Home > Somebody to Love (Blessings, Georgia #11)(33)

Somebody to Love (Blessings, Georgia #11)(33)
Author: Sharon Sala

   Hunt felt like his future was on a roll. Loving Ava was bringing his years of exile to an end in the most marvelous way.

   “What now?” he asked as he dumped their trash.

   Ava pointed to the swings.

   “For old times’ sake, would you push me in the swing like you used to do when I was little?”

   Hunt wrapped her up in a bear hug and felt the chill of her cheek against his.

   “I would be honored,” he said, and then laughed when she tore out of his arms and took off running.

   By the time he caught up, she was in the swing, her long legs dangling, waiting.

   He got behind her and gave her a quick push, and when she swung back, he pushed harder, and then again, and again, until she was leaned back in the swing, her dark hair flying out behind her, laughing.

   Hunt watched with tears in his eyes, his heart so full of love for her that it hurt to draw breath.



Chapter 10

   Richard Borden was inconsolable. There was nothing to be said to make what he’d done okay. He’d worked at the bank for years, but he didn’t go in today. He couldn’t stop crying and was so sick to his stomach that he couldn’t stand without feeling like he was going to pass out. From the moment it happened, he hadn’t stopped praying, and he didn’t know how he was going to take another breath if that little boy died.

   It was nearing 5:00 p.m. when Richard’s cell phone rang. When he realized it was Chief Pittman calling, his heart nearly stopped. His voice was shaking as he answered.

   “This is Richard.”

   “Richard. Chief Pittman here. The Randolph family called and asked me to let you know that Davey’s surgery is over and it was successful. He’s still in the ICU and in critical condition, but his prognosis is good. They know you were at fault, but they also know their child ran into the street. They’re being very generous, and I hope you appreciate their intentions to let you know.”

   Richard dropped his head and started sobbing.

   “Oh my God, thank you, thank you for letting me know. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get behind the wheel of a car again, but that doesn’t matter as long as that child heals and lives a long and happy life.”

   “Understood,” Lon said. “Have a nice night.”

   “You too, Chief. Thank you again.”

   Richard put down the phone, then went to tell his family that their prayers had been answered.

   * * *

   At the same time Richard Borden was receiving good news, Dan Amos was about to be on the receiving end of some not-so-good news.

   He was in his office posting invoices, entering rental payments, and smelling all of the good stuff Alice was making for supper, when he heard footsteps coming up the hall. He thought it was Alice coming to tell him supper was ready, but it was his son, Charlie, and Booger, the family bloodhound.

   Booger ambled over to where Dan was sitting, and Dan stopped what he was doing to give Booger a scratch on the head.

   “Hey, Booger… Hey, Charlie.”

   “Hey, Dad, can I talk to you a minute?”

   Dan nodded, thinking how tall Charlie had grown since he and Alice had gotten married, and pointed to the chair at the end of his desk.

   “Absolutely. What’s on your mind, buddy?”

   Charlie closed the door behind him, and when Booger moved to sit between his legs, he reached down and patted the old hound.

   Dan frowned. He’d been a lawyer too long not to recognize someone with a problem, and when Charlie looked up, Dan knew he’d been right.

   “Charlie…son…what’s wrong?”

   “If you knew someone was going to do something wrong…something bad…would you tell?”

   “Yes,” Dan said.

   “Even if they are sort of my friends?” Charlie asked.

   Dan hesitated a moment. “Uh…now I need to ask you something.”

   “Okay,” Charlie said.

   “Are all of your friends the kind of people who do bad things…wrong things?” Dan asked.

   Charlie frowned. “Well, no! Of course not!”

   “Do you admire these friends of yours who are going to do something wrong? Do you want to be like them?” Dan asked.

   Charlie was silent a few moments, and then he sighed.

   “No…no, I don’t.”

   “Then what am I missing here? If you know a crime is going to be committed and you say nothing, you’re abetting the crime. And if innocent people are hurt or killed in the act of that crime, you’re partly responsible. Does that make anything clearer for you?” Dan asked.

   Charlie inhaled sharply. “I was in the Crown getting dog food for Booger and overheard two guys talking about robbing Mr. Phillips and stealing his car when he locks up tonight.”

   Dan frowned. “Their names?”

   Charlie sighed. “Teddy and Brian Hollis.”

   “The Hollis family who rents one of our properties?”

   Charlie nodded.

   “Damn it,” Dan said. “Do they know you overheard them?”

   Charlie shook his head. “No.”

   “You’re certain?”

   “Yes, sir,” Charlie said.

   “Don’t say anything about this to anyone else. I’m calling Chief Pittman. If they show up, he’ll be ready for them, and if they don’t, then all the better,” Dan said, and stood. When Charlie got up, Dan hugged him. “You did the right thing, Charlie. I’m proud of you.”

   Charlie hugged him back. “Thanks, Dad. I was scared. I didn’t know what to do about it.”

   “When you become a man, you will carry a man’s burdens. But for now, stuff like this is what parents are for. Go help your mom with supper. I’ll be along shortly.”

   Charlie nodded and left the office, but Dan was already on the phone, calling the police station.

   * * *

   Lon Pittman was shutting down his computer and getting ready to go home when his phone rang. He glanced at the clock, then sighed and reached for the phone.

   “Blessings PD.”

   “Chief, this is Dan Amos. I need to tell you something,” Dan said and then proceeded to repeat the story Charlie told him.

   Lon’s thoughts were racing. It was a little bit after five, but the pharmacy didn’t close until six thirty.

   “Thanks for the heads-up,” Lon said. “If the Hollis brothers do show up, we’ll be waiting for them.”

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