Home > Raised to Kill : Kindred Tales 32(43)

Raised to Kill : Kindred Tales 32(43)
Author: Evangeline Anderson

Allara’s thumb slipped in the slippery fabric and suddenly the tiny bump of the button went flat and the transmitter emitted a soft, barely audible beep.

Allara froze. Gods of All Creation, what had she done?

You pressed the transmitter button—that’s what you did! screamed a little voice in her head. Now Aunt and Father and all of the Q’ess will think you completed your mission when you really didn’t—you didn’t!

Allara ran her hands through her hair distractedly. Oh no, what was she going to do?

There’s only one thing you can do—do it now! Even if his seed hasn’t been spilled in you, his pre-cum has and shouldn’t that count? Kill him now and complete the mission or your whole life is a lie!

Yes, that was what she would do, Allara thought frantically. She would kill the big Kindred as he slept—plunge her skora right in his heart and then the signal she had sent would not be a lie but instead the completion of her oath!

Leaving the silver wedding dress in a heap on the bathroom floor, she went quickly and quietly into the bedroom where the lights were still dim. The elaborate jeweled scabbard of the skora was clutched tight in her left hand and she rubbed the pad of her thumb restlessly over the Blood Stone, ready to let it pierce her flesh and drink her blood in order to release the long, jointed blade.

She crept into bed with the big Kindred, who seemed to be sleeping deeply. He had one arm flung over his head and his face was peaceful. His broad chest was completely exposed.

Now! Do it now! screamed the voice of her aunt in her head. Complete your mission—fulfill your oath!

Yes, she must do it. At the thought of the Unbreakable Oath, a compulsion filled her which she could not understand. Allara pressed the pad of her thumb harder against the Blood Stone. Almost, she could feel it slicing into her flesh…

“Hey, baby.” Brand’s warm, deep voice broke into her frantic thoughts. Looking down, Allara saw that he was awake, his golden eyes open and glowing very faintly in the dim early-morning light.

“H-husband?” she managed to choke out.

“Mmm, you’re still naked,” he murmured, his eyes going half-lidded with lust. “Come back to bed—we don’t have to be anywhere for another couple of hours.”

He reached for her and Allara went to him, automatically obeying her husband. But the voice in her head was still screeching that she must kill him, that she must fulfill her oath…

“Press your soft, curvy body against me, baby,” Brand murmured, pulling her close. “Mmm, it’s so nice not to have anything between us.”

But as Allara’s naked breasts pressed against his hard, warm chest, she was still clutching the scabbard of the skora.

Kill him! her aunt’s voice shouted in her head. It is not too late—kill the Kindred!

“You know, despite our height difference, I think we fit together perfectly,” Brand told her. “Love you so much, baby. I’m so glad you’re my wife.”

The screaming in Allara’s head seemed to pause and her grip on the scabbard loosened.

“You…love me?” she asked uncertainly.

“Mmm-hmm.” Brand nodded and looked into her eyes. “I know it might feel kind of early to say it, since we’ve only known each other a little over a week. But I just can’t help myself, Allara—I’m crazy about you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Oh…” Allara whispered and her hand slipped away from the scabbard entirely.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to say it back,” Brand went on. “I understand that it might take a while for you. I just want you to know how I feel.” He took her face in his big, warm hands and kissed her softly. “I love you, baby.”

Allara felt as though her heart might burst. The terrible compulsion she’d felt only moments ago to plunge her skora into his heart seemed to be broken. And the shrill, hectoring voice in her head demanding she keep her oath was now barely a whisper.

“Husband,” she whispered, looking up at him. “I…I think I am beginning to love you, too.”

“Mmm, in that case, come here and show me, wife.” Brand pulled her close to his chest, pressing their naked bodies together intimately. “I want to make you come again,” he murmured, his big hands sliding down over her body. “I want to make you come until it feels so good you can’t think about anything else except your husband touching you.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Allara said breathlessly. “I…would like that very much, husband.”

“Then spread your legs for me baby. Gods, I wish I could go down on you! But for now, just getting to touch you is enough.” And he cupped her pussy in his big palm.

As her husband began to pleasure her yet again, Allara told herself to let go of her past and her people and the Unbreakable Oath, which she had apparently just broken.

Who’s going to know, whispered a little voice in her head. You pressed the transmitter, so they’re going to think that he’s dead and your mission is complete. Who’s going to know that you and your Kindred husband are actually still alive and living and loving each other?

Who’s going to know?

No one, Allara told herself as she gave herself up to the pleasure of Brand’s hands on her body. No one at all.






“Are you certain you want to take this mission, Commander Brand?” Sylvan asked, frowning. “You’re still in the middle of your Claiming Period.”

“That’s exactly why I want to take it, Commander Sylvan,” Brand told him.

They were still lingering in the Council room, having finished the daily meeting and Brand was trying to make his case.

“Think about it,” he said to Sylvan. “It’s a diplomatic mission to a beautiful planet. The Dardens are supposed to be an extremely laid back and eminently civilized people. And their planet—Darden Three—is a tropical paradise. Pink, sandy beaches, warm, clear seas, sunsets that last two standard hours—what better place could there be to continue my Claiming Period with Allara?”

“Well, when you put it that way, it makes me want to take my own wife, Sophia, for a vacation to Darden Three,” Sylvan said thoughtfully. “But are you certain you won’t be too distracted with diplomacy to pay proper attention to your bride?”

“Looking at the Dardens’ proposed schedule, it doesn’t seem too onerous,” Brand told him. “They pretty much just want someone to come to a couple of state dinners and maybe make a speech about how the Kindred and the Dardens are the best of friends, etcetera, etcetera.” He shrugged. “I could do that in my sleep. And in the meantime, we’ll be spending our Tasting Week in a tropical paradise.”

“Well then, I suppose I can hardly deny you the right to take this mission.” Sylvan smiled at him. “But are you certain your new bride is ready to journey so far from her new home? Darden Three is light years from the Mother Ship—communication won’t be easy.”

“She’ll be fine. In fact, one of the reasons I want to take this mission is that Darden Three isn’t far from the Q’ess home planet,” Brand said. “I was thinking of sending a message to Allara’s family to let them know she’s all right and that our joining is going well. Who knows…?” He shrugged. “They might even invite us to visit. And then, once they see that their daughter is being treated well and that we truly love each other, they might decide that other Kindred can call brides from among the Q’ess.”

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