Home > When He's An Alpha (The Olympus Pride #2)(68)

When He's An Alpha (The Olympus Pride #2)(68)
Author: Suzanne Wright

Finally inside his house, Tate felt he could breathe easier. No one could get to her here. And even if someone went as far as to shoot at his windows, the bullets wouldn’t break the bulletproof glass. She was safest here, on his territory, where he could protect her. Still, the tension didn’t leave his body.

After he made the necessary calls related to the Gideon matter, Tate headed to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer for himself and poured Havana a glass of the wine he now stocked, knowing it was her preferred brand. They then settled on the sofa to watch TV. He lay on his back with her sprawled over him, her head resting on his chest. Needing skin-to-skin contact, he slipped one hand into her panties to palm her ass. He also snaked his free hand under her tee to drift his fingers over her back. But it was hard to relax when his brain kept playing the “if” game.

If he hadn’t seen the barrel of the gun pointing out of the Charger’s window, Havana might have been shot right in front of him.

If there hadn’t been a car parked nearby for them to use as cover, Tate might not have been able to shield her from the bullets.

If they’d reacted even just a little bit slower, Havana might have been hit before she ducked out of range of the gun.

If Farrell hadn’t been close by and able to follow the vehicle, they might never have found Taggart before he fled.

The whole thing had been a close fucking call, just like the last drive-by. Sheer luck had been on Havana’s side both times. But if there was a third time, just maybe she wouldn’t have that same luck. That thought made his throat burn. He couldn’t lose her.

“Ow,” she whined. “Claws.”

Tate blinked and retracted his claws, realizing they’d been pricking the globe of her ass. He massaged the skin there. “Sorry, babe.”

She lifted her head and rested her chin on his chest. “You need to stop brooding about whatever has you tense as a bow.”

His cat puffed up in affront. “I don’t brood.”

“So says every dominant male shifter. In reality, you’re all experts at it.” She danced her fingertips along his collarbone. “Distract yourself. Think about something else.”

“All right.” Tate swept his hand up her back. “Maybe you can now tell me how you and your girls managed to not only sneak into Taggart’s house but to do it without Alex, Vinnie, or Farrell—all of whom were guarding the exterior of the building—sensing the three of you. I didn’t even sense you enter the house, and neither did Luke.”

“Like I said earlier, it wasn’t hard. The guys were so busy watching out for the cheetahs that they just didn’t notice us. And you and your brother were preoccupied with Taggart and his friend.”

Tate snorted. Bullshit. Vinnie, Alex, and Farrell were too well-trained to not notice three females approaching the house … unless those three females had once received similar training. “Really? Hmm. I can’t help but get the feeling that you have experience with sneaking in and out of buildings, just as I can’t help but get the feeling that you have experience with interrogations. Am I right?”

She pursed her lips. “I once had a job where I needed those skills. I wasn’t a gun for hire or anything.”

“I never thought for one moment that you were,” Tate assured her. “You’re not going to tell me more?”

Her expression turned grave. “If I tell you, you can’t share it with anyone. Not even your dad or your siblings. If you’re uncomfortable with keeping a secret from them, I can understand that. But it also means I can’t tell you what you want to know.”

“If you need something to stay between us, it stays between us. I’m loyal to my family, yes, but you’re my family, too. More, you’re my priority. My loyalty is primarily to you. You can trust me.”

“I know that.”

Her easy acceptance of his promise warmed him. “So tell me.”

She sat up straight and took in a deep breath. “Okay. Me, Aspen, and Bailey once worked for the Movement.”

Stunned, Tate simply stared at her for a long moment. “The Movement?”

“Yes. So did Camden, though he mostly worked jobs alone. We were part of the group for eight years . To the outside world, we lived seemingly normal lives.”

Nothing she said could have surprised him more … and yet it fit. Shifters with those three females’ traits, strengths, and deep sense of loyalty would make them prime candidates for the Movement. It explained so much—not just the skills she’d shown, but how well she kept it together each time danger came too close.

He gently squeezed her hips. “Thank you for your service. I can easily visualize you working for the Movement. And Aspen and Bailey, for that matter. I’ll bet you were good at what you did.”

Havana couldn’t help but grin. “Oh, we were. And we were proud to be part of the group. We might not have left so soon if members weren’t required to retire after eight years. They want people to go out and find their mates.”

“Ah, I see. If a shifter is so deeply devoted to such a cause, it might be hard for them to sense their mate or the presence of a mating bond.”

“Exactly. Plus, the Movement doesn’t want their members spending the rest of their days dealing with prejudiced assholes.”

Tate twisted his mouth. “A lot of people believe the group was founded by Clive Vincent, the father of a Mercury Pack she-wolf I know.”

“She performs at the Velvet Lounge, right? Plays the electric violin?”

“That’s right.”

Havana had been there a few times. The club was cool, and the performers were even better. Alex’s sister, Mila, often sang there—she was seriously talented.

“Even Clive’s daughter is unsure if he heads the Movement,” Tate went on. “Since he’s in prison, many say he can’t possibly be running the group from there. Others believe it’s a damn good cover for him.”

Sensing that he was fishing for info, Havana shook her head. “I can’t give you specifics about the Movement. Not because I don’t trust you, but because I pledged an oath that I would never reveal what I knew—I take shit like that seriously, and I would think you’d want that in a mate. They’re not just a rebel group. They’re a family of sorts. And they once welcomed me into that family. A lot of the strengths I have today, I owe to them. I won’t betray them, especially not just to assuage your curiosity.”

Tate inclined his head. “Fair enough.”

She felt her mouth curve. “There you go gritting your teeth again.”

Using his grip on her hips, he pulled her down and nipped her lower lip. “You’re supposed to give me my own way all the time.”

Havana snorted. Not freaking likely. She was about to make it clear that no such thing would ever happen, but then his tongue swept into her mouth, bold and sure … and all she could think about was having more.

His warm hand clasped her nape as he took complete possession of her mouth. There was nothing slow or easy about his kiss. No, it was so hot and wet and explicitly carnal that her body came to life. There was a lot of tingling and pulsing and throbbing in some very interesting places. She broke the kiss, needing to catch her breath.

Tightening his grip on her nape, he yanked her so that their lips touched. “I’ll let your mouth go when I’m done with it.”

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