Home > Dangerous Touch(5)

Dangerous Touch(5)
Author: Melody Adams

"Kitten," he growls. "Come for me. Come on my cock!"

My body has no choice but to obey. It's as if the stranger has known my body for ages. He has complete control over it. The gag muffles my scream, as I come so hard that I fear my poor galloping heart will not survive. I collapse. Strong hands clasp around my neck, putting pressure on my throat.

Panic grips me as I slowly run out of air. I feel the stranger's hot breath on my ear as he still pushes hard and fast into me.

"Don’t be afraid, kitten. Don’t fight it. Give in," he murmurs. His voice is hypnotic. Lightning flashes white before my eyes behind the blindfold. My heart is pounding. I feel dizzy.

"Settle, kitten." The words come as if from far away. "Give in. All is well. Settle. Settle. Settle..."

My vaginal muscles contract as another climax crashes over me. Everything becomes light. I float, until darkness comes over me.






My kitten slackens under me when her pussy once again grips my cock hard. My hold around her throat loosens a split second before I come with a deep growl. Ecstasy races through my veins, my nerves tingle, as I come so hard that I see stars. My cock twitches in her tightness until I have spent the last drop. Slowly, I pull my dick out of her and stow the condom in my pocket. Then I bend over my unconscious kitten. I put a finger on her pulse. It's steady and strong. I look at her soft body. Her cheeks are red and her lips slightly parted. She is as responsive to my touch as no woman has ever been. It's almost a shame to kill her next time. I'm sure I'll never find another woman who satisfies me the way she does.

"Sweet dreams, kitten," I whisper before I remove the gag, blindfold and rope and stow the items in my rucksack. Then I remove all traces and cover the still unconscious woman with a woolen blanket which lies on an armchair by the stove. The fire will burn for a while. My kitten will come too soon. She should be safe. It is not that cold yet, anyway.

A ringing breaks the silence. My gaze goes to the jeans on the floor. She must have her cell in them. I let it ring. Taking one last glance at my kitten, I leave the pavilion.

Until next time, kitten.



Chapter 3





A ringing pulls me out of the darkness. I open my eyes and register confused, that I am not in my bedroom. I am lying on a couch in the pavilion. Abruptly, I sit up as the memories come back. Oh, my God! The stranger! He did come back. He tied me up, gagged me and blindfolded me. Then he made me come like I've never experienced before. Then he... I furrow my brow as I try to remember. What happened next? His hands had been around my neck. He squeezed until I couldn’t breathe. I must have fainted. Not only that. I dimly remember coming again before I lost consciousness. He must have put a blanket over me before he left. Like a worried lover, not the mad stranger who violates helpless women.

He didn't violate you, my brain argues. You enjoyed it!

Yes, I enjoyed it, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with being attacked, gagged and tied up, and later knocked out. Neither by drugs, nor by strangulation. That's not normal! Something is definitely wrong with this guy.

The ringing of my cell phone finally rips me out of my thoughts again. Susan! Maybe it's my sister. I reach for my jeans on the floor and fumble my phone out of my pocket. The ringing stops before I can take the call, but it rings again immediately. With a pounding heart, I answer the call.

"Heather!" Sounds the worried voice of my sister.

"Susan, I..."

I’ve been trying to call you for a quarter of an hour. I was this close to sending my team to you. Why are you scaring me like that? You say you're in danger, and then you don't answer the phone.

"I couldn't answer the phone! I... I was... unconscious."

"WHAAAT?" Susan cries in disbelief. "Are you okay? Where are you? Are you hurt?"

"I... I'm in the pavilion. And no, I'm not hurt. I passed out."

"What happened?"

I tell my sister everything that has happened since my first encounter with the stranger.

"Fuck! Heather. Listen to me carefully. You are in more danger than you think. You need to get back inside the house right now and stay there until my team gets there. I'm in Canada at the moment. I would have been with you by now if I wasn't."

"What's wrong? What is it you're not telling me?"

"I'll tell you about it when you get inside the house. Run as fast as you can and call me the minute you're safely in the house. Meanwhile, I'll brief my team."

"O-okay," I whisper. I feel numb as I try to understand what is going on and what this means to me.

"Go! I'm gonna finish this conversation and you run like hell. – Understand?"


"Good. Speak to you soon."

After the conversation is ended, I need a few seconds to pull myself together. When I finally have my muscles under control again, I flee the pavilion and run as fast as I can towards the house.






Some sixth sense tells me to stay close to the estate. I observe the house from a safe distance. As three SUVs race down the road and turn into the driveway to my kitten's house, I curse quietly. They must be FBI. Fuck! That means they will put my kitten under protection. If I'm lucky, they'll move my little girl to a Safehouse. At least there I can get to her. But if she's placed in protective custody, that's it. Damn it! I should have taken her with me. I won't make that mistake again. I'll wait and see what the FBI does. When they take my kitten away from here, I'll follow them.






I feel like I'm in a trance. None of this can be true. This is not happening to me. I haven't slept with a serial killer twice. No! I must be dreaming. Any moment I have to wake up and it was all just a bad dream. Dad's beside himself, and I think he's more angry with me than with the killer. Even the FBI agents seemed uncomfortable with the way he called me a slut before he stormed out of the room.

"Miss. Fairchild?" A warm voice pulls me from my thoughts.

I blink and look at the female FBI agent, who looks at me with concern and compassion.

"I know this must all come as a great shock to you, but you've been lucky in your misfortune. The Gentleman Killer always kills his victims the third time. We'll take you to a Safehouse until we catch the son of a bitch. But I'm afraid we'll have to give you an unpleasant examination first, in case he left any traces. Though we've had no luck so far. The bastard is brilliant and careful."


"Yes. We're taking you to a doctor who will check you for DNA traces."

"You mean sperm? He used a condom."

"Not just sperm," replied the agent. "Also skin particles, hair or saliva."

"You said he's never left a trail before," I object.

"That's true, but there's always a small chance that this time he wasn't thorough enough to cover his tracks."

The prospect of a "trace search" on my body is revolting to me, but there is no reasonable excuse to refuse the examination. Susan will wring my neck if I don't cooperate.

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