Home > The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(13)

The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(13)
Author: Samantha Chase

“Listen, Elliott,” she began carefully, “I really wish I could help you, but…I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

His expression turned somber and it felt like she had kicked a puppy. “May I ask why?”

Ugh…where do I even begin?

Fidgeting in her seat, she frantically searched for the right excuse. “For starters, I’m not a therapist. I may have gone to school for psychology, but that doesn’t mean I’m qualified to help you. Plus, you’re my best friend’s brother and that’s definitely a conflict of interest.”

“You said that didn’t matter.”

“Well, that day it really didn’t. I wasn’t talking with you as a therapist. We were talking as friends and…I don’t know…this just seems like something you really need a professional for.”

He studied her for a long moment before leaning forward in his chair. “Here’s the thing, Skylar, I don’t want to sit and talk to a professional. It’s embarrassing enough sitting and talking to you about this.”

“You’re embarrassed?”

He nodded.

“Why? We’ve known each other for years! If anything, talking to a stranger would probably be a lot easier.”

“I disagree. I don’t want to have to explain my entire family dynamic to a stranger and waste time. You know all the players involved and it will make this whole therapy thing–for lack of a better word–go much faster.”

“Elliott, therapy isn’t about getting things done faster. It takes time to delve into the human psyche. You need to be willing to put in the work and peel back the layers and…”

“My family put an embargo on me!” he blurted out.

“Um…yeah,” she replied quietly. “I heard.”

In that moment, he looked utterly defeated. He leaned back and then slouched slightly in his seat, raking a hand through his hair. And when he looked up at her, she saw so much pain there. “I’m a joke to my family and friends, Skye. Hell, just thinking about it pisses me off. I have a year to figure some things out and…please. I just need someone to cut me a break and help me.”

She knew she was going to regret this.

And she knew she was going to end up needing to see a therapist herself.

But even if she didn’t factor in her feelings for Elliott, she couldn’t stand to see someone hurting and not try to help. So…

“I’ll do it,” she said quietly.

He straightened. “You will?”

“I will.”

Elliott jumped to his feet, a genuine smile on his face. “Skye…I…you have no idea how much this means to me! When can we start? Are you busy now? Can I take you to dinner?” He glanced around. “Or we can get takeout and go to my place or…”

He was rambling at this point and Skye knew she was going to have to reel him in and take control of the situation.

It was the only way she was going to survive it.

Holding up her hand, she cut him off. “How about this–we meet up on Saturday morning for coffee? Someplace neutral. And we’ll do this once a week.”

His shoulders sagged and he was back to looking dejected. “But…that’s several days away.”

“Elliott, you just sprung this on me and I think if we’re going to do this, we need to keep it on at least a slightly professional basis.”

“Okay, but weekends are your busy time. I just thought…”

Crap. She hadn’t even taken that into consideration. “You’re right.” She pulled up her calendar and glanced at it. “Are there any mornings where you’re free?”

“I need to be in the office by eight and I’m not sure either of us is up for a sunrise therapy session.”

“Hmm, good point.” This was way more difficult than she would have thought. “I don’t always have a set schedule, but…”

“How about tomorrow night then? We can meet every Thursday night and I know you want to keep this professional but…I think meeting at my place would be best. I’ll take care of dinner. It’s the least I can do since you’re helping me out.”

Again, he had a point.

“Fine. Tomorrow night. Seven o’clock. Your house.”

His face lit up as he smiled at her. “Thanks, Skye. You’re a lifesaver.”

“Don’t say that yet. We don’t even know if this is going to help.”

“It will,” he said confidently. “I have every faith in you.”

At least one of us does…



Elliott looked at his watch for the tenth time in as many minutes and frowned.

How fitting would it be if his therapist stood him up too?

Groaning, he walked around his house and wondered what he was supposed to do. He picked up Chinese food on the way home, all the pillows on his sofa were fluffed, and every surface had been dusted.

All that was missing was Skylar.

It wasn’t like she was overly late, but…it was 7:05 so technically, still late.

He paced some more and wondered–not for the first time–if he was doing the right thing. Therapy was not something he was comfortable with, but talking with someone he knew seemed a little more palatable.

Was it going to help? He had no idea. But he had to try, and he had nothing but time on his hands thanks to his family.

Although…he was a grown man. It wasn’t like anyone could really enforce it if he did happen to meet someone and…

The doorbell rang and Elliott practically sagged with relief. When he opened the door, Skylar looked more than a little uncomfortable.

Not a good sign for their first meeting.

She was dressed casually–faded jeans, an oversized sweatshirt, and her hair in the ever-present ponytail–and for some reason she looked more like the girl he remembered from when they were growing up than the woman running a successful business with his sister.

“Hey,” she said, a little breathless. “Sorry I’m late.”

Elliott motioned for her to come in. “Everything okay?”

Skye stepped into the house, stood to the side, and waited for him to lead her–which seemed a little odd too. Was she really this uncomfortable with the whole thing?

“Um…we’re dealing with a bit of a bridezilla and her parents are equally aggressive. Basically, it’s a nightmare. They came in this afternoon for a cake tasting and made poor Leanna cry.” They walked into the living room and she sat down on the sofa and let out a weary sigh. “Josie was ready to snap so I sent her to check on Leanna and I had to play peacekeeper to the clients and…ugh, it was awful. Like, I don’t understand why people are so hateful.”

“Wow, that had to suck. I’m sorry.” He sat down beside her and wasn’t sure what to do or say to make her feel better.

“For the most part, we’re used to clients being extremely particular in what they want and they should be. A wedding is a big deal and it’s supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime event so it’s only natural to want everything to be perfect. And we can give them that perfect day without anyone getting mean.” She leaned back and let her head fall against the cushions. “Mean people just suck.”

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