she had been. Concern had sent her rushing to his room.


His breath was warm against her temple. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the care in his touch as he stroked her hair, the gentle note of concern in his voice as he spoke her name. She basked in the lie then pulled abruptly away and rolled from his bed to her feet.

It was self-preservation. The jut of his cock had nestled too closely to her mound and her nipples had furled into tight peaks against his chest. No way did she want him aware of her desire.

Being close to Bane made her think about what it would be like to sex share with another in response to actual desire. She blew out a breath. “I shouldn’t have interrupted your visit.”

This was the first time she’d seen another Jutak with him. They were extremely secretive about their identities, but she knew they visited and made it a point to be scarce during those times.

Bane remained propped on his side, the matte brackets visible from the way his shorts twisted about his thighs. He flipped to his back and used his bent forearms to push back in the bed until he was upright. Something about his actions tore at a soft spot she’d thought long dead and buried. There was a commitment always apparent in his actions, his every move.

“Dharma, let me help you. Who hurt you?”

He was being protective and it was hard to resist the lure of this newly revealed side of him. Not the charmer she’d met when he first came here, not the belligerent injured soldier from two days ago. This was a different side and judging by the intensity of his stare, he had every intention of getting answers.

Unless she left.

Dharma decided to do exactly that but his friend chose that moment to return along with Teyla in tow. She took one look at Dharma’s battered form and paled. “Dharma, what happened? You missed the meeting.”

Teyla touched her shoulder tentatively and set the med-kit down at the end of Bane’s bed. Dharma’s skin heated. How much to tell?

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