Home > Truth Be Told (Blackbridge Security # 4)(16)

Truth Be Told (Blackbridge Security # 4)(16)
Author: Marie James

Instead of answering me, Alex stands. “He’s doing just fine. We could be doing just fine, living in St. Louis instead of this shitty house in this disgusting town, but no. You had to fuck it all up because your feelings got hurt. Thanks a lot for ruining my life before I was even born.”

He storms away, slamming his bedroom door before I can even get on to him for his foul language. The tears, now a familiar part of my daily life, begin to fall. Despite my kid only ten yards away in his bedroom, I already feel like I’ve lost him.

I want to rail on Ignacio. I want to put all the blame for this entire situation, for every messed-up thing in my life on his shoulders, but how fair would that be? I’ve been living behind my lies for years and years, and I only have myself to blame. Alex is right. I ruined everything because my feelings got hurt. As much as I’d like to think I’d do things differently if I were a little older, a little more mature when that confrontation happened with Ignacio, I know we’d end up right back here. My stubborn streak is a mile wide, and my broken heart would make me act the very same way.



Chapter 11


I hate to admit the amount of time I spent sitting in my truck around the crappy gas stations in town just waiting to see if Alex showed back up. I hate that I haven’t seen him in three days, but I’m also ecstatic that he isn’t out on the street dealing. I wouldn’t put it past Cedric to have relocated him, though. Poppa always had a plan to keep business rolling when heat was coming down in different areas. I don’t imagine things have changed much since I’ve been gone. From what I noticed, there is much less police presence around here than I remember, but I was a diligent, paranoid kid, and probably felt like I saw more cops than I did. Also, as a man wanting more cops around, of course it doesn’t seem like enough. There could be two on every corner and I’d still spot areas that could use three.

With Alex not showing up over the weekend or yesterday, I pray the kid is in school. I crank the truck and head in that direction. I can’t talk to Tinley right now because we can’t seem to have a conversation without blowing up at each other, but I know there’s information I can obtain from Mike Branford.

After talking with Wren last night, I woke to an email filled with family law rules in Texas. I spent the better part of my morning familiarizing myself with the information, and I’m confident I’m going to walk away from the school today with exactly what I need.

I hate building a case against Tinley, and I only plan to use it if I’m forced to so, but this isn’t about the love I once had for a girl. My son has become my number one priority in my life, and there’s no way I can leave him in a volatile situation. It’s only a matter of time before he gets arrested or worse, killed because of the work he’s doing for Cedric Ramirez. I can’t stand by and let that happen.

A light, afternoon drizzle is falling from the sky, making steam rise up from the cracked asphalt parking lot as I walk toward the school. The humidity in Texas is something I never wanted to experience again, and if things go my way, I won’t have to deal with it much longer.

The same receptionist glares at me from her desk chair, but her hand is picking up the phone before I can even open my mouth to make my request.

“He’s helping out in a class right now,” she explains as she lowers the receiver. “You’ll have to wait a while.”

I nod in understanding and take a seat. The chairs are empty this afternoon, but I know that probably won’t last long. I sit in the middle spot instead of possibly forcing two kids who may have issues with each other to sit side by side. I know I would’ve hated that as a kid and would probably have ended up in another altercation in the middle of the office if I was forced to do so.

Five minutes turns into fifteen, and then into forty-five. The overhead bells ring three different times, and Mike Branford never darkens the door. I replay the way he looked at me, the way he spoke about Alex that first day, and it hits me that he either knows for sure, or suspects that he’s my son. I’m sure he’s had enough interactions with Tinley because of Alex’s behavior to realize who she is. We were inseparable in high school, and Mike’s science class was no different. I loved his class in particular because instead of desks, the room was filled with workstations—a long table with two independent chairs. It meant I could pull her close, position her chair between my legs so she could lean against my chest comfortably for the entire class period. If he knows who Tinley is, then he knows Alex is mine. That may be the reason he leaves me sitting in the front office waiting for him until the final bell of the day echoes through the halls and all the kids hustle to get away until they have to do it all over again tomorrow.

Another half hour goes by before the receptionist assures me that he’s on his way before gathering her things to leave for the day herself.

The school is eerily quiet, and it makes me think back to the time several of us broke into the building to vandalize it. I’m not proud now of the things I did back then, but I can admit that I had fun while it was happening. The thrill of getting caught while doing something that bad made me want to seek that adrenaline rush over and over. I was a holy damn terror back in the day.

“You’re still here?” Mike asks as he walks in, offering his hand to shake.

“Hoping I’d be gone already?”

He huffs a humorless laugh.

“You know why I’m here.”

“I imagine you came back and found some things out. Sorry to hear about your grandfather.”

I haven’t thought about the reason that brought me down here in days. Mateo Costa was cremated after he passed last week, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to leave his ashes behind in the house with all of his other possessions when I leave town again.

“I’m not here to talk about him. I want to know about Alex. Did you know he was my son?”

“I suspected,” Mike says as he walks through the front room toward his own office. He stops by a filing cabinet, pulling a thick file before settling behind his desk. “Tinley all but confirmed it the last time he got into trouble.”

“You didn’t call me or tell me?”

“I didn’t know you didn’t know until that day you showed up here. When he ran into you, there was no recognition on your face.”

“I never knew.” I feel like I have to say those words to this man. He’s helped me more times than I can count, gave me way too many breaks. I don’t want him thinking I abandoned my child and just walked away. “She should’ve told me.”

“I agree. She should’ve, but if I know Tinley, and I think I do, I know she was a scared young woman back then. From what I heard around school and how you acted after she left, you didn’t exactly make it easy for her to confess something so life changing.”

Of course, it would get back to him how I told her I was using her the entire time. I told it to my friends more than once before I left—drunken words from a heartbroken boy who wished things were different. Back then, I was still saving face for a crowd that had no bearing on much of my life in the two plus years I spent with that woman.

“I didn’t, and I was already gone by the time she decided I needed to know.”

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