Home > Into the Lyon's Den (The Lyon's Den Connected World)(16)

Into the Lyon's Den (The Lyon's Den Connected World)(16)
Author: Jade Lee

“Hmm,” Lord Byrn drawled. “I wonder what jeweler you will pick.” He didn’t sound upset by that. More amused than anything else. “Keep the design modest, please. We aren’t made of gold.”

“But the peacock will be. And it shall look wonderful in your mother’s hair.”

Lady Byrn preened at the thought. With Amber’s help, she began to speculate on what gemstones could be in it. And so, they progressed up the line inch by slow inch. The anticipation was killing her, but talking about jewelry was the best way to pass the time, especially as Lady Byrn began pointing out what the other ladies wore. It was the kind of discussion that would be invaluable to her later. It told her what society women wanted, what styles they preferred, and what was seen as too much or too little.

If only she could focus on it rather than the approaching door. She could hear the Major Domo announcing everyone as they entered. Lord and Lady Castlereagh stood out in her mind. Imagine, she was about to be at a ball with such an important man! And if the jewelry was anything to judge by, she was surrounded by unimaginable wealth. It would have made her feel self-conscious if she hadn’t known her own design matched theirs in skill. Plus, Lord Byrn was by her side, making her feel safe as he smiled warmly at her whenever she glanced his way.

“First balls are so exciting,” Diana whispered in her ear. “I’m so happy to be here with you.”

She grabbed Diana’s hand and gripped it tight, then watched as Lord Byrn extended his arm to his mother. Now that was an impressive sight. The man was handsome with his broad shoulders and dark clothing. Amber pretended he was offering to escort her. She watched as Lady Byrn set her fingertips on his forearm, straightened her shoulders, and stepped forward as if she were the queen.

They were introduced with a booming voice, and all heads turned to see them enter. Then with stately movements, they descended the stairs just like royalty.

“Our turn,” Diana whispered. “Head high.”

Amber soothed out her gown, took a deep breath, and then at Diana’s urging, linked arms with her. They stepped up and were announced.

“Lady Dunnamore! Miss Amber Gohar!”

Her name. Out loud. At a ball!

No one looked. Or at least not many. But it didn’t matter, because at the base of the stairs, after the receiving line, Lord Byrn had stopped to await them. Lady Byrn had already wandered off to talk to her friends, but her son stood there and watched. His expression was genial, but his green eyes met hers with an intensity that made her heartbeat accelerate. And it was already going so fast.

Lord Byrn held out his hand to her. To her! She took it, and he helped her down the last step. Then he waited as she made her curtsey to Lady Morthan and the rest of the receiving line before escorting her into the ballroom proper. He set her gloved hand on his forearm, and he even squeezed it a bit, which set butterflies dancing in her belly.

“What would you like to do first?” he asked. “Lemonade? A turn about the room?”

“Wait, wait,” Diana said as she held up three dance cards. “Put this on your wrist,” she said to Amber. “You have a pencil in your reticule, yes?”

She did, along with a piece of paper, so that she could sketch the brooch.

“And I brought one as well.” Lord Byrn pulled out a small pencil from his pocket and took the dance card from his sister’s hand. “If I may?” he asked Amber as he held his pencil aloft.

It took a moment for her to understand that he was asking her permission to write his name on her dance card. Asking for her permission as if she were someone special.

She tried to swallow the lump in her throat and barely managed a nod. She watched in stunned delight as he scrawled his name for the first dance and the first waltz. Two dances with him! She would not be a wallflower this night. Well, at least not the whole night. Then she held out her hand as he tied the card around her wrist.

“I know it’s not the same as your own ball, but I shall be very pleased to escort you out for your first dance.”

She felt like she would burst from happiness. “Thank you,” she whispered. She meant so much more than those two words, but it would have to do.

“And what of me?” Diana said, her voice teasingly sharp. “Am I to sit with the old ladies all night?”

“They shall be lining up for you, Diana. You know they will. But if I could beg the second waltz, would that be enough?”

“Definitely not. I shall have the second dance with you after Amber.” Then she held out her card, and he dutifully wrote his name. “Don’t forget, Mother will want your attendance as well. Not to mention—”

“I know my duties, sister dear.” Then he turned to Amber. “Speaking of which, shall we walk?” At her surprised look, he tilted his head. “The portrait is over there.”

Ah yes. The reason she was here. He wanted to be sure she sketched the brooch. The light dimmed from her heart. It was the perfect reminder that she wasn’t here as an honored guest, but as a fraud here to sketch a design.

“Of course,” she murmured.

“I’ll be off then,” Diana said. “Amelia’s over there, and I haven’t spoken with her in ages.”

So it was just the two of them walking slowly through the ballroom toward a portrait. “Lady Morthan is known to stint on her spirits, but the lemonade is passable. As is the midnight buffet. But don’t eat the shrimp, it made half the ton sick last year.”

Shrimp? Spirits? “I shall follow your lead,” she finally said. Especially since she’d never had spirits, mostly because the example of drunken men in the Den had never left her with a desire to taste it. As for shrimp, that was something the aristocrats ate. She lived on meat pies and black bread, though she had snuck a taste of crab once from Mrs. Dove-Lyon’s buffet. It had been Christmas, and the lady had made enough that the staff was allowed a small taste.

“Now tell me what you are most excited about tonight. Is it the dancing? The food? The fashion?”

It was all of the above, but she didn’t get a chance to answer. He hadn’t even finished his questions when a portly gentleman stepped into their path. “Byrn, wasn’t sure if you’d be here tonight.”

“I’m dancing attendance on my mother. May I introduce you to my sister’s dear friend, Miss Amber Gohar.”

“Enchanted, m’dear,” the man said as he bowed quickly over her hand. She thought he said his name, but it was lost because his mouth was at her glove. Then he straightened and went right back to his conversation with Lord Byrn. “We need to discuss this resolution of yours. You can’t mean to spend that much on the veterans. There are other places that need the money more.”

“I do mean to spend every ha’penny on our soldiers. They deserve it and…”

The discussion continued for long minutes. And though she did get a quick understanding of his resolution and the objections to it, she did not get a chance to speak or do anything but stand there feeling stupid. What did she know of governing? Not a thing, not that anyone was interested in her opinion anyway.

“I have promised Miss Gohar some lemonade,” Lord Byrn eventually said.

“Quite right, quite right. I do hope you enjoy the ball, Miss Gohar.” And then just before they were to move on, he pulled out a pencil. “Nearly forgot. Must have a dance with someone as lovely as you. With your permission?”

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