Home > Marrying Mr. Wrong(42)

Marrying Mr. Wrong(42)
Author: Claire Kingsley

I’d been staying in his house for the last week and it was surprising how comfortable I was here. With him on a business trip in Houston, it could have been so awkward. Once I’d spent two weeks housesitting for one of my dad’s neighbors and I’d walked on eggshells the entire time, terrified I’d break or spill something and do irreparable damage. But somehow Cox’s big house felt a lot like home.

And I hadn’t broken or spilled anything. Yay, me!

He’d been busy on his trip, but we’d been texting in between meetings and in the evenings. Every night, he texted to say goodnight. He was acting very boyfriend-like, which I kind of loved. But it also left me wondering. Had I started dating my accidental husband? Where was this going? My resolve to protect my heart had crumbled and now, here I was, staying in his house, getting all fluttery in the tummy over his sweet texts.

My feet were tired from my heels, so I stepped out of them as soon as I got inside. It had been a long week. Not in a bad way, just an it’s Friday and I’m ready to take off my bra way. No one was here, so after I set down my purse, I undid the clasp and slid my bra right out of my shirt.

Ah. That was better.

I’d stopped to check the mail at my apartment after work, so I set my bra on the kitchen counter and thumbed through the envelopes. Bill. Bill. Another bill. Rolling my eyes, I sighed. Typical. I never had anything good in the mail. Always more bills. It seemed like they multiplied in my mailbox, those pesky notices getting it on like bunnies and making tons of little bill babies.

Actually, that wasn’t why I had so many bills. But it was a cuter reason than the truth.

Someone came out of the walk-in pantry and I shrieked, tossing the stack of envelopes in the air.

“It’s all right. It’s just me,” Oliver said.

I put my hand on my chest and took a deep breath. “You scared me. I didn’t realize you were here.”

“Sorry about that. I was just dropping off a few things before Cox gets home.”

I picked up the envelopes and put them in a haphazard stack. “Is your car out there?”

“I parked on the other side of his, so you probably didn’t see it.”

Oliver’s eyes flicked to the counter and I realized my bra was just sitting there. I snatched it off and put it behind my back, trying to get it out of sight.

Except… oh god, could he see my nipples through my shirt? It was a little chilly in here, and this blouse was form fitting and kind of thin, so they were probably—

I glanced down. Headlights were definitely on.

“You know what, I’m going to go change.”

Before he could say anything else, I rushed to the bedroom, my bra dangling from my hand.

I came out a few minutes later wearing a t-shirt and leggings with my weekend bra—which was properly lined. My hair was being particularly unruly today, so I tamed it back as best I could in a thick ponytail.

Oliver was still in the kitchen. “Sorry for the scare, love.”

“That’s okay. Did you bring over more tea?”

“I think Cox would have my head if I did. I didn’t think he knew I’d started stashing it at the office, but clearly I’m not as sly as I thought I was.”

“So, you like the girl who works there?”

“She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“Have you asked her out yet?”

Shaking his head, he leaned against the counter. “Not yet.”

“Why not?”

“God, I don’t know. I’m usually impossibly charming.” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “Can I be honest?”

“Of course.”

“I think I’m a bit afraid of her.”


“It’s hard to explain. Every time I go into that shop, I have it all worked out what I’m going to say. But then I get up to the counter and wind up asking some inane question about tea flavors and then just buying more, as if that was the only reason I’d stopped in.”

“Maybe you need to stop working out what to say ahead of time. Just say what comes to mind when you’re there.”

“Then I’ll probably wind up saying something idiotic, like I keep coming in here to buy tea just so I can see you smile.”

“What’s wrong with that? It’s adorable.”

“It’s ridiculous. Besides, I think she has a boyfriend.”

“How do you know?”

“I saw him pick her up after work one day.”

“Are you sure it was her boyfriend? He could have been her brother or her cousin or just a guy who’s a friend.”

“All right, to be fair, I didn’t see him do anything that proved he was her boyfriend. And it was a while ago.”

“I think you’re just using that as an excuse because she makes you nervous. And now you have this whole thing built up in your mind when really, it’s simple. Just be yourself. Tell her that maybe it sounds silly, but you keep coming in to buy tea just so you can talk to her. Trust me: She’ll think it’s cute. And if she does have a boyfriend, then you can let it go, knowing that at least you tried.”

“That’s… well, that’s very smart advice. Are you always this insightful?”

I smiled. “I have my moments.”

“Cox is awfully lucky to have you.”

“I don’t know about that, but thanks.”

“Well, I do. He needs more good people around him.”

For some reason, that made me think of Althea. I hadn’t told Cox about seeing her with Dominic last weekend. If I was going to bring it up—and I wasn’t totally sure I should—I wanted to do it in person.

“Oliver, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.”

“What do you think of Althea?”

He rolled his eyes dramatically. “You mean Maleficent? She’s the incarnation of evil.”

That was unexpected. “Really?”

“I’d say it’s because she’s a corporate lawyer, but I’ve met lawyers who are perfectly decent people. Althea masquerades as a good person, but that platinum blond hair of hers is hiding a black soul.”

“Then why does Cox work with her?”

“She’s cutthroat and ruthless, but that always works out in his favor, doesn’t it? He keeps her around because she’s very good at her job.”

“But is she unethical?”

“From what I’ve seen, she’s adept at walking the line. Not quite unethical, but she’s happy to bend the rules when it suits her.”

“Do you know if she’d have a reason to meet with Dominic Coates?”

His eyebrows lifted. “Not that I’m aware of. Why?”

“I’m pretty sure I saw them together last weekend. They met at a restaurant and went inside. I was across the street, but I’m almost positive it was them.”

“Does Cox know?”

“No, I haven’t seen him since, and it didn’t seem like the kind of thing to bring up in a text. Do you think I should mention it?”

“Absolutely. If Althea’s up to something, he needs to know about it.”

“Okay, then I’ll tell him.”

“Good. Just don’t let him walk away when you’re talking to him. He does that when someone’s telling him something he doesn’t want to hear.”

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