Home > Truth Be Told (Blackbridge Security # 4)(24)

Truth Be Told (Blackbridge Security # 4)(24)
Author: Marie James

She’s a fucking wreck. Her hair is disheveled like she’s been running worried hands through it all day. Her eyes are swollen and puffy. Her lips set in a hard line.

Alex sees it all too, and it only takes one quick look at her before he pulls away and runs into her arms. He’s intuitive, knowing the news she’s going to share is bad. The kid has been dealt so many blows, I’d bet he’s been expecting terrible news since before we left the ballfield.

“How’s Nanny?” he asks when he pulls away.

It’s clear Tinley is reluctant to let him go, but she gives him space. My own arms itch to fill the void between them, but I keep my feet locked in place wondering if I should leave and give them privacy or stay to offer any help I can in this situation.

“Did you win your game?”

“Mom,” Alex groans. “Just tell me.”

She turns, guiding him to sit on the sofa. The sound of my strong boy clearing his throat to shove down his own emotions makes the backs of my own eyes burn.

How many times has he had to be strong for those that he loves?

Even once is enough to make me wish I could change everything in the world to keep him safe and happy.


Tinley wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand, and in desperate need to let her know I’m still here, I offer her a box of tissues from the side table.

“Nanny is really sick.”

“But the doctors are making her better, right?”

Tinley shakes her head. “No, baby. The doctors can’t fix her this time. The medicine they gave her for the cancer didn’t work.”

“So, they try something else,” he bargains, unwilling to accept what his mother is trying to tell him.

“There are no other treatments.”

“Because we’re poor.” He turns his head, glaring at me, the accusation clear as day.

“No.” With a soft hand on his cheek, Tinley turns his face back to focus on hers. “The doctors did everything they could. She’s had the best medical care that’s available.”

I know that’s a lie, but I appreciate the olive branch she offers me in such a terrible time.

“She’s going to d-die?” Emotion clogs his throat.

“She will no longer be in any pain.”

His eyes glaze over before tears stream over his lashes. He looks away, and I know that effort and the anger at wanting to be brave but failing. I experienced it many times growing up. I hate that he’s going through it now.

He’s stiff at first when Tinley pulls him against her chest in a hug, but it only takes seconds for him to melt into her embrace and begin to sob.

“I want to see her.” His words are muffled against her shirt, but the pain he’s feeling is obvious.

Unable to maintain the distance, I cross the room and sit on the other side of him, placing my hand on his back and praying he doesn’t lash out at me in an effort to release the anger that has to be pumping through his body and filling his head with urges to expel it any way he can but knowing his mother doesn’t deserve it.

He stiffens at first but doesn’t shove me away.

I meet Tinley’s gaze over his shoulder, giving her a quick nod and smile when she mouths, Thank you.

Tinley holds him as she explains that Brooke will be transported back to the house tomorrow and placed on hospice. The explanation dives deep when she has to explain what hospice is and the services they provide, making me realize that just because Alex is street smart there are many things he still doesn’t understand about how the world works.

They sit, talking for over an hour as I listen. Neither of them defers to me. He doesn’t ask questions, and Tinley doesn’t involve me, but I don’t feel excluded until Alex, having worn himself out, stands from the sofa, explaining that he’s going to bed, before walking out of the room without acknowledging me at all.

I do my best not to take it personally, but it still hits me hard. I wouldn’t say the lack of his attention is a step back, but it’s definitely an eye-opener to just how far we still have to go.

The second Alex’s bedroom door closes, Tinley’s shoulders slump forward, small gasps of pain escaping her lips despite pressing her fingers to her mouth to keep him from hearing her.

On instinct, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her to my chest the very same way she did Alex.

She lets it happen, letting herself yield to my touch without hesitation. I’m hit instantly with memories, with emotions, with want and need and everything in between.

I breathe her in, letting myself get lost in the familiar scent of the lotion she used so many years ago as I rub soothing circles on her back.

How have I gone without this for so long?

I’m hit with the loss of her all over again, the need to rush out of here and get drunk for days straight like I did last time almost becoming unbearable.

Explaining why I did what I did back then to Alex was hard. They’d be impossible to explain to Tinley without confessing how I’ve always felt. How much I’ve missed her since my eyes tracked her walking into this very house. How I regretted the words the second they left my mouth, how I never stopped loving her.

Even as angry as I am now for the lies, I love this woman. I don’t see a future that ends with us being together and happy, but I’ll never love another the way I love her. That truth makes me want to sob the way Tinley is right now in my arms.

I clear my throat, making her stiffen in my arms as if she’s just now realizing who has been holding her while she broke down.

“I’m sorry. I—” She pulls back some, sniffling and wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand.

“Shh,” I tell her, using my thumb to brush away new tears as they continue to fall.

She licks at her lips, and if there was ever a wrong time to track the swipe of her tongue over her pink lips, it’s now.

Doesn’t stop me from doing it, but I’m aware enough to know it’s wrong, especially with the direction my thoughts are quickly taking me.

Her eyes dart down to my mouth as if she just can’t help herself either, and call it instinct or muscle memory from the millions of other times our lips have met, but my body shifts, head leaning forward to capture her mouth with mine.

Reality of what we’re doing hits the second I feel her breath on my lips, making me pull back.

Her eyes dart away, and I hate the embarrassment tinting her cheeks pink as she clears her throat.

She’s vulnerable. She’s hurting. She’ll definitely regret anything we do, and I can’t compromise what I’m building with my son by pressing my lips to hers. I’ve had my mouth on every single inch of her delectable body, so I know my lack of limitations on stopping with just one kiss. Give me five minutes, and I’ll be inside of her.

“Sorry,” I whisper, putting some distance between our bodies.

“I umm... I have a lot to do tomorrow. I need to get some rest.”

“Yeah,” I say as I stand from the sofa, suddenly feeling shy and a little awkward. “I can swing by to help if you—”

“We’ll be fine. Alex has to get up and go to school, but I’ll—”

“Tomorrow is Sunday, but do you really think he’s not going to fight you on that come Monday morning?”

“He’ll want to do what makes Mom happy, and she’s always expressed the need for education. Since it’s important to her, it’ll be important to him.”

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