Home > The Affair(61)

The Affair(61)
Author: Danielle Steel

   “Are you okay?”

   “Yes, just scared. I hope she’s going to be okay.”

   “She’ll be fine,” Nadia said in a strong, encouraging voice. “You’ve done this three times, you know how to do it.”

   Venetia called Athena and Olivia too, and she kept calling Nadia every half hour to report in, until Nadia saw the sun come up. It was one in the morning in New York by then, she’d been in labor for six hours, and had finally stopped calling. Nadia walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee, waiting to hear from her, when Nicolas walked in.

   “No news yet?”

   “I hope she and the baby are okay.”

       “I’m sure they are.” He knew how close she was to her sisters. They were always there for each other. Olivia was at the hospital with Venetia, and Rose was waiting to hear at home.

   Venetia finally called at eight-thirty. It had taken longer than they expected. The baby had been turned the wrong way and they had to shift her, and she was a big baby, considering that she was born early. She weighed eight pounds and Venetia sounded like she’d been beaten up. But she was euphoric, and said the baby was beautiful. They were calling her Valencia. Ben sent a photo of her a minute later. The girls had already gone to school, and Nadia promised to show them later.

   “Congratulations!” Nadia said with tears in her eyes.

   “I think I’m going to stop at four,” Venetia said, exhausted. “Four months in bed was way too long.” But she had gotten a healthy baby out of it. And Ben sounded happy too when they talked to him. Nadia called her mother and congratulated her. She had seven grandchildren now.

   “I can’t wait for your party next month,” she told Nadia.

   “It’s just family, Mom. But we wanted to make it a special occasion. We all have a lot to celebrate.” Olivia and Harley’s marriage had been saved. Venetia and Ben had a new baby. And Nadia and Nicolas were back together after the worst year imaginable, and a divorce they were planning to trade in for a wedding, even if no one knew it yet.



Chapter 15

   The timing in June turned out to be perfect for everyone. The network let Athena take the time off. Seven weeks after Valencia’s birth, Venetia was back on her feet and feeling fine. She was almost back to her normal weight, and looked beautiful. Olivia and Harley had planned a trip for right after the weekend at the chateau. Nadia finished installing an apartment in London a few days before. Planning for the September issue had started but wasn’t insane yet for Rose. And this year’s September issue would be a breeze compared to last year.

   Nicolas had rented two vans to get them to the château, and everyone was in high spirits when they got there. He had sent their regular nanny to Brittany to bring back the baby with her. He had found some of the family christening gowns in a cedar chest at the château. They were beautiful, ornate, handmade gowns, and Nadia picked one that fit Benoit. It was the first time that she had seen him, and she held him for a few minutes as he cooed and smiled at her. Seeing him was the final hurdle she had to clear after the last year. She made it over smoothly, as Nicolas watched her hold him.

       “Thank you,” he whispered to her. She had made it possible for Benoit to be there, and being able to baptize him at the château on a special day for them meant a lot to him. He looked like a little prince when they tried the christening gown on him. He was fair like Nicolas, with a fine peach fuzz on his head, and big blue eyes. Pascale hadn’t objected to the baptism when he decided to call and asked her. She said she wasn’t religious and didn’t care. He did. It seemed more respectful to ask her.

   Neither he nor Nadia had commented when the Cannes Film Festival happened in May. He didn’t have a film there this year, and neither of them wanted to go. It brought back bad memories and probably always would of his year of insanity.

   Nicolas had brought the marriage license with him and had it in his pocket. Nadia’s dress had arrived in a crate that had to be specially built and sent to the château by truck. The wedding was scheduled for Saturday. Everyone arrived at the château the day before, and spent the day relaxing at the pool, and played Marco Polo with the children. Nicolas took Benoit in for a few minutes and he loved it, then he squealed with delight while Sylvie and Laure fussed over him. Valencia was too young for the pool and was asleep in her pram. They all had a big family dinner that night, to celebrate just being there together. It was the first time they had been with Nicolas since he came back. He slipped back into his place in the family very quickly. Nicolas and Nadia looked relaxed. No one knew about the wedding until breakfast the next day, when Nicolas announced it, much to everyone’s surprise. Harley was worried that he hadn’t brought a proper suit, and Nicolas said he could lend him one, but he didn’t need it. His summer navy linen blazer and white linen pants were fine.

       Rose looked amused when they made the announcement. They were certainly going all out to reforge their bond to each other. “You mean you’re renewing your vows?” They’d been married for twelve years by then.

   “Not exactly,” Nicolas explained in answer to her question. “We had a little administrative glitch a few months ago. We appeared at the notaire for our divorce papers, and subsequently when we got back together, we forgot to cancel the divorce. In April we were advised that our marriage had been dissolved. So we are getting married today, for the second time.” There was a babble of comments, jokes and laughter, and everyone was excited to be part of it, and loved that they had done it as a surprise.

   “What if one of us couldn’t come?” Athena asked, stunned by the plan. For fourteen years, she had refused to marry Joe, and her sister was marrying the same man twice.

   “We made sure you all could come when we set the date,” Nicolas told her. “But if not, you would have missed a terrific dinner tonight, and seeing Nadia in the gorgeous dress Venetia made for her. I haven’t seen it yet. But the crate it came in is the size of this house.” The chatter continued for another hour. And they were all told that they had to be at the town hall at noon for the legal ceremony. They had a reservation at a local restaurant at one. The church ceremony was to be at six o’clock, with dinner afterwards at the château. They all scurried off then to put their outfits together and be ready on time.

       Rose watched them go and smiled. It was certainly unorthodox, but if Nadia was happy, it was all she cared about. And if Nicolas cheated on her daughter again, she was going to kill him herself.


* * *



   Everyone was standing at the vans outside at twenty to twelve, and they set off to the little town where the town hall was located. Nadia was wearing a very pretty simple white cotton dress she had found at the Bon Marché, by a designer she didn’t know but Venetia did and approved. She was wearing her dark hair in a neat ponytail, and high-heeled white sandals. She was carrying a small bouquet of white flowers that Sylvie helped her pick. They had their papers with them, and everything went smoothly. Ben and Venetia were their witnesses, and at twelve-thirty they were standing outside, congratulating the bride and groom. Nicolas looked relieved that they were legally married again. The rest was window dressing after this.

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