Home > Trusting Taylor (Silverstone #2)(30)

Trusting Taylor (Silverstone #2)(30)
Author: Susan Stoker

“What do you mean, targeting?” Eagle asked. “They were always harassing them, right?”

“Yeah, but remember that American woman they were holding hostage and forcing to fight for them? The peace corps volunteer?” Gramps asked.

“Yeah. One day, she just reappeared in Southern California, and speculation about how she got away from the rebels was rampant. We all assumed some Special Forces group went in and got her out,” Eagle said.

“Right. Because she never explained publicly. In the interview she gave the FBI—which Willis got us copies of—she explained exactly what they made her do, and what was done to her. But it was a relatively small group, and we all thought the rebels would eventually give up and fade back into the countryside. Apparently they’re trying to rebuild their army. They’re slaughtering families and forcing wives and children to fight. The stories coming out of the area are horrifying,” Bull explained.

“And Willis wants us to go in and cut the head off the snake,” Eagle concluded.

His three friends nodded. “The leader is in Dili, the capital city. We’ve got intel about where they’re holing up. Willis believes if we take him out, his supporters will lose the will to fight. I agree,” Smoke said.

“We all agree,” Gramps said with a nod.

“When do we leave?” Eagle asked, anger coursing through his body at the thought of all the innocent men, women, and children caught up in a power struggle that the rebels were always bound to lose.

“We just wanted to make sure you agreed that we should go in,” Smoke said. “We need to do a bit more studying of the layout of the city, and nail down the logistics of getting in and out of the country, but I’m guessing we can leave in two days.”

Sunday. It was just as well Taylor hadn’t wanted him to go with her to the Dementia Senior Care Center. Eagle had to admit . . . it stung to know she didn’t want him with her, but he understood. Now, he was glad she hadn’t agreed, since he wouldn’t have to go back on his word and disappoint her by saying he couldn’t go after all.

“I’ll be ready,” he said confidently.

“Good. Now, let’s go over the layout of the city,” Gramps said, spreading a large map out on the table.


Three hours later, Eagle and the rest of his team left the safe room and made their way upstairs. The sun was setting, and there had been a shift change at Silverstone Towing. Looking around, he didn’t see Taylor in the great room.

“She’s sleeping,” Leigh said. “I swear that woman can sleep through a tornado. No one was quiet when they were here earlier, but even with the door open to the room she crashed in, she didn’t move.”

Eagle knew that was because she was exhausted after a sleepless night. He’d gotten a nice nap that morning while she’d worked, but she’d obviously finally crashed after a long evening and day.

“Thanks, Leigh,” he told her, pleased to see that she was wearing the name tag Skylar had brought over. She’d made tags for all the employees, and no one had complained about wearing them. Even when Taylor wasn’t around, everyone had gotten in the habit of putting on their tags when they came in the door.

He walked silently down the hall and found the room where Taylor was napping. She was on her side, with one arm stretched out, as if reaching for something. The other was tucked under the pillow.

Eagle hated to wake her, but he wanted to get her home. He ached to bring her to his apartment, to his bed, but since they’d just made up after their first fight, he figured he needed to move at her pace.

He loved her so much. Almost losing her with his careless words had affected him even more than he’d thought it would.

“Taylor,” he said softly, sitting in the crook of her legs. She rolled toward him a bit, but didn’t stir. “Flower, wake up,” he said, putting his hand on her shoulder and lightly shaking her.

Her eyes fluttered, then opened in slits.

“Hey, Flower, I need to get you home.”

“You done with your meeting?” she asked sleepily.


“It go okay?”

“As good as it could,” Eagle answered honestly.

“You leaving?”

He blinked at her insight, nodding. “Yeah.”

“When?” she asked.

“Sunday. Probably early.”

“That’s only two days from now,” she complained.

Wanting to smile because it was obvious she was still drowsy, Eagle merely nodded. “It is.”

“Well, shoot. I know I said no earlier, but you caught me off guard. I wouldn’t mind if you visited the dementia center with me,” she told him. “I think I’d probably feel less vulnerable if you were there. It always takes me the rest of Sunday to feel normal again. Well, normal for me. But I think if you were there with me, I’d be able to get over the off-kilter feeling faster.”

Her words meant the world to him. “Can I have a rain check?” he asked.

“Of course.” Taylor pushed herself up on a hand. He was still sitting next to her, blocking her from moving her legs over the side of the mattress. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

Eagle gently brushed her hair off her face.

“Eagle?” she asked tentatively.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to move. Standing, he held out his hand. “Come on, Flower, let’s get you home.”

She grabbed his hand and let him help her up. “I talked to some of your employees, and they said that I should take my car to Stanley Automotive. That he’s the best around.”

“They’re right. I’ll take care of it tomorrow for you.”

“That’s not necessary. I can do it,” she said. “You’ve probably got a lot of stuff to do to get ready for wherever it is you’re going.”

She was right. They did have a lot to do, but he could take the time to bring her car to Stan. “It’s not a problem, Tay.”

“Okay. Thank you, I appreciate it.”

“Stan’ll have a loaner car you can use while he’s working on yours. Although I don’t think it’ll take too long to replace that bumper . . . as long as nothing else was damaged. If I’m not back by the time he’s done, he’ll call you, and you can go and pick it up. Do you have enough to cover the cost?” he asked a little hesitantly.

“I do. I’m assuming you don’t think Thanatos is going to take care of it?”

Eagle winced.

“No, don’t answer that,” she said before he could respond. “He won’t. It’s a lesson learned on my part.”

“I’m sorry you had to learn it the hard way.”

Taylor shrugged. “Do you know how long you’re going to be gone?” she asked.

“Unfortunately, no. I don’t want to even guess, because I don’t want you to worry if we don’t get back in my time frame.”

“I understand. I don’t like it, but I get it,” Taylor said. “You’ll be safe?”

“Yes,” he reassured her. “We always are. We never take unnecessary risks. The last thing we want is for one of us to get hurt or killed. We’re cautious, Taylor. Promise.”

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