Home > Fixation(4)

Author: Nicole Dykes

It’s about the only thing that is.

He knew that would be my answer. “Okay. So, what happened to your face? I know it’s your pride and joy.”

I laugh at that and cringe, smoothing a hand over my still sore ribs. “Big motherfucker.”

He nods, and I let him continue to assume. “Never could keep your mouth shut.”

I smirk. “Never wanted to.”

“Just stay out of trouble, and you’re welcome to the spare room.”

He stands up and walks inside as I stay seated out on the porch, looking around at the town I’ll call home for a few weeks until the mood strikes to leave.

I make no fucking promises, Brandon.



“Oh my God, I’ve missed you!” I hug Gabby, and she laughs lightly as I hold on to her.

“I saw you last night.”

“I still miss the hell out of you.” I finally release her, and we both sit down at one of the tables of our favorite coffee house.

“I know, I miss you like crazy already.”

Enough to come back?

That’s a terrible thought. I know she’s happy. I won’t impede her happiness.

“You ready for school to start tomorrow?”

I love school. I grew up in a small town with very few people, which was the way I liked it, but there wasn’t much of anything else. No fancy coffee houses, no bookstores, no real means of learning besides the public school with overworked teachers who just wanted to get through the day.

Of course, there were some good teachers, my mom included. But even her passion for teaching and learning extinguished over the years.

“I am. What about you, Gabby?”

She nods her head happily, enjoying her education as well. “I am. I hope I can get everything else unpacked tonight.”

I look at the clock on my phone. “I have to be at the bar in thirty minutes and can’t leave until eleven or I’d offer to help you.”

She smiles. “You’ve helped enough. And do you ever sleep?”

Not really. “I’m fine. I’ll sleep when I get home. My first class isn’t until nine tomorrow morning.”

I notice the look of concern in her eyes. Gabby can’t help it. She’s a beautiful soul who wants to rescue everyone she meets, and she’s always offering to help me. But I like staying busy. I’m okay with hard work, knowing that someday my dreams will come true and I’ll graduate and land the job I’ve always wanted.

“I just hate how difficult this road has been for you.”

“It’s really not that bad, Gabs. I’m fine.” She doesn’t believe me, but I now know she has her own problems. “So, a guy came into the diner today . . .”

“Tell me more.” Her smile is bright and hopeful as she sips her caramel macchiato.

“Total douchebag.”

She snorts in laughter as she clears her throat and pats her chest. “So, not a love story.”

“I’ve told you a million times, Gabby, I’m not looking for a romance. Book boyfriends are more than enough for me.”

“That can’t be true, Elle. I love you to death. And I love books, but no one can live with only their company.”

I shrug. “I use the occasional penis when I need to.”

She bursts out laughing again, her beautiful, light laugh enough to make me join her. “Not at all interested in what’s attached?”


It’s true. There are rarely any men who can even momentarily gain my attention, so I go on the occasional, quick app-date here and there. Get mine, and then I’m out. I don’t need any distractions anyway.

She takes another sip of her sweet drink. “So, this douchebag? Why is he worth the mention?”

“Because he’s now living in your house.”

Her shocked expression tells me he didn’t say a word. “Blake?”

Is that his name? I never asked, and I couldn’t remember it earlier. “If that’s the douchebag staying with you, yes.”

I miss living with her already. This would have been thoroughly talked about by now if we did. Of course, would that mean Blake would be staying with me too? I don’t know, my head hurts.

“Are you okay with him staying with you?’

Her small shoulders sag, and she sighs softly. “I’m worried. He showed up, bag in hand, at our front door at five in the morning with a black-eye and cut hands, just expecting to stay with us indefinitely. And Brandon, of course, asked me first, but what was I supposed to say?”

Hell no. “If you were concerned, I think you could have told Brandon. He loves you and will put you first.”

“I know, but I couldn’t turn Blake away either. He clearly needs help.”


She laughs slightly at that. “I’m afraid it’ll cause Brandon to use again.”

Gabby is a superior human. She has the ability to not push shit away and actually voice her fears, unlike most people. Her only fault is that she cares too damn much. She’s the type who’ll rescue every lost puppy no matter how many times it bites her.

“Did you tell him that?”

She shakes her head. “He doesn’t need to think I believe he’s capable of failing because I know he won’t. But Blake is . . .”

“An asshole.”

She laughs again and then nods her head with her bottom lip poked out. “Yeah. I mean, I don’t know him well and haven’t been around him much even today, but yeah. He’s arrogant and acts as if he literally doesn’t care about anything.”

“I don’t think that’s an act, Gabs. I don’t think that guy does care about anything short of getting high and getting laid.”

“Well, I won’t let him wreck Brandon’s progress. I just need to be diligent.”

“And what? Babysit him? And Brandon? These are grown men we are talking about, Gabby.”

“They’re addicts. One who won’t admit it and one who is teetering on the edge.”

It’s not my place to tell her to kick that asshole to the curb, but I’m incredibly worried about my best friend.

And Brandon by default.

Then she does what Gabby does and brushes it off, changing the subject. “So, no dates lately then?”

I groan, placing both my hands over my face. “No.”

“I just want you to be happy.”

I lower my hands slowly. “I am happy. I truly am. I work a lot. I know that drives you crazy, but it keeps me happy. I go to school and am working toward my degree, and then if I have free time, I hang out with my best friend in the world or get lost in a book. I’m happy, Gabby.”

She smiles as she nods and then sighs again. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be annoying, and believe me, as someone who had everyone telling me who I was, I get it. Just know you can talk to me.”

“I know that. And you need to know that I don’t leave things out.”

“We don’t live together anymore. It’s going to be harder.”

I wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her to me. “Not for us, Gabs. It’s you and me.”

She rests her head on my shoulder and sips her coffee. “You’re welcome over any time.”

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