Home > Make It Sweet(40)

Make It Sweet(40)
Author: Kristen Callihan

“Fussy,” he repeated, as though the word was a snake.

“Fussy.” I plopped onto the plush bed and kicked off my sandals. “To be fair, I didn’t expect the whole ‘one room to bind them’ deal either.”

He huffed in reluctant amusement, then crossed his beefy arms over his chest and quirked a brow as I continued.

“But unless we want to embarrass our hosts, which I don’t, and go find a hotel somewhere, which will be less private, we’re stuck with it. So we might as well be adults and suck it up.”

“You’re okay with this?” He stared down at the bed like it just might up and grab him.

“Are you going to try something on me without my permission?”

“No,” he spat, clearly disgusted I’d even suggested it.

I fought a smile. “Do you think I’m going to try something on you without your permission?”

His eyes narrowed. “I get the point, Em.”

I let my amusement show. “It’s a king bed. And granted, you are a big guy, but there’s plenty of room.”

Lucian rolled his shoulders and went to set his bag by the far wall. “How very grown up of you.”

“I like to think so.”

“Hmm.” The sidelong look he slanted toward me sent a bolt of heat and nerves straight through my lying soul. Because I was lying my ass off. The idea of sharing a bed with Lucian Osmond was daunting. I just might roll over in my sleep and cling to him like a monkey. I couldn’t trust my base self not to touch him. In all honesty, I barely trusted myself not to reach for him when I was awake.

Truly, I hadn’t thought this thing out very well either. But I was an actress. I could act like I was fine. But I didn’t think I’d fooled Lucian. The man had a way of seeing right through me. It was damn inconvenient.

Against my will, my gaze slid over the rest of the bed for the briefest moment. It was a big white affair with fluffy pillows and a downy quilt. The temptation to grab Lucian by the hand and say, “To hell with it; just fuck me, please, I beg you” was so strong that my bones vibrated, my breasts growing heavy underneath my top.

Would he do it? Would he drop all his walls and blockades and give me relief from this relentless wanting? Or would he give me that look that said he thought I was ridiculous and then flee the room?

He was giving me a look now, cautious but considering. Exactly what he was considering, I didn’t know. And that was the maddening part.

There were times when I felt as though I knew this man on a bone-deep level that defied how long we’d been in each other’s lives. Something about Lucian made sense to me. I couldn’t explain it further than that. And yet he’d told Delilah and Saint to call him Luc.

Embarrassment uncoiled in my belly. I didn’t even know what name he liked to be called. It felt awful, strange. Reminding me that I didn’t know this man who I’d be sharing a room with at all.

“Should I not call you Lucian?” I blurted out, all needy and uncertain.

A small wrinkle formed between stern brows. “I told you to call me that.”

“You also told me to call you Oz. And for Dee and Saint to call you Luc.”

“I know.” One hand set on his narrow hips, he swiped the other hand over his mouth. “I sound addlepated.”

“Addlepated,” I repeated with a smile.

His answering grin was swift and brilliant, and it took a little of my breath with it. “A Mamie term.”


His grin faded. “People have always either called me Oz or Luc. That’s what I’m used to. But with you . . .” He paused, his lips parted and that frown returning, reluctant and annoyed. And he shrugged, more like a roll of his shoulder, as though he were trying to loosen the tension there. “You’ve called me Lucian from the start. It sounds right.”

Warmth spread through me, slow like honey.

Our gazes collided and held as something simmered between us. Lucian’s lids lowered in lazy perusal. Of me on the bed. I didn’t miss the way his nostrils flared on a drawn-in breath, the way his dusky skin darkened. A pulse beat in my neck, steady, hard.

“Lucian . . .” It rolled over my tongue like cream.

Honey and cream. I wanted to pour both over those tight abs of his and just lick.

Perhaps he knew that, because he jerked straight. His jaw twitched, and those wintergreen eyes told me to behave. But I didn’t want to. I wanted to tease and tempt him the way he tempted me.

One night sharing a bed with Lucian. I didn’t think I’d survive it.





That bed. That fucking bed. It would be the bane of my existence for the next twenty-four hours. That and the image of Emma sitting on the edge of it with a witchy smile that all but dared me to tumble her back and fuck her into the soft covers.

If she wanted to pretend there was absolutely no temptation in sharing a bed, fine. But I saw the faint flush in her cheeks as she looked up at me, the way her lips parted like an invitation to take a taste. And that made it worse. So much worse. If I thought for a second that she had no interest in me, I would grit my teeth and suffer through a night in bed with her without another thought.

But knowing she would be suffering too? That was another matter altogether. It felt like a physical imperative to ease her need and thus ease mine. And then what? When the sweat cooled, we’d still be the same people, me with a life going nowhere, while Emma’s was open to countless possibilities.

Before, when I was a cocky son of a bitch, I wouldn’t have cared about the after. I would have gone for what I wanted and damned the consequences. Now, everything felt too fragile, too real. There was a good chance I’d cling to Emma like a lifeline. And the humiliation of that prospect, when she would soon be moving on, was too much.

I had some pride left. I’d cling to that instead. And resist temptation.

Sure you will, Ozzy boy.

In an attempt to do right by Emma, I’d forgone my usual jeans and T-shirt and put on a fine-knit-collar top and wool slacks, the kind of thing I’d wear for interviews. I regretted the choice now. The collar, though unbuttoned at the top, still managed to choke me. And the slacks, while loose fit, felt clinging. Shit, everything clung and pulled. I needed air. Lots of it.

Emma still sat on the bed, one leg curled beneath her, the other hanging off the edge and slowly swinging like a pendulum. Every time her lower leg swayed, her toned thigh would bunch, then ease. The movement was hypnotic. I wanted to set my hand there and feel that firm golden flesh.

“What do you want to do now?” she asked. So very innocently. That leg kept swaying.

Devil woman.

“I need air.” Without waiting for a response, I fled the fucking room.

Emma’s soft laughter followed me. “Have fun exploring.”

Yep. She knew. This was going to be hell.

It was quiet in the hallway, abandoned for the moment. I leaned against the wall and tried to level my breathing. Didn’t help to kill the stiffness in my dick. It pushed out my pants in a bulge that even I thought looked obscene. Emma had to have seen it. And God, she was good at riling me up. I had absolutely no idea what she thought of it. I wanted to turn around and ask.

Hell, I wanted to turn around and show her. Beg her to give me some relief. I’d be good; I’d return the favor with interest. God, I wanted that. I just plain wanted.

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