Home > Hacking the Biker's Code (Dogs of Fire Savannah Chapter Book 6)(7)

Hacking the Biker's Code (Dogs of Fire Savannah Chapter Book 6)(7)
Author: Piper Davenport

“That’s Rabbit. You know, he’s super friendly, you should go talk to him,” Alamo parroted.

I dragged my eyes from my possible dream man and looked up at Alamo. “But I’m talking to you.”

He chuckled. “Shy, my ass,” he retorted.

I blushed. “Weirdly enough, I don’t feel shy around you.”

Alamo raised an eyebrow. “That’s not weird. I’m pretty fuckin’ fantastic.” I chuckled and Alamo presented his elbow. “Let me buy you a drink.”

I slid my hand into the crook of his arm, and we made our way to the bar where Rabbit was still standing chatting up some biker ho, smiling at me as we approached.

“Beer?” Rabbit asked Alamo.

“Yeah, brother.” Alamo pulled me up to the bar and nodded toward Rabbit. “Parker, meet Rabbit. Rabbit, meet Parker Powers.”

“Hey, Pebbles,” he said.

I narrowed my eyes. “Excuse me?”

He grinned big. “You heard me.”

My hand went to my head, realizing I may have pulled my messy bun up a little higher than I thought. I wasn’t used to wearing my hair up, but Jasmine had challenged me not to hide my face, so I forced myself to reveal a little more than I normally did. “You think I look like a prehistoric cartoon character?”

“Just missin’ the bone, baby.”

“Who says I’m missing the bone?” I challenged, and Alamo dropped his head back and laughed.

Rabbit just smirked and tipped his beer toward me. “I like you, Pebbles.”




I blinked, sitting up and hearing water slosh. Apparently, I’d fallen asleep. I glanced over my shoulder and bit my lip. Rabbit leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed, watching me. Lordy, he was edible.

“You interrupted my dream,” I accused, sliding back into the water.

“Yeah? Was it good?”

I smiled. “It was the night I met you.”

“Oh, so it was a nightmare.”

I snorted. “More like a rom/com.”

I’d spent part of the night talking to Alamo and then the rest of it being grilled by Jasmine. I could tell she was enamored by him, but she wouldn’t talk to him, which was so unlike my bestie. Shortly after, she shut down, and I didn’t find out for a while that it was because she thought he and I had a thing. Only it wasn’t even close to a thing.

Obviously, my thing was prone to furry creatures who multiply, not so much men who lost their mission. Rabbit appeared in front of me, holding a towel. “You ready to get out and get wet for an entirely different reason?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Is this your idea of foreplay?”

“Climb out and I’ll show you.”

I pulled the plug on the tub and rose to my feet, letting Rabbit steady me as I stepped out. He wrapped the towel around me and kissed me gently. “You exhausted?”

“Very,” I admitted, tying the towel to my chest.

“Okay, baby, you get dressed and I’ll lock up.”

“After wine.”

“I’ll lock up now, but you can get dressed after the wine.”

I rolled my eyes. “Like you haven’t already double checked every window and door.”

“This is true. Already poured you a glass of wine as well.”

I smiled up at him. “This is why you’re my favorite.”

“No, it’s not,” he countered, patting my butt and walking out of the room.

I shook my head. No, it wasn’t.

It was his dick and he knew it.

I dressed in a pair of short shorts and a white tank top, then headed into the kitchen where Rabbit had a glass of my favorite red ready and waiting.

“Why the fuck do you dress like that and expect me to keep it in my pants?”

“I don’t expect you to keep it in your pants.”

“Thought you were exhausted.”

“I am,” I confirmed. “But I dressed like this to make sure you took care of me before I reached a catatonic state.”

“You’ve had a shit day, baby, you sure you don’t just want me to sleep with you?”

“What’s the one thing I always want when I’ve had a shit day?” I challenged, taking a sip of wine.

“It’s been a while, Parker, so the fact you’re askin’ me that question gives me pause,” he retorted.

“What’s the one thing I always used to want when I had a shit day, and, truth be told, hasn’t actually changed from the first time I had it.”

“That’s a lot of words, Pebbles.”

“Rabbit, just answer the question,” I growled.

“My dick.”

“Exactly. So, how about you go get naked and give it to me?”

“My wish is your command.”

“No, your dick is my command.”

He laughed. “That too.”

I grabbed the bottle of wine and followed him down the hall and into my bedroom. He already had his shirt off and I leaned against the doorframe and watched him remove the rest of his clothes.

“Slower,” I ordered, and Rabbit chuckled, sliding his jeans down his hips slowly. I licked my lips and raked my eyes over his body. “Lordy, you’re ridiculously gorgeous.”

He closed the distance between us and took the wine bottle and glass from me, setting them on the dresser. “Back atya, Pebbles.”

I slid my hands up his chest. “You gonna make me come?”

“A hundred times.” He gently ran his thumb over my mouth. “How’s your lip?”

“A little sore, but it’ll heal.”

He kissed the corner of my mouth gently and stroked my cheek. “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him.”

I stroked the back of his neck. “After I come a hundred times.”

His hands slid under the waistband of my panties and squeezed my bottom. “At least.”

Lifting me off my feet, he gently dropped me on the bed and slid my shorts and panties down my legs, throwing them into the corner. “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he breathed out, kissing his way down my body and tonguing my clit.

I had a love-hate relationship with my looks. I mean, what woman doesn’t? I knew I was beautiful in the classic sense, long, dark hair, big green eyes that got me more notice than I wanted, and I was thin. The problem was, I didn’t want to be thin. It didn’t matter how much I ate, I just didn’t gain weight. My parents had made doctors check for all manner of diseases just in case that was the reason I wasn’t meeting my weight charts.

I was healthy. Perfectly so, but would be stuck being thin with little boobs. I desperately wanted to be curvy like Jasmine with a pair of knockers that would bring a man to his knees. Unfortunately, using ‘knockers’ as an adjective might have revealed me as more of a nerd to people, so along with my awkward, skinny body, I was also smart with huge thick glasses and braces.

Until my senior year of high school. Still skinny, mind you, but the braces were gone and I’d discovered contacts. And that’s when boys discovered me.

But I was still painfully shy and insecure about my looks, so I closed in on myself until I met Jasmine and Willow. They helped me blossom and when I met Rabbit, well, he made me soar.

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