Home > Midnight Web (Moonshadow Bay #2)(21)

Midnight Web (Moonshadow Bay #2)(21)
Author: Yasmine Galenorn

“Heard of him? I’ve had several run-ins with him. He’s been a thorn in the side of the historical society since we made him stop his ‘renovations’ on that restaurant.”

“Yeah, well, the secret room that the Covenant of Chaos built under the restaurant has been opened up. Apparently he just bricked it over. I have to tell you, there’s something big and bad down there. The room itself looks nice and normal, but the energy? Totally fucked.”

I paused to taste my chowder and immediately my stomach rumbled, demanding more. “This is incredible. I’m so glad you decided to take a salad to the potluck tomorrow night.” After another bite, I said, “So, what can you tell me about Clarence? We’re trying to ascertain if any of the paranormal activity in the building came from him. For one thing, besides the array of ghosts, I think there’s a shadow man there.”

Teran froze, then slowly shook her head. “Be very careful, January.”

“Oh, I will be—”

“No, I mean you need to take extra precautions. Did your mother ever tell you about what happened when you were little?”

I stared at her blankly. “What are you talking about?”

“I guess you don’t remember. You were barely three.” The look on her face made me uneasy. “Your mother asked me to babysit one night, so I came over to watch you while she and your father went out of town. It was their anniversary and they had a suite at the Moon Sonata Lodge—it’s right on the bay, just a few miles north of Bellingham. The room had a Jacuzzi, and it was surrounded by flower gardens. I thought they could use a break.”

“That’s right,” I said. “Their anniversary was in July.”

“Right. So I paid for them to have a wonderful weekend there. The first night, Friday night, nothing happened and everything was fine. You were such a handful then, but then, you’ve always been,” she added, smiling softly. “But the second night, I put you down and came downstairs to watch TV. A few minutes later, you let out a scream that froze my bones, it was so cold and terrified. I raced upstairs and as I opened the door to your room, I caught sight of a shadow man leaning over your bed, reaching for you. You were huddled up against the headboard. I had grabbed your mother’s athame on the way up—she had been intending to do a protection ceremony on the house but had gotten sidetracked before she left.”

“A shadow man was after me?” I stared at her. My mother had never told me about this.

“Yeah, he was after you. As I said, I had her athame and I stabbed him with it—right in the heart of his dark silhouette. I invoked Aunt Prue to help me, and the jolt I got—I don’t mind telling you that my arm went numb for a while from that.”

Ari leaned forward, totally engrossed. “What happened to him?”

“He turned around just enough for me to see his eyes—that was the only thing I could see. There were no other features except his eyes, and they burned like two glowing coals. He let out an odd hiss, then…the best way I can describe it is that he shattered into dust and the dust flew out the window. Through the window, even though it wasn’t open.” Aunt Teran reached for another muffin.

“You saved me from him.” I had never known why, but I had always felt beholden to my aunt, and now the reason was clear. Some part of me remembered her saving my life.

“Yeah, well, after he vanished and I managed to calm you down, I proceeded to beef up the wards around the house. And then…and I never told your mother this, and I know it’s going to be a bombshell…I pledged you to the care of Druantia.”

I stared at her. “You did what? And who?”

“Druantia. She’s the Celtic goddess of the oak, and she also oversees birth, death, immortality, the stars, divination. She’s the mother of the Celtic Ogham.” Teran shrugged. “She was the first one that popped into my head. She’s not that well known, but it just felt…right…to call on her. So I asked her to protect you and watch over you, and pledged you into her care.” Teran was waiting for my reaction—I could tell by the way she was sitting.

I tried to digest the news. First, I had been attacked by a shadow man when I was a toddler. Then, I learned my aunt had basically handed me over to a goddess I had never heard of. But the latter answered a number of questions. A lot of the witches I knew were pledged to various deities, and even the shifter clans had their gods. But I had never been pulled to seek out a goddess. And now I knew why. I was already in the service of one. I just hadn’t realized it.

“I’m surprised she hasn’t tapped me on the shoulders through the years,” I started to say, but Esmara spoke up, whispering in my ear.

You had to be ready before you heard about it. You weren’t before, but now you are and so now your aunt felt the urge to tell you. It’s up to you, now, how much of a relationship you forge with Druantia. Or whether you choose to formally break with her. You did not give your oath—your aunt stood in proxy. Therefore, you can either seal the deal, or walk away. It’s your choice.

As I shook my head, I realized both Teran and Ari were staring at me.

“Esmara?” Teran asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, she was just explaining to me how it works.”

“Are you angry at me?” she asked.

Startled by her question, I rushed to reassure her. “No, not at all. You did what you needed to in order to protect me. I should be thanking you.” I paused, then asked, “So, where do you think the shadow man came from?”

“Where do any of them come from? We don’t really know. But I suspect he came out of the Mystic Wood. The forest is beautiful, but deadly in so many ways.” Teran paused, then—almost reluctantly—said, “You do understand the danger, right?”

“Of the Mystic Wood? I know it’s—”

“No, not the woodland, though yes, there is danger there. I’m talking about the fact that one of the shadow men came for you when you were so young?” She looked so grave that it made me nervous.

Ari gasped. “She’s right.”

“She’s right about what? Remember, I’ve been away from this life for over twenty years. It will take me awhile to get up to speed.” I didn’t like the look on either of their faces.

Teran sighed, pushing her plate back. “When a child is attacked by one of the shadow men, the entity leaves a mark. It’s forever in your aura, and it can’t be removed. It marks you as prey. It’s basically a stamp left by the first time you’re threatened, and it says that you’re worth attacking. That you have the energy they require. It’s like a target painted on your back, and all through your life you’ll have to be watchful, because the shadow people will be attracted to it.”

I stared at her. “What do you mean? A mark? Can’t we do a cleansing ritual or a purification ritual to remove it?”

“I’m afraid not,” Teran said. “I’ve studied the subject for years. There’s no telling where these entities originate, but once they sink their claws into someone, it leaves a residual smudge that’s like a beacon. I’m surprised you weren’t bothered during your time with Ellison.”

I shook my head, not wanting to believe that she was right. “But I don’t want to be a tasty treat for some freaky-assed spirit. How do I deal with this?”

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