Home > Cup of Joe (Bold Brew #1)(10)

Cup of Joe (Bold Brew #1)(10)
Author: Annabeth Albert

“Trouble?” Levi asked at the same moment I cursed again.

“Fucking universe hates me.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m the one it has a hit out on.” Levi managed a laugh. “What’s wrong?”

“My dad’s out at a senior thing. He left his lights on, and now he needs a jump because his battery is dead.”

“And you can’t tell him to call Triple-A, because he’s your dad.” Nodding knowingly, Levi arranged his clothing back to normal.

“He is. And I can’t. I wish—”

“I don’t. You’re a good guy, Joe. Go help your dad.”

“Hell. I hate leaving you…”

“Unfinished?” He gave me a surprisingly sultry smile. The brat was returning. “I’ll keep. I mean, I’m not about to lie, I’m going to jerk off the second you leave, and it’s gonna be epic.”

“Don’t tell me these things.” I scrubbed at my hair. “I need to be able to walk to my truck, brat.”

“I could give you the world’s fastest—”

“No.” Slowly, logic was returning, all the reasons why we shouldn’t be doing this in the first place and my denial came out rather clipped.

“Oh.” Some of the humor drained away from Levi’s face. “This is where you tell me it was a mistake.”

I had been about to say exactly that, but his wounded tone gave me pause, as did the way he narrowed his eyes like he was bracing for rejection.

“No.” I softened my tone this time. “This is where I say we’ll talk later, okay? Let’s see how you feel after that epic orgasm. You might be the one changing your mind.”

“I want more,” Levi insisted.

God help me, so did I. It was undoubtedly a rebound thing for him, but that didn’t stop my whole body from thrumming with interest at the idea of more.

“Let’s see how you feel later.” I forced myself to stand before I gave in to the urge to press him into the couch and finish him off with my hand. It wouldn’t take much… Groaning, I glanced down at him on the couch, so fucking tempted.

“Go.” He made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “Go rescue your dad. If it were my mom, I’d be out the door too. But I’m not gonna change my mind about a repeat.”

“Text me if the smoke detector goes off.” I sidestepped his declaration. We’d see. I wouldn’t hold him to anything.

“And if I go off?”

Lord have mercy on my soul. A truly pained noise escaped my throat. “You can text me that too.”

“Good.” He smiled for the first time since my phone had interrupted us. “I will.”

And like the fool I apparently was, I hoped he would. The hope chased me all the way to my truck. There was so much more I wanted to try with Levi. We’d barely brushed the surface of any kink. For the last few years, I’d been drifting, trying to figure out how my interests aligned with those of most submissive men. I liked power games a lot, but I’d been accused more than once of being too cuddly. I wasn’t entirely sure I could be the sort of Dom that Levi needed, even a short-term one, but for the first time in a very long while, I wanted to try.



Chapter Eight






I was good. And a mess. But as I laid back on the couch that still smelled a little like Joe’s classic aftershave, I congratulated myself on my restraint. I knew Joe was likely still helping his dad, so I hadn’t spammed him with dick pics or a come shot or even a single, artful strand of cooling come on my finger or stomach.

I’d considered all those things, but I wanted a repeat—one with a better finish—and accidentally embarrassing Joe with an ill-timed pic in front of his dad was a surefire way to guarantee that didn’t happen. And I did believe the emergency with his dad was genuine. Joe didn’t seem like Rick—a lying snake who’d invent excuses to hide the truth. Also, I’d totally snuck a glance at Joe’s phone while he’d been typing his reply, and the message screen had indeed said Dad. Not a shining moment, but I could own that I had some lingering trust issues after Rick.

Which was another reason why I needed a rebound thing. And that need was why I was good after I came, studying my phone for a long time as I tried to decide what to text. Joe already thought I was too young, too vulnerable. I didn’t need him adding immature to the list. In the end, I went with a simple message with only a hint of flirt to it.

Smoke detector is behaving. Me on the other hand…

I wasn’t sure why Joe brought out this new flirtatious side to me. The couple of guys I’d fooled around with had made me nervous, and even in cyber situations, I was usually more hesitant and unsure. But something in me had thrilled when Joe called me brat. I’d spent most of my life trying hard to be good and not make waves or be difficult, but with Joe it felt safe and right to push. I wanted a chance to explore that more, to tease and bait Joe into showing more of that delicious stern side.

I didn’t expect a fast reply to my message, so I busied myself with cleanup. First me, then the leftovers from dinner after I figured out how to turn off the game. I was sitting on my bed, debating whether to shower then or in the morning, when my phone finally buzzed.

Somehow I’m not surprised that you were the naughty one. I fixed the smoke detector. I trust my work.

How simple pride in his electrical work could seem so damn sexy, I wasn’t sure, but it was. Hell, just getting a reply from him had my skin heating.

Maybe you should fix me then. Next time. I added a funny GIF of a large toolbox.

This time his reply was way faster. Hardly subtle, brat. You have a preference as to which tool I bring?

Oh, this was nice. Smiling, I flopped back against the pillows. I hadn’t really expected him to flirt back, had half-expected a major brushoff as he got back to being Mr. Responsible.

Yours. Soon. Surprise me. Hand, mouth, dick. I wasn’t particularly picky as long as I got to come again. Even now, my blood was rushing back to my cock, which was just as eager as when Joe had left.

But his reply cooled me down. Not tonight. And that’s not me giving you a line. I’ve got an early-morning inspection at a charity house-building project we’re involved with. If I head out to your place, no one’s going to sleep tonight. And you need sleep, too, especially after not getting much last night.

Aw. Joe caring about my sleep was sweet. And I also really liked how he seemed much less resistant now to the idea of us fucking. Up all night with him sounded amazing. But I could be good.

Okay. Come in for a coffee after your work thing? If I couldn’t get screwed senseless by Joe, I could at least use the hope of flirting with him to make my Saturday shift go better.

Not sure when it ends, but we’ll see. Night, brat. Hope you sleep well.

I wondered where he was situated at his place. Did he have an apartment? House? Something all adult and mature, I’d bet. Was he in his bed like me? Tired after his long day? Still horny after our make-out session and waiting to take care of business? Merely thinking about Joe jerking off had me completely hard again. I wasn’t sure about Joe, but I was definitely going for seconds. Soon.

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