Home > The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers #1)(32)

The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers #1)(32)
Author: Carly Phillips

“Because Yorkshire Falls doesn’t have all that many right men.” Except Roman.

Charlotte shook the traitorous thought aside. He was the wrong man, right for only a few weeks, she brutally reminded herself. Then she turned her attention back to Beth. “What happened next?”

“I took a trip to New York. I’d always wanted to see a Broadway show and so I convinced my mom to go for the weekend. We stayed in a hotel, took in a show—my treat—and spent a nice weekend.” She bit down on her lower lip. “I sent Mom home on Sunday and on Monday I looked David up at his office. Things took off from there. A month later, we were engaged.”

“After you’d undergone implant surgery?”

Beth’s glance darted away. “He was amazing. So focused on me and my needs.”

On what he wanted to create, Charlotte thought. The man wasn’t interested in the incredible woman Beth already was. She downed a sip of soda. “Did you make a lot of trips there?”

Beth nodded. “And he came up most weekends after that. We had such incredible plans,” she said, her eyes lighting up with the memory, but the hint of sadness and reality remained. “He has this beautiful penthouse. You can see the East River and the shopping is incredible. There are baby stores galore. We agreed we wanted kids right away and he said he wanted me to stay home and raise them.”

“Can I ask you a personal question?” One Charlotte knew would sound judgmental and biased based on her mother’s experience, but in Beth’s case, Charlotte had a hunch she was dead-on accurate.

“Go ahead,” Beth said warily.

“A man with his money and your shared dreams—why didn’t he suggest you move to the city to be with him now? He could certainly afford it, so why be separated?”

“Because he believes in a traditional courtship! What’s so wrong with that? Not every man who doesn’t stay in Yorkshire Falls is a creep like your father.” Beth’s eyes opened wide, then filled with tears. “Oh, God, I’m sorry. That was an awful thing to say.”

“No, it was just honest,” Charlotte said softly. “I’m asking valid questions and you’re defensive. What are you afraid of, Beth?”

“That he’s found someone else that interests him more.” Her friend swiped at her eyes. “He’s been engaged before to a patient,” Beth admitted.

“To a patient?” Charlotte had a feeling Dr. Implant was more of a Svengali—a man who fell in love with his creations, not with the women inside the bodies he fixed, and one who lost interest once he discovered another project.

In Beth, he’d found the ideal subject, because despite her all-natural good looks, she’d never quite felt perfect, something Charlotte knew from their teenage years. Though she never was certain why.

“So he wasn’t interested until you decided to go along with his plastic surgery suggestions, was he?” Charlotte hoped she’d walked Beth through this painful realization slowly enough so as not to force the conclusion upon her.

“No,” she said softly. “And I’ve sensed the truth for a while. Even when he was here, he was distant. If we discussed anything, it was about changing me.” Beth’s eyes filled again. “How could I have been so stupid? So desperate?”

Charlotte grasped her friend’s hand. “You’re not stupid or desperate. Sometimes we see what we want to see because we want something so much. You wanted a man to love you.” She glanced down at the cola can in her hands. “We all want that.”

“Even you?”

Charlotte let out a laugh. “Mostly me. I’m just more aware of the pitfalls than most because I’ve seen what my mother went through trying to keep a man who didn’t want to be tied down.” She twirled the can between her palms. “Why would you think I don’t want more out of life? Like someone to love me?” Feeling the heat of Beth’s stare, Charlotte lifted her gaze.

“Because you’re so independent. You left, went after your dreams, came back, and fulfilled them. I stayed here in a dead-end job until you pulled me into fashion, something I’ve always loved. But it took your guts to get me to make a move in the right direction.”

“You had your reasons for staying, and they were right for you.” Charlotte glanced around her and took in the store, decorated in frilly white eyelet and lace. “I couldn’t have done all this alone. You’re partly responsible for our success. Look at this place and be proud. I am.” She settled her stare back on Beth, waiting until her friend acknowledged the truth with a small nod. “I’m not sure where the insecurity comes from, but now that you’re aware of it, you can work on strengthening your self-confidence.”

“The insecurity was always there. I doubt you know what that’s like—”

Charlotte shook her head. How could Beth view Charlotte’s less-than-perfect life through such blinders? “You are so wrong. Of course I understand insecurity. I just believe in working on it from the inside out, not the outside in. That explains the philosophy behind this shop!”

“I suppose I should take lessons.” Beth forced a smile. “Is Roman a part of that working on it you spoke of? You won’t let yourself get involved. Is it because you know what’s best for you?”

Charlotte sighed. Now how to explain to Beth her change regarding Roman? “Roman’s different. Our relationship is different.”

“Aha! So there is a relationship.”

“Short-term,” Charlotte qualified. “We both know the rules going in.”

“I always knew there was something between you two. Do you realize he only dated me after you two had gone out that one night and things didn’t work out?”

Charlotte shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to add to her friend’s insecurities. Besides, she’d never thought Roman turned to Beth on the rebound. Charlotte hadn’t let herself believe she’d meant that much to him. But thinking of it now, her stomach began to flutter at the possibility.

But Beth’s ego needed boosting right now, not Charlotte’s. “Give me a break. You were the perky head cheerleader. He couldn’t resist you,” she said, revealing what she’d believed in her heart at the time.

Beth rolled her eyes, amusement and humor back at last. “We had fun, but that’s all it was. Nothing serious or irresistible about it. I was getting over Johnny Davis, and Roman was getting over you.”

“Beth …”

“Charlotte …” her friend parroted, hands on her hips. “Now it’s my turn to explain some facts of life to you. There are different kind of guys and relationships. There’s the forever guy, and then there’s the rebound guy. Also known as the interim guy. The one you have fun with and move on. That was Roman for me, and me for him.” She paused in thought. “I think it’s time you figure out what Roman is for you.”

“How did you manage to turn this conversation back to me?” Charlotte asked.

“Because we’re friends, like you said. You need me as much as I need you.”

“Well, I promise to explain Roman to you one day.” When she could explain him to herself.

Beth glanced down at her watch. “I’ve got to go. Rick will be here any minute.”

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