Home > Moon Kissed (The Marked Wolf Series Book 1)(22)

Moon Kissed (The Marked Wolf Series Book 1)(22)
Author: Jen L. Grey

“Yeah, we do, but we’ll wind up having to wake the guys.” Coral rolled her eyes. “They are a pain to get moving in the morning.”

I grabbed my phone from the coffee table. It was nine in the morning. “Well, we’ll get going.” I stood and glanced down at my yoga pants and shirt.

“Let me grab the keys, and I’ll take you.” Amethyst walked into the kitchen, and the jangling of keys pierced the air.

Beth stood and stretched. “I’m not even gonna change. Hopefully, I can go back to sleep when we get there.”

I folded up my blanket and laid it on the loveseat.

Jacob focused on me. “Maybe we could grab breakfast together?”

Of course, he’d ask in front of everyone. I didn’t want to come off like an asshole, so I nodded. “Okay.”

Amethyst entered the room again and headed to the front door. “All right, I’ll go start the car.”

The moment I turned to pick up my bag, Jacob took it.

“I’ve got it.” He placed it on his shoulder.

It should have been endearing. He was trying to take care of me, but today, it rubbed me the wrong way. Without thanking him, I headed straight to the door. “Bye, Coral.”

“See you soon, girl. And good luck,” she replied.

“What’s Emma’s problem?” I heard Jacob whisper to Beth.

“You do realize she can still hear you, right?” Beth rolled her eyes as she followed me.

He sighed and stepped outside as I was climbing into the car. Beth got in the backseat with me, forcing Jacob to take the front.

Once the four of us had settled in the little car, Amethyst took off, catching me off guard. She zipped through the neighborhood, driving at least sixty.

That must have been what Coral had been referring to when she’d said good luck. I had thought she’d meant with Jacob.

Two minutes later, she slammed on the brakes, making them squeal, outside of Jacob’s dorm.

“Uh … thanks?” It sounded more like a question. “Once I check in with Prescott, I’ll head your way.”

I’d only met his roommate a couple of times, but he gave me a wide berth. There was no telling what Jacob had told him about me, but when a wolf claimed someone as a potential mate, single wolves backed off out of respect—well, unless they wanted to dispute the claim.

That right there proved he was a good, loyal friend to Jacob.

“Okay, see you then.” Obviously, he either hadn’t understood our conversation last night, or he wanted to push it further. Either possibility wasn’t ideal, but he deserved the opportunity to talk more.

Amethyst popped the trunk, and Jacob moved around the car. He grabbed his bag and headed toward the dorm room.

“Be ready for an argument,” Amethyst said and put the car in DRIVE.

“What do you mean?” It would help to get a little insight into how he was feeling.

“He’s scared and desperate.” She glanced in the rearview mirror. “That’s a bad combination.”

“Maybe I should join you for breakfast,” Beth suggested. “I could be the buffer.”

“There’s no point.” Even though taking the coward’s way out sounded amazing, it probably wasn’t the best strategy. “The conversation has to happen eventually.”

“She’s right.” Amethyst nodded. “He won’t let it go.”

Great. “Any words of advice?” Maybe if she could impart some words of wisdom.

“Be strong.” She took off toward the girls’ dorm. “And stand your ground. He’s hoping to talk you out of breaking up. And we both know this won’t end well for him.”

“Not for me either.”

“Oh, please.” Beth lightly slapped my shoulder. “We both know how this ends.”

“Do we?” She seemed more confident than I did.

“Hell yeah, I do.” She snorted, and there was a look of pride in her eye. “You’re going to dominate both of them.”

“I’m not into kink.” I had to give her a hard time, but I couldn’t believe her either. Aidan and Jacob were stronger than me.

“Maybe that’s the problem, then.” She grimaced and ground her teeth. “We both know I didn’t mean it that way.”

“There is strength inside you.” Amethyst stopped the car and glanced over her shoulder. “You’re meant to lead.”

“A girl alpha?” That notion was absurd. I’d never met a strong alpha that was female.

“Oh, really?” Amethyst laughed. “Our priestess is always a woman, and then there’s our legend of the star.”

“The legend of the star?” I sounded like a parrot, but I’d never heard of it.

“It’s likely an old wives’ tale, but elderly members of our coven believe that one day, there will be an all-women council that destiny has chosen.” She shrugged. “It sounds nice, but curses and prophecies always get things wrong. The one thing you can count on, though, is earth and the magic within.”

“It does sound like an empowering story.” Beth lifted her fist. “I mean, your race embraces the strength of a woman while shifters cast a blind eye.”

“Eh, you can always dream,” Amethyst said as I opened the door.

“Thanks for dropping us off.” I needed time alone.

She popped the trunk as I approached it.

“No problem at all.” She held her cell phone out the window. “What’s your number? I can text you guys later. Maybe we can meet up for dinner or hang out this weekend?”

I rattled off my number and waved goodbye. “Drive safe and talk to you soon.”

Beth and I were heading up the stairs when the eerie feeling settled over me again.






It was ridiculous. I’d stayed out here all fucking night, waiting for her to come home. And of course, she’d show up with a witch, but at least, it wasn’t him.

The longer she hung around the witches, the more fate would force our hand. The mark showed itself in her more with each encounter.

I stepped out from behind the building across the street from the girls’ dorm, desperate to talk to her. I didn’t know what I was going to say, but I had to hear her voice and be near her. I wanted to be the man she deserved so fucking much.






He’d pull this shit now. I turned around and found Aidan standing exactly where he had been last night.

Right when I began to turn back around, he called out, “Emma.”

I paused but didn’t reply.

“Please, I just need a minute.” He almost sounded like the boy I remembered.

I had to remind myself he was manipulating me.

“Here, I’ll take it inside.” Beth grabbed my bag and pointed at Aidan. “One wrong move, and I’ll be back down here to kick your ass.”

He didn’t say a word, instead keeping his focus on me.

Beth frowned and left me alone with him.

“What do you want?” I didn’t want to shoot the shit with him. Being around him tugged at me in ways that made it difficult to clamp down.

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