Home > Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(20)

Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(20)
Author: Michelle Howard

Dharma froze. There had been no signs Caris had a sexual interest in Bane. Unnatural curiosity, yes, but a physical attraction, no. “That’s not necessary.”

Caris studied her a moment longer. “I really can’t figure you out.”

Flutters erupted in her belly but Dharma stayed relaxed and slid her hands into the pockets of her drawstring pants. She cocked her head to the side and forced a casual shrug. “What is there to figure out?”

Sucking her teeth, Caris said, “I’ve only been here for a few weeks, right before the Jutak arrived. During that time you’ve never shown an interest in any of the soldiers here.”

Dharma snorted though inside she was full of nervous energy. “The patients we see come here after traumatic accidents in need of care and rehabilitation, Caris, not to be propositioned.”

Caris tapped a finger on her chin. “Mmm. You have to admit Jutak Hardusho is extremely appealing. So large. Gives you thoughts of being protected by the big, strong, dangerous type.”

Dharma wasn’t sure where Caris was going with this line of conversation. Had Bane said something? Had someone seen the kiss they’d shared in his room? Her heart stuttered on a new thought. Had Reika mentioned the kiss she’d witnessed in his rehab session? The rehab specialist was usually very circumspect and didn’t gossip as much as others here.

“At any rate, I supposed it doesn’t matter.” Caris straightened and clapped her hands together. Her smile screamed victory. “He’s leaving tomorrow morning when his Unit Leader sends the team to escort him home and since my cases are done for the day, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She didn’t wait for Dharma’s reply and gathered her things before walking down the hall with a sway in her hips.

Blowing out a breath and leaning on the comm station for a minute, Dharma replayed the conversation and tried to see what she’d missed. She couldn’t recall if Caris had expressed an interest in any other patient during her brief stint here but the only name that stood out was Bane’s.

Medic Tao’s list of patients was extensive and Caris had been hired to ease the volume. She brought his team to five full medics who worked with Dharma and four other medic assistants. Dharma and Teyla had been with Tao the longest at two years, which was the maximum length before a mandatory rotation was required. Reika came shortly after Caris and according to the notes on file, she’d been brought in specifically to work with Bane because of her success rate with those having a similar injury and implants.

Ten medical professionals at any given time for a facility which took on forty to fifty injured military personnel. There was nothing out of the ordinary with those stats. So why did her skin crawl with a sense of impending doom?

Unable to fathom her feelings of concern, she decided it would be best to wrap up matters with Bane. Then the rest of Caris’ words sunk in. He was leaving tomorrow. She stared sightlessly at the wall as dread filled her for a variety of reasons.


The audio comm was unexpected. Lothar usually waited until she initiated contact for an update. Unless his spies had revealed something. Her breath hitched as she answered.

“What do you have to report?”

She took a deep breath, chills shaking her limbs. Truth. Stick to the truth. “He’s able to walk now.”

The comm in her hand chimed, signaling a request for visual display. Her trembling increased as she accepted. Lothar’s face filled the screen. His dark eyes, flowing black hair and curved horns declared his Marenian heritage. Tanned handsome features and full lips may fool someone else but to her he could never be mistaken for anything besides pure evil.

“Explain,” he growled.

“S-ssomehow he was able to b-bbeat the faulty biotronics.” The stutter gave away her nerves.

Lothar’s upper lip curled in a snarl as he smashed his fist against something and a crash resounded in the background. He stood and leaned closer to the screen, nostrils flaring. “What else? Will he be leaving soon?”

This she could at least share and hopefully offset the rage taking over his features. “It’s confirmed. The Jutak’s teammates will arrive tomorrow. Their shuttle is scheduled to land in the morning.”

“Good,” said Lothar, breathing out in a loud huff. His eyes glinted with pleasure. “Very good. You know what must me done.”

Failure wasn’t an option. “Yes.”



Chapter 10


Dharma pushed the door open to Bane’s room and came to a stop. The room was empty. Her gaze swung from the bed to the chair. She walked toward the small closet and peered inside. There was a large black pack on the floor. A pack she remembered him arriving with a little over six weeks ago.


She spun around. Bane came out of the cleansing room, steam billowing from the opened door behind him. A white drying cloth was wrapped loosely around his waist, the length baring his legs from the knees down.

For the first time since being assigned to his case, she wasn’t looking at his legs, though. Her focus was on the upper half of his body. His chest. She was riveted by the sight of his bare torso and the sleek line of muscles that formed ridges across his abdomen. It was clear he’d just showered because he was still wet, shoulders glistening and thick eyelashes stuck together.

Her gaze followed a solitary drop of water as it slid from his collarbone, down his stomach and pooled in the slight indentation above the cloth at his hips.

“Are you working for Teyla again tonight?” He used his foot to kick the cleansing door shut and made his way to the bed, where she suddenly noted a pile of dark-colored fabric.

Her throat convulsed as she forced herself to speak. “Yes. She had an emergency.”

His mouth ticked up in the corner as he went to sit on the end of the bed closest to her. The drying cloth parted, hinting at the shadowy depths between them. “I always like when you switch places with her during the night shift. Gives me nicer thoughts to take with me to sleep.”

“Well. Um.” The implication was obvious. Heat suffused her cheeks and Dharma fumbled with taking her data pad out of her pocket to hide it. Mouth dry, she firmed her resolve and faced him. “I need to record your readings from the medical bracelet.”

“Of course. I’m all yours.” Inviting her to come forward, he spread his arms wide.


His lips twitched, a clear sign he teased. Temptation couldn’t have come in a more attractive package. His blond hair gleamed in the dome light from above, appearing darker due to its wet texture. Slicked back on his head, it drew attention to the dramatic nature of his unusual eyes. Those black pupils and white lines held her riveted in place.

“Dharma?” He lowered one arm but held the other aloft and the white medical band dangled.

When he blinked, she couldn’t help noticing his lashes. Had they always been that long? She cleared her throat. She had to get herself together. His stay was almost over. He would be gone and she would leave CV-8. “Sorry.”

She moved closer to him, though everything in her warned her to run away. She steeled herself and reached for his wrist. An electric zing rolled up her arm. They both gasped. When she glanced down, Bane had his head averted, giving her a clear view of his profile. A strong profile showing the outline of his prominent jaw, the smooth line of his throat. Sitting as he was should have given her a height advantage but he towered over her.

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