Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(15)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(15)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

Red is getting sloppy with his work. I will have to talk to Capone about that. He not only left the location of the girls on a sticky note, but he also left the address of Bloody Scorpions’ Clubhouse. What if it wasn’t me in here? What if someone broke into our clubhouse and discovered all the information, they needed in one glance? This is unacceptable.

I turn to leave when I hear Daisy whistling. She’s humming a tune that I’ve heard before but can’t quite place where. I hurry to the door and crack it open. One prospect is facing towards the door, crowding Daisy’s space and she’s on the verge of a panic attack. She spots me and relief washes over her face. I see her turn her back to the prospect, getting him to move around her. When his back is to me, I slip out the door.

“Come on, baby. You know playing hard to get is a huge turn on.” I hear the prospect trying to hit on Daisy. “I can show you a good time if you’re game.”

“No, I’m good. Thanks anyway.” Daisy dismisses the prospect with a wave of her hand. He still isn’t giving up though and now I’m getting pissed.

“Oh, don’t be like that, baby.” He crowds his body into her and she’s trying to push him away.

“I said no.” Daisy is gasping for breath. Her chest is heaving up and down rapidly.

“No means yes, right?” Doesn’t this fucker get the hint?

I sneak up behind him and when he tries to touch Daisy, I grab his hand. I put pressure on the spot between his thumb and pointer finger, yanking his hand behind his back.

“What the fuck!” The prospect squeals.

“I think the lady told you no.” I press down harder. Prospect drops to his knees, gritting his teeth. “Now apologize to my friend.” He opens his mouth then shuts it again. I squeeze his hand harder. I can feel the bones crunching together under my fingertips. “Now,” I growl.

“I’m sorry. There is that good enough.” He whines in pain.

I release his hand and shove him forward with my foot. He falls face first and scrambles to get up. Prospect turns around like he’s going to do something and I raise an eyebrow with my hands on my hips. “You better think again, prospect. If you want to make it in this club, learn this lesson real quick. No does not mean yes. And if you want to hit a woman, be prepared to have the whole MC on your ass. We don’t tolerate that shit here.” I turn my attention to Daisy. “You good?”

“Yeah, thanks, Monica.” Daisy wraps her arms around her waist, trying to get her shivering under control.

“C’mon, girl. I’ve got some stuff to do.” Daisy rises from the stool but before she follows me, she turns toward the prospect.

“I’m not what you guys call a club whore. I don’t like to be touched. Next time,” Daisy reaches into the pocket of her jeans pulling a knife out. Holy shit. Where in the hell did, she get that? Daisy flicks it open and points the blade at the prospect, “Next time, I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat. I’m sick of you men thinking you can touch me whenever you want. Unless I give the go ahead, don’t fucking touch me.” With that she turns on her heels, leaving the prospect standing there stunned.

I must have the same expression on my face because Daisy slows her steps down. Her eyes are turning red like she will cry. “Am I in trouble?”

“Hell, the fuck no, girl. I’m surprised.”

“It felt good to finally be able to defend myself.” She closes the knife with expert precision and puts it back in her front jeans pocket.

“Well now that’s out of the way, we need to get out of here.” I loop my arm through Daisy’s and lead her away from the still stunned prospect.

We walk down the corridor that leads to where the guys park their bikes. I cross over to the shelf and find a set of keys hanging on the hook. I snatch them down and together Daisy and I approach the door that leads out of the garage. I open it and peek outside. The moon shines brightly onto the parking lot and the heat from the day blasts me in the face.

“Quickly, before they realize what we’re up to.” I push the door open further and make my way to a sleek black Dodge Charger, Daisy right on my heels. I hit the button to unlock the doors and we climb inside. I push the button to fire her up and turn the air conditioner on full blast. I pull out of the parking spot and head right for the gates. No one is out here watching who comes in and out. I park the car, hurry over to the button hidden in the wall and the gates buzz. I hurry back to the car and wait as the gate slowly rolls open. I nudge my way through and park the car. I get out again and push another hidden button on the side of the guard shack. The gates buzz again and roll shut. I peel out leaving tire marks and dust behind me.

“Wow, all that and no one knows we left?” Daisy questions.

“I’m sure someone was alerted. Those gates have a wireless connection to the guys’ phones.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, my phone lights up with an incoming call. Blayze’s name flashes across the screen. He’s going to be pissed I left. I swipe the red button sending him to voicemail. My phone lights up again. This time Capone’s name flashes across the screen. I hesitate to send him to voicemail. I do it anyways. If they know what we’re up too, they’ll try to stop us.

“Are you going to get into trouble?” Daisy asks.

“Probably.” I shrug my shoulders. My phone lights up again with another incoming call from Blayze. I ignore it and continue to drive. “If they would’ve let me come along, I wouldn’t have to do this behind their backs.”

My phone rings again. Blayze. Maybe I should answer it. My finger hesitates over the green answer button but at the last second, I power down my phone. “There. Now they can’t call.” I’m not stupid enough to remove the battery. If I get into trouble, they’ll be able to track me.

“What’s the plan?”

“We get to where they’re holding Danyella, sneak in, get her out and come back here,” I say it as simply as I can.

“It’s not going to be that simple. They have guards everywhere.”

“That’s what you’re here for. You know their rotations and when they’re busy. You know which guard would rather get his dick wet, even by force than, do his job.”

Daisy shudders and closes her eyes. “Yeah, I do. If J.J. is there, then all bets are off. That little fuck had no right to do what he did to me.”

“Was that the first time someone forced themselves on you?” I ask as gently as I can.

She nods her head. “Yes. And I want to cut off his balls for taking that power away from me.”

“You’ll get your chance. I’ll make sure of it.” I squeeze her hand and put my hands back on the steering wheel.

“Thank you again, Monica,” Daisy replies. “I was so scared when Drew dropped me off.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad it was me who found you.” I give her a small smile. This girl has been through so much in her young life I hope and pray she will find some normalcy when this is over.

Thirty minutes later, I pull up to a building and park the car. “We’re here,” I state into the quietness of the car. I check the loaded nine-mil and tuck it in the holster. Then I check to make sure the knife is still tucked in my boot and another one at my back. Once I’m satisfied, I look over at Daisy. She’s playing with the hem of her t-shirt.

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