Home > Marrying Mr. Wrong(28)

Marrying Mr. Wrong(28)
Author: Claire Kingsley

“You have my attention.”

“I spoke with Drew Easton from Easton Development this morning. They’re very interested in what we have going with Skyline.”

Easton Development wasn’t exactly a competitor, but they did operate in the same space, doing large-scale commercial real estate development. “Interested how?”

“They want to buy it.”

“No shit?”

With a self-satisfied smile, she pushed a piece of paper across my desk. “Yes. It’s basically a no-brainer. This isn’t official, just the terms we discussed over the phone.”

I scanned the bullet point list she’d drawn up.

“We should take it,” she said. “This is going to make you an obscene amount of money.”

My brow furrowed. It was going to make Althea an obscene amount of money, too. But if Easton bought us out now, our other investors weren’t going to see nearly the return than if we completed the project as intended.

“Would this break the existing contracts with our investors?”

“I admit, we’d be walking a line, but not so close that we risk litigation.”

I met her eyes. “So we’d screw them over, but only a little, and not enough that they’ll sue.”

She nodded. “Exactly.”

I tapped my fingers on my desk, mulling it over. Cox Development had a majority ownership in the project. It was my call. But this didn’t sit right with me. Shepherd Calloway hadn’t signed on so I could take his money and hand it back to him a few months later with a little bit on top for his trouble. He’d invested because he wanted to build something that had substance and value. True, if I sold now, I’d walk away with millions, but Calloway and my other investors wouldn’t.

“No.” I pushed the paper back to her. “We’re not selling.”


“If it was just us, I’d consider it. But our investors get the short end of the stick on this, and that’s not how I want to do business.”

“Who gives a shit? We’ll make enough money on this deal that we won’t need outside investors anymore.”

“I happen to give a shit. They’ll do better if we see this through to the end. A lot better.”

“Does this have anything to do with your…” She trailed off.

“My wife?”

“I was trying to come up with a more accurate term, since your so-called marriage is a joke. But yes. Does this have anything to do with her?”

“Why would it?”

“I don’t know. Because she works for Calloway. I’m just shocked you’re not even willing to consider their offer.”

“This is not about Sophie,” I said. “This is our project and I want to see it through.”

She paused, her face a stony mask. Was she going to argue with me? It could go either way with her.

As if she’d come to a decision, she picked up the paper and stood. “All right. It’s your decision. I’ll let Drew know. But for the record, I think this is a mistake.”

“Duly noted.”

Oliver came in carrying a silver tea tray. He and Althea cast each other quick glares.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said and swept out of my office.

“Pity she’s not staying for tea.” Oliver set the tray down and poured.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’re all broken up about that.” I took the teacup from him and grabbed a finger sandwich.

He sat in the chair Althea had vacated and swiped his phone screen. “Will you be in the office tomorrow?”

“I planned on it.”

“Good. You have a one o’clock finance meeting and a two o’clock with marketing.”

“Got it.”

“And don’t forget you have that dinner on Friday.”

I opened my calendar to see what he was talking about. It was being hosted by Irene Prager and her husband—one of my remaining Skyline investors. Definitely couldn’t miss that.

“Right. I’ll be there.” I sipped my tea.

“Is it on Sophie’s calendar, or do you need me to call her?”

“Why would it need to be on Sophie’s calendar?”

“Is that a serious question?”

“Sometimes I don’t know why I put up with you.”

“Because I can put up with you,” he said. “Everyone else at that dinner will be there with their spouse. If you want to avoid awkward questions, you should bring her.”

Leaning back in my chair, I groaned. “She’s not exactly happy with me right now.”

“Is the honeymoon over already? What’d you do?”

“Why do you assume it’s my fault?”

He raised his eyebrows and brought his teacup to his lips.

“Fine. I made an error in judgment. She called me out on it.”

“Good for her.”

“Whose side are you on?”

“Sophie’s, obviously.”

“Fuckin’ traitor.”

“I said you didn’t know what you were getting into.”

I pressed the tips of my fingers together. “What makes you the expert on my Sophie? For a guy who’s hardly spoken to her, you think you know her pretty well.”

“I just know she’s not like any woman you’ve dated since I’ve known you. And I don’t think she’s fooled by…” He paused and gestured to all of me. “All this.”

“I’m not fooling anyone. I am who I am.”

“She’s not awed by you, then. You’re used to women hanging off your arm, totally enamored with you. She’s not.”

He was right about that. Women usually loved me, and I didn’t have to try very hard. Having money helped, but even when I’d been a poor kid driving a beat-up pickup truck, I’d never had trouble with the ladies.

Was that why this was bothering me so much? I didn’t like striking out?

But Oliver had a point about this dinner party. I did need to bring Sophie. We were staying married so my investors didn’t balk again. If I didn’t bring my wife, they’d wonder why. Best to avoid those questions for now.

“Do you want me to call her?” Oliver asked. “She’s not mad at me.”

That was a tempting solution. Oliver could probably sweet talk her into it. Take care of the problem for me.

But I didn’t want to play it like that. It was up to me to talk to her.

“Nah. She’s my wife. I’ll call her.”

He chuckled. “You like calling her that. Don’t even pretend you don’t.”

I grunted noncommittally. “Get out of here. I don’t want an audience if she shoots me down again.”

“Fair enough.” He put down his teacup and left so I could make the call.

I brought up her office number and hit send.

“Mr. Calloway’s office. This is Sophie.”

That sweet, cheerful voice washed over me, refreshing as a cool drink on a hot day. “Hey there, sugar.”

“Oh. Hi, Cox.”

“Listen, I’m sorry about crashing yesterday. It was out of line.”

She paused for a second and I heard her intake of breath, like my apology surprised her.

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