Home > Her Shelter (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #6)(37)

Her Shelter (Angels Halo MC Next Gen #6)(37)
Author: Terri Anne Browning

The lights were off, with just the glow of the television to see by. My focus was completely on the screen, trying to take in the scene of Jack Sparrow fighting with William Turner while reading the captions at the bottom of the screen. I didn’t do this often, mostly because it was kind of exhausting. I missed a good portion of the movie because I was either reading what they were saying or watching the scene itself play out.

It was why I’d rather read a book than watch TV, but as far as I knew, reading wasn’t exactly a sleepover activity.

Nova was sitting beside me, and Ryan suddenly jerked her up and behind him as he jumped to his feet, pulling a handgun from what seemed like thin air because I hadn’t noticed him packing one earlier. Shocked at the sudden movement, I glanced around, trying to make sense of what was going on.

The lights clicked on, making it easier to see, and I immediately wanted them to be switched off again. The front door was hanging off its hinges, Uncle Tony and his second-in-command standing there with their own guns drawn, pointing them straight at Ryan, who was the only threat to them I could see. Ryan held the gun with confidence, as if it had been attached to his hand from birth. It didn’t shake, didn’t so much as waver as he sneered something at my uncle and Navarro.

Lexa and Tavia, who had been on the opposite side of the living room, stood together, their mouths moving too rapidly for me to make out what they were saying. Meanwhile, Ciana sat on the couch, still eating her popcorn and watching the reality scene play out with more interest than the one currently playing on the flat-screen.

I took it all in within a few seconds before swiveling my head back to Uncle Tony, too afraid to let him out of my line of sight for long.

“No one said Vitucci would be here!” I thought Uncle Tony said, his face drawing into tight lines as he kept his gaze on Ryan. “What the fuck? How did we not know this was their territory?”

Navarro didn’t answer. As long as I’d known him, I’d rarely seen him speak much. If I hadn’t witnessed it on a few occasions, I would have thought he didn’t even possess a tongue. His dark eyes were trained on Ryan like a laser, his gun pointed directly at Ryan’s heart.

“We just want my niece,” Uncle Tony said, his face covered in sweat as he took a hesitant step toward me. “Let me have her, and no one has to get hurt.”

I gulped, my terror so strong I could taste bile rising into the back of my throat. Tears filled my eyes, and I got slowly to my feet. I didn’t know if Ryan or Lexa were saying anything, but I knew I couldn’t let them be in danger if I could do anything about it.

A strong hand grasped my wrist, and I was suddenly behind Ryan. Nova tugged me closer to her, her hands moving quickly as she told me everything was going to be okay.

I shook my head. “No. I have to go with them. He will kill everyone. I won’t let them hurt you and your family,” I signed.

“You have to trust me, Delaney,” she replied, her eyes hard. “They don’t know who they are dealing with. Ryan will take care of this until Max and Ben get here.”

My frustration pushed down some of my fear. These people were delusional. They had no idea how dangerous my uncle was. I’d only seen a fraction of what he was capable of from my bedroom window, but I’d known there were worse things happening in the house. I couldn’t stomach the thought of something happening to any of these people I’d already come to care about.

Pushing Nova’s hands off my arms, I moved around Ryan, who still had his gun aimed at the door.

Uncle Tony and Navarro were no longer the only ones standing in the doorway. A man I’d only caught a glimpse of a few times was standing there. As with every time I’d spotted him from my bedroom window in the past, my heart started pounding in sheer terror at the sight of him.

He wore an expensive suit that bulged out at the sides, making me think he was hiding more than one gun beneath his jacket. His hair was liberally sprinkled with gray, but his face suggested he was younger than his salt-and-pepper hair let on. He was shorter than either Uncle Tony or Navarro, but there was something about the way he stood between the two men that made him look larger-than-life.

His eyes, dark like a moonless night, zeroed on me, and I saw something flash in their depths that caused my stomach to churn. The same hunger Max got in his eyes when he looked at me was there in this man’s.

“It’s time to go, Delaney,” he spoke slowly so I could understand him. “Come with me willingly, and I will leave your new friends unharmed. Force my hand, and I will take every one of their lives.”



I had a feeling of déjà vu as I watched Delaney take a step toward the fucker who wanted to take her. Memories flooded me of the night Carlo Santino had tried to take me for his adopted son, Gian—when I’d had to make the same choice.

Cower like a scared little girl behind Ben, or give in and protect the people I loved by going with the enemy.

Really, there was no choice to make. I understood it, but I hated that she felt she had to make it, especially when I knew there was no need.

Ben had called me as soon as he and my brother learned that Tony Garcia was possibly on his way to take back his niece. Not two minutes after I got the call from my husband, Dad texted me to let me know that he not only had MC brothers watching the house, but Trigger would have his sniper rifle pointed at my living room.

I’d shown Tavia the texts from Dad just as Ryan’s phone had gotten an alert. While he’d been busy with his phone, I excused myself, not wanting to freak out the newest member of my family, and grabbed one of Ben’s extra guns from the safe in our bedroom. After I stuffed it into the back of my pajama pants, I’d returned to my guests and went on about the evening like nothing was wrong.

Seeing the stark fear on Delaney’s face made me wish I’d taken the time to explain a few things to her about our family. But Max had been so worried that he would lose her if she found out what his life was really like. I hadn’t liked that he was hiding a part of himself, was convinced he was worrying for no reason. I’d seen firsthand the way his special little treasure looked at him, not only at River’s wedding reception but later at his apartment.

I knew that look all too well. I lived that look every time my gaze landed on my husband.

Delaney loved Max. I didn’t need her to speak or sign those words for me to know she was completely head over heels for my baby brother.

Which meant that she was now my sister, just as much as Tavia was. And I would gladly give up my life for either of them.

When my front door crashed open, the wood practically splitting down the middle under the pressure of the dumb fuck who decided to kick it down, I barely flinched. Ben had texted me only minutes before, alerting me to the fact that they had just gotten to Creswell Springs. Knowing he was so close, I refrained from drawing my own gun, wanting to save that element of surprise in case we needed it, should Ben and Max not arrive in time.

The three idiots who stepped into my house were about to have the worst—and last—day of their miserable lives.



I hesitated for only a second before taking a step in his direction. But as I did, I saw movement behind the man. I didn’t have time to react as Max lifted a gun and placed it to the back of the man’s skull. Before I could blink, he fell on his face, while blood seeped into Lexa’s carpet.

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