Home > And Then There Was Us (And Then There Was, 2)(11)

And Then There Was Us (And Then There Was, 2)(11)
Author: Jenika Snow

“You feel it too,” I said before I could censor my words. But I didn’t regret them. I wouldn’t take them back. Korrie did feel what I felt. I could tell by the way her pupils dilated, by the shallow way she started breathing. I could see it in the way she licked her lips, her eyes lowering to mine as if she ached for me to kiss her in the same mind-shattering way I yearned to.

There was this hazy fog that surrounded me, clouding my judgment, all rationalization telling me I needed to make Korrie mine. There was no other priority I had unless it was claiming her, and even then I knew nothing else would be as important to me as her.

“Say something,” I whispered, desperate to have her tell me what was on her mind.

But she didn’t say anything. Instead I felt her hand on my chest, and I lowered my gaze to see her hand against me. Her fingers were long, delicate, and feminine. Her nails had this clear glossy shine to them… so pretty. My heart thundered harder. Could she feel it? Could she feel how hard it beat for her?

This low, gruff sound left me involuntarily, and I lifted my gaze so I could stare into her eyes once more. She was nibbling the plump, red flesh of her bottom lip. This low sound left her, and her warm, rum-laced breath lightly moved along my lips. God, she smells so good, the heat from her body searing me alive.

I need more.

“I feel…”

Tell me, pretty girl. Tell me all your thoughts. Tell me you want me with this ferocity that consumes you… like it does me.

My heart was racing, a war drum beating inside my chest, pounding against my ribs. It beats for her.

“I feel the same way,” she finally said, her words breathless, her straight, white little teeth still tugging on her lip.

Her expression was rapt with want and need. It screamed… kiss me.

And I wasn’t going to stop myself from doing just that.

“Bishop.” She all but moaned my name and now was the one to lean in closer to me.

God, tell me, Korrie. Just say the words, break this tension.

“Kiss me.”

I felt a triumphant roar fill my chest, coming out as a low growl of pleasure. I curled my hand around her nape, pulled her closer, and slammed my mouth down on hers.

At the first taste of her lips, I groaned anew, getting lost in the flavor, scent… feeling of Korrie.

I stroked her with my tongue, and when she parted her lips for me, I didn’t hesitate to plunge the muscle inside, sweeping into the warm, addictive cavern of just a sampling of everything I craved from her. This was the beginning of what we’d share together.

“Mmm,” I hummed against her mouth, tilting my head, deepening the kiss. She held onto my biceps, her nails digging into my flesh. God, she smelled so good, that crisp, lemony scent. She was so receptive, clinging to me, moaning as I fucked her mouth like I wanted to do between her thighs.

My cock hardened, thickening even more, impossibly stiffer. It was to the point of no return, the massive length painful. Fuck, my dick was digging into the zipper of my jeans, but it served the bastard right. Let it be uncomfortable as I savored Korrie’s kiss.

I was crazed for her, drunk from Korrie’s flavor, so hungry for her that I felt insane from my arousal.

“Bishop, I-I…” Her words were low and husky, her arousal right there at the surface so that she was having a hard time even speaking. Same, Korrie. I’m the same.

“Tell me what you need and it’s yours. Everything I am is yours.” I hoped she didn’t think too hard on how possessive those words sounded. I meant them to my marrow.

I could see she was really thinking about what she wanted to tell me, her apprehension tangible.

“I guaran-fucking-tee whatever you want is only a fraction of what I want, Korrie.” My voice was this husky purr, my pleasure coming through thick in my voice, one I didn't bother trying to hide.

She stared into my eyes, then said in the most pleasure-filled voice I’d ever heard, “I want you… to take me to your place.”









I didn’t think I’d ever driven home faster than I did with Korrie in the passenger seat. The air in the interior of the car was thick, lust-laced, and my cock had a heartbeat of its own. I kept thinking about the last thing she’d said to me before all sanity snapped in half inside me.

“I want you… to take me to your place.”

Even now, just thinking about it, I growled low, the blood thrumming through my veins, my pulse beating wildly in my cock. In the car I had to continuously shift on the seat to try to ease some of the pressure in my balls. I failed.

And then when we’d gotten to my place and headed up the stairs of the apartment building, walking had been a fresh hell in itself. Moving with a raging hard-on was one of the most uncomfortable feelings I’d ever had—then again, the very thought of how I’d soon be relieving that made it the best kind of agony.

And here we are… in my apartment, Korrie looking up at me with an arousal so thick I’m drowning in it.

“Do you want something to drink?” Fuck, was that my voice? It was rough, scratchy. It didn’t even sound like my own.

Asking her that seemed like the polite thing to do, but it was the last thing I wanted. That one drink I had at Lyrics hadn’t done anything to inebriate me, and the truth was, I didn’t want anything dulling what I’d have with Korrie tonight.

She said nothing in response and instead moved closer. I held my breath as I watched her begin to close the distance between us. The lights were off—because apparently all rational thought left me where she was concerned. So here we were, standing in the darkened living room, the shadows wrapping around us. The only light that filtered in was through the large window across from the couch, the city light pooling into the room.

My cock jerked, and I found myself pressing the heel of my palm against the length before I realized I’d done it. She stopped and lowered her eyes to watch the act, and I snapped my gaze up, feeling zero shame.

Let her see what she does to me, how hard she makes me.

“Come here,” I growled low, the words coming from my parted lips before I could stop myself.

She let out a slow breath, as if she were in pain, but only the best kind. I could see the way her nipples pressed against the material of her shirt, hard twin points that had my mouth watering.

“Come here, baby.” I was demanding right now, doing everything in my power not to go to her, even if I wanted that more than life itself. I wanted her to come to me on her own, to make me feel this power that she wanted me so fucking badly.

Like I want her.

She took another step forward, and I felt my spine straighten as I stood to my full height. My pulse increased, and the only thing I could hear was the beating of my rampant heart.

She stopped when she was just a foot from me, and I curled my hands into tight fists to stop myself from pulling her in closer. I stared down into her face, letting my gaze travel over her curls, inhaling the lemony scent that came from them. I went lower and took in her big, beautiful brown eyes, ones that looked like spilled ink in the darkened room. I wanted to count every long lash that framed them, wanted to kiss her closed lids as she moaned my name.

Her lips parted, and her pupils dilated. “What are you thinking about right now?” she asked breathlessly.

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