Home > From Alaska with Love(53)

From Alaska with Love(53)
Author: Ally James

   “Hey, what’s wrong with my voice?” she asked in mock anger.

   “Absolutely nothing,” Jason assured her. “There isn’t a man alive who doesn’t get weak in the knees over a girl with a twang.”

   “I knew we should have stayed home,” Gabe grumbled. “I’d sleep better at night if you’d stop hitting on my girlfriend.”

   “Better take her off the market, then,” Jason goaded before turning to greet the rest of their battalion at the back table. “Hey, does everyone remember Major Randall?” It was obviously a shared joke, as they all laughed and called out greetings. Apparently Gabe hadn’t been kidding about not attending these things. Then all eyes were on her as Jason pulled her forward. “And this is the lovely Sara, Gabe’s much better half. I’ll go ahead and warn you, they’re big fans of PDA.” Gabe punched him in the shoulder while she simply shrugged and grinned. It’s true, we are.

   Most of the tables had been pushed together to accommodate the large group, so it wasn’t until they were seated that she noticed Melanie at the opposite end. When the other woman met her gaze, Sara forced out a friendly smile; after all, she had no clue that Sara had overheard them that night. She could tell by the tightening of Gabe’s jaw that he saw her as well. It wasn’t difficult to understand why Melanie was bitter. If the man with his arm around her chair was Jared, then she’d taken a big step down. No—more like a free fall. He was balding and out of shape, with an obnoxious laugh that grated on Sara’s nerves. Something about her brittle grin told Sara that Melanie was having a tough time in her quest to be an officer’s wife. She couldn’t help pitying her. Is it really worth it?

   After dinner, everyone moved over to the pool tables. Sara had never played before, but she loved how Gabe put his arms around her to help line up the shot. When she made it, he hugged her to him, before dropping a kiss onto her forehead. That cologne. Dear God, it’s like sex in a bottle. “Having fun?” he asked as he smiled down at her. Even though he joked around with the other soldiers, he always made a point to keep her near. As if not wanting to be apart, which she kinda loved.

   She rubbed his back as she rested her head against him. “Yeah, I am. How about you?”

   He nodded, then leaned forward briefly to answer a question from Martinez. “Yeah, Angel, it’s been good. But mainly because you’re here. One of the reasons I love Alaska so much is the peace and quiet I have at the cabin. And even though I realize it’s necessary to socialize at times, I’d always rather it be me, you, and Trouble.”

   “Me too,” she murmured. “I love you, Gabe.” Wow, that one even surprised me.

   His eyes went liquid soft. “I love you too, Angel. Let’s get out of here.”

   She had completely lost sight of her mission. Gabe had stepped away to collect their coats when she saw Melanie going toward the restroom. Game time. She almost chickened out. Thinking about what she’d do when she saw her was one thing, but actually confronting the other woman was quite another. Yet she knew that if she didn’t have the courage to say something tonight, she never would. She was not a mean person, but she also couldn’t be the woman that Gabe deserved if she let others disrespect not only him but her. I can do this. She was so focused on her goal that she didn’t notice Jason until he touched her arm. “Oh hey, I didn’t see you. We’re getting ready to leave. Gabe is getting our things.” Shit, I’m rambling.

   He looked from her to the nearby restroom, then back again. “I see,” he finally said. He rubbed a hand over his neck as if debating his next words. “I know something happened with her at the ball. I was talking to a few people and saw her, and the others, go the bathroom not long after you. And they came back out first.”

   “Did you tell Gabe?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t. She needed to handle this on her own.

   He shook his head. “No, I didn’t. Probably should have, but it wasn’t my place. I think you’ve already figured out that you have to be able to handle yourself among this crowd. This isn’t a place for the weak or faint of heart. Not to say you need to be a bitch like some of those ladies are, but don’t take any shit either. It’s no different than anything else—if you stand up for yourself, they’ll move on to an easier mark.” The serious tone was gone as he smirked down at her. “Along with the ever-popular ‘Don’t do anything stupid,’ I’ll also add, ‘Never be a victim.’” She saw Gabe looking around for her at the same time Jason did. “I’ll tell him you’re in the bathroom. Better be quick or he’ll probably break the damn door down.” He gave her a wink and added, “Go get ’em, Ellie Mae.”

   The fist bump she gave him was a little shaky, but he didn’t comment on it. She quickly crossed the remaining space and opened the door. She stopped short as she saw Melanie and the blonde she had been sitting near standing in front of the mirror. She recognized the blonde’s high-pitched voice as she laughed over something Melanie said. They both looked over at her in surprise when she stepped up next to them. She pretended to smooth her hair as she said pleasantly, “We need to stop meeting like this.”

   The blonde rolled her eyes and smirked at Melanie, who said, “Sara, how lovely to see you again. Mindy, have you met Gabe’s little . . . friend?”

   Instead of being offended, she wanted to thank Melanie for her condescending words and tone. Because they gave her the courage to do what needed to be done. She turned, putting her back against the counter and crossing her arms over her chest. “Actually, Mindy, I’m Gabe’s girlfriend. Although he just calls me his Angel.” They both appeared wary now, which proved they had some self-preservation instincts, if not intelligence. “I hate that the rest of the gang isn’t here, but since you two are, I think we should get a few things straight.”

   “Really, Sara, what is this little scene all about?” Melanie asked snidely, but it was hard to miss the look of unease in her eyes.

   “Well, Melanie, I just happened to hear everything you said about me and Gabe in the restroom at the ball.”

   “Oh shit.” Mindy grimaced. Melanie stood her ground, but she had visibly paled.

   I’ve got this. “Let me assure you that I don’t give a damn what anyone here thinks of my weight, or my clothing. Because guess what? I’m fit, healthy—and I have a man who loves me and my curves. Oh, and that ‘mutt’ is a Randall boy—and I belong to them, just as they belong to me.” Mindy’s eyes were bugging out of her head by that point, but it was Melanie who held Sara’s focus. She stepped closer until they stood toe to toe. She’s afraid. “He dumped you, Mel, get over it. A word of advice, though—find someone who makes you happy . . . because obviously Jared doesn’t. Otherwise, you wouldn’t feel the need to tear others down, just to raise yourself up.” It was probably her imagination, but Melanie appeared almost ashamed. She hoped that some of what she’d said had gotten through to her.

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