Home > Make It Sweet(70)

Make It Sweet(70)
Author: Kristen Callihan

The moment Lucian glided onto the ice, holding the hand of a little girl with a dark ponytail and a beaming smile, the stadium erupted into a ruckus of cheers. Goose pimples prickled over my skin.

He really did look like a man mountain in full gear, huge and eternal. His smile was the same tight one he’d given me before we’d parted, but as he continued to wave, and the crowd continued to holler and cheer, a real smile broke free—fleeting and shy—and my eyes burned with unshed tears.

“He looks good,” May observed.

Of course he did. But it struck me that people might have assumed that Lucian had been diminished and sickly upon retirement. Is that what he feared they’d see when he came here? Either way, he was right in guessing that a lot of attention would be directed his way.

But he didn’t show any tension as he took his place with the others, and they soon started a mock game, the guys working with the kids. I spotted Brommy and Anton on the ice, each of them helping out their own kid. But my eyes mainly stayed on Lucian. God, he was so good with the little girl he’d been paired with. Good with all of them.

He moved like he was born on the ice. And it broke my heart just a little bit more. I wanted to wrap him up and hold him close, this big strong man who’d been through so much in such short order.

“I can’t believe he showed,” said a woman behind me. I didn’t turn but watched Lucian instead as her friend answered.

“I thought he couldn’t skate.”

I had no idea if they were talking about Lucian, but the chances were good, and my back went stiff, my ears homing in on their conversation.

“Well, he was an absolute mess when I left. Wouldn’t even get out of bed.”

“Oh, how sad. You poor thing.”

My brow raised at that.

“I know. But it was for the best. He wasn’t the man I thought he was, and I needed to move on.”

“Such a shame. Ozzy would have been a legend.”

“No more. Now he’s just a . . .” An expansive breathy sigh stirred my hair. “A sideshow.”

At that, I turned around. I couldn’t help it. My hackles were up, and anger coiled in my belly. At my side, May stiffened too. Clearly she’d heard them as well.

Two women—one pale and blonde, one tanned and brunette—stood affecting tragic expressions. The blonde, who had to be Cassandra, was beautiful in the way of a catalog model: flawless but almost doll-like. It was uncharitable to liken her to a Barbie, but I wasn’t feeling very generous at the moment.

Her big brown eyes locked onto me, and she gave me a bright smile. “Oh my God, are you Emma Maron?”

“I am.” The words barely got past my locked jaw. I wanted to slap this woman. Which was a shock; I’d never wanted to raise a hand to anyone. Not even Greg when I’d found him cheating. But my hand twitched at my side.

Cassandra didn’t seem to sense the danger and leaned closer. “I’m a huge fan of your show. Cassandra Lavlin. My fiancé is Adam Cashon.” She looked at me expectantly.

“How nice.” I wanted to turn away. I wanted to lay into her. I stood frozen.

She blinked, obviously expecting more. “And you’re with?”

“Lucian Osmond.”

It was fairly gratifying to watch the color leach from her face.

“Oh. I . . . ah . . . I know Luc . . . Lucian, that is.”

“I know.”

“You do?” She appeared pleased at this and glanced toward the ice.

It didn’t take any special talent to know she was looking at Lucian.

You don’t deserve to set eyes on him.

“Yes, his cousin Anton said Lucian had been engaged to a woman named Cassandra.”

Her smile was a little less steady now, and she eyed me with wariness.

“How lucky for you to find another fiancé so soon.”

May made a strangled noise of amusement, and Cassandra’s friend glared.

“Uh . . .” Cassandra’s nose wrinkled, and I knew she was trying to work out if I’d insulted her. “Thanks.”

My answering smile was glacial. “I really should thank you.”

“Thank me?” Confused brown eyes blinked rapidly.

“Yes. If you hadn’t walked out on Lucian, I might not have met him. He’s the best man I’ve ever known. So thank you.”

At that, I turned my back on her. I could have said more, said worse, but she wasn’t worth it. I moved to sit, but her hand on my arm stopped me. She’d stepped away from her friend and faced me on the stairs.

“Look, I know it sounded bad, what I was saying about Luc. But you should know hockey defines him. Without it, he’s nothing more than a shell.”

“You’re wrong. He’s so much more than that.”

Her smile was tight and wary. “I hope for your sake that’s true. Because the man I knew wasn’t capable of loving anything more than the sport.”

As though feeling my gaze, Lucian’s head lifted, and his gaze collided with mine. Something light and sweet flashed in his eyes, and he smiled, giving me a wave. His smile dimmed when he clearly spotted Cassandra with me. I pushed a wide smile, but he didn’t return it.

At my side, Cassandra took it all in. “Good luck with Luc.”

She left then, heading for the boards. The program was over, and the players were meeting and greeting more fans and parents. My heels clicked on the concrete stairs as I descended, matching the pounding of my heart. I wanted to touch him, hear his voice, be close to him. I needed that.

Lucian skated up to meet me, beautiful man mountain that he was. He looked down at me from his great height with tenderness and affection, but his jaw was set in a hard line. “She bother you?”

He sounded as though he’d very much make an issue of it if I said yes. Lucian cared. He cared so much he rarely let anyone see it. But I saw him. I leaned in, resting my belly on the boards. “No, she doesn’t bother me. Does she bother you?”

“No.” His smile was tight, worried. “Not anymore.”

I searched his face, wanting to reassure him, wanting him. “That woman did not deserve you.”

Light filled his eyes with a quiet happiness. “We were poorly suited. I was meant for you.”

“Kiss me.”

Lucian’s mouth twitched, but the tension left him. “There’s a lot of press around, Snoop. You okay with being seen as mine?”

“That depends. Are you okay with being seen as mine?”

His gloved hand slipped behind my neck to cup my nape. “I’ll wear a name tag declaring it if you want, honey.” He kissed me, soft and deep and long.

I felt it in my belly, in the clench of my chest that filled with both longing and satisfaction. My hands found the bulky pads of his shoulders, and I clutched his jersey as I kissed him back. It wasn’t until I heard a wolf whistle and Brommy’s familiar voice catcalling us that I eased back.

Lucian smiled at me, a private look that promised more later.

“You were terrific,” I said a little breathlessly, not willing to move away from him.

The corners of his mouth curled. “It was fun.” He gave the back of my neck a squeeze. “Come on; I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

A long carpet had been placed on the ice for people to walk on and say hello. Lucian led me to a group of guys, all of them towering over me in their skates. I met Lucian’s friends, the people who’d been such a huge part of his life.

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