Home > Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(37)

Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(37)
Author: Michelle Howard

“And the female?” Jaron asked. “Are we at least going to be able to keep her to face her crimes in the judiciary courts?”

The question may have been asked in a reasonable tone but Torkel didn’t miss the burning light in Jaron’s blue gaze nor the way his fingers flexed on the table. Torkel addressed Uri first. “No mention of Gordo. I’ve notified the Jutak Commander and he’s allowed a small grace period, then we must turn him over to be sent to the appropriate authorities.”

Where he’d hopefully be found guilty and remanded to a prison colony for the foreseeable future. Torkel returned to his seat and leaned his forearms on the table to meet Jaron’s gaze then Bane’s, who had remained silent so far. “Nothing about Targa who you have noted on your mission report as an alias for Mischka. We will question all three rigorously and see where their stories intersect or diverge.”

“I want to be there.”

Torkel sighed and ran a hand through his hair again. Based on the quick glance he’d taken on all of the reports submitted, Bane was in a romantic relationship with one of their prisoners. Or had been. The current status of the relationship wasn’t clarified. Hoping to convey his plan regarding that in a manner which would be accepted was going to be tricky.

“Bane, due to some of the information that has come to light, I believe it wouldn’t be wise to have you present for the interrogation of the prisoner known under the three alias’ Mischka, Dharma Volgi and Targa.”

“What?!” Bane shot out of his seat. “I have the right to be there, Torkel.”

His own anger rose in counterpoint to the aggression. It wasn’t often Torkel had a problem controlling what he attributed to his Marenian heritage, but the events of the day were catching up to him. Also, he hadn’t had more than a few minutes to see his Chosen and hug his daughter. That always put his frustration levels on high.

“Your judgment is potentially compromised, Bane. You had a physical relationship involving sex sharing with an important suspect. I can’t allow it.”

Bane kicked his chair and it toppled onto its side. Breathing heavily he planted his fists on the table. “No one stopped you from questioning Faye when she was suspected of working against the interest of the Jutak warriors. Specifically, using her romantic relationship with you for information to reveal sensitive details regarding missions which jeopardized every team member in here, including me.”

The ensuing silence crackled with tension. Jaron dropped his head back on his shoulders and slumped in his seat on a groan. “Oh, fuck.”

“Everyone out,” Torkel snapped.

Chairs scuffed, and boots clumped as the others left the meeting room without protest.


Every breath Bane drew was ragged. His heart pounded and heat rose from his skin. Being involved with Dharma...Mischka’s questioning was not something he was willing to budge on.

“Faye was my Chosen at the time of the events you’re referencing. I had the right to be at the center of whatever consequences she would face. It was my responsibility to see to her care.” Torkel enunciated each word.

Though Torkel remained in his seat, his muscles swelled in response to the anger he was containing. The innate action was a vivid reminder of Torkel’s Marenian heritage. Bane tried to calm his own raging emotions but it wasn’t working. He was too close to this. He wouldn’t, couldn’t bend. “It was still a personal relationship. You were compromised the moment she accepted credits for the presentation and you know it, Torkel.”

Torkel gritted his teeth and growled. “I almost lost my position as Unit Leader for Faye. Are you willing to do the same for this female? Are you telling me your feelings for her are so strong that you’d risk everything for her?”

Bane stilled. He ran Torkel’s questions through his mind on a loop and no matter how hard he searched, he didn’t find the answer. Letting go of his anger, Bane dropped into one of the vacated chairs with a muffled curse. “I don’t know.”

Sighing, Torkel shifted in his seat to face him better. “Because of my history with Faye and what happened, I understand more than anyone what you’re going through.”

“Then you know I have to be a part of her questioning. I need to know why, Torkel. Why she lied to me, why she lied about everything.” Bane paused, took a deep breath and released it. “I thought...I thought she was special. I wanted more. If given the chance, I would have pursued her for a relationship.”

Torkel studied his expression and Bane knew he could read the truth the moment Torkel cursed. “Fine! I suppose this couldn’t get any worse, the timing, all of it. We will question her together, Bane. After I speak with Nikol. I don’t want any hint of something coming out later, which could imply we didn’t follow protocol on this the right way.”

Bane relaxed in his chair, tension melting away. “Agreed.”

Torkel rose and gripped the back of his neck with both hands. “Now I need to find a way to get Kyele and Vee home safely while also preventing a war among three different worlds.”

Bane didn’t envy him. He was barely managing his own worry for his friends. “Is there anything I can do?”

Blowing out a breath, Torkel shook his head. “Settle down. Get some rest if possible because I have the feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to rest knowing Kyele and Vee are out there suffering who knows what.”

“Agreed. Their trackers seem to be active, so we’re attempting to locate them. I’ve also ordered Jaron to tear into Mischka’s history now that we have other names she’s used. I want to know everything about her and the connection to Lothar. If the trackers fail, we’ll use her as leverage as well.”

Bane sat for a moment. He wanted the same though his heart pounding against his ribs warned he might not like any of it.


“Do you have a plan?”

From her slumped position against the wall, Mischka glanced up and over to the left. It was a shame the medics had promptly healed the injuries Bane had inflicted on Gordo. She wanted him to suffer longer.

He sat on the single piece of furniture, legs sprawled across the bed. Once they landed on what she assumed to be Enotia, Bane and his friends had turned her and Gordo over to a waiting group in uniforms where they were then herded into a hover-car and taken here.

Here being a ten by ten room in a secured building surrounded by a wall and armed guards. Any other time and the closed in space would send her heart racing but the lighting and Gordo’s unpleasant presence held back the old anxiety. At least the restraints had been removed.

“What plan?” she reluctantly asked, though she wanted no parts of conversation with him.

He rolled over on his side and arched a brow, “Don’t pretend to be humble now, Mischka. Your Jutak warrior isn’t here to see the game played any longer.”

Mischka pursed her lips and looked around their cell. She didn’t see evidence of surveillance equipment, but had no doubt the Jutaks or whatever authority governed this place could watch if they chose. Listen too, probably. Gordo had always been a bit of a fool. “I’m not playing a game.”

He sat up abruptly, losing all signs of joviality. His eyes narrowed and his voice took on a rough rumble. “You had better be. I don’t intend to spend my years on a prison colony.”

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