Home > The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(22)

The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(22)
Author: Samantha Chase

“I disagree.”

And when his hands were still holding her and he was still smiling down at her, Skye felt herself melting and wondered what harm there could be in one more kiss.

Clearly, Elliott must have been feeling the same way because they were each moving a little closer. And when she could feel his warm breath on her cheek, she practically sighed with relief.

Just another few inches…

“Oh, Elliott! I forgot to text you!” Josie said as she breezed into the office and walked over to her desk. “I’m in crisis mode with a client and won’t be able to do lunch today.”

Luckily, she wasn’t looking at either of them, but Skye still all but jumped out of Elliott’s grasp. She made her way over to her own desk and began shuffling papers just to keep busy.

“I made reservations at Winston’s, Jos,” Elliott was saying. “And I took some extra time off this afternoon.”

Josie turned and looked at him. “I really am sorry. We just finished our presentation with a very important client and I’m having lunch brought in while we finish up.”

“Why?” Skye asked. “I thought everything was good. I never would have left you alone in there if I thought they were still upset.”

But Josie just waved her off. “It’s all going to be fine. I’m just smoothing things out so they leave here in a good mood and hopefully that will lead to them sending people our way. Leanna’s even making up some chocolate mousse because Mr. Buchanan mentioned it was his favorite dessert.”

“Do you want me to go back in there with you? Maybe if all three of us are there…”

“No,” Josie told her as she scooped up a file. “I think they’ll feel like we’re ganging up on them. Leanna’s just going to make the mousse and bring it in and go. It’s no big deal.”

“If you’re sure…”

“Um, hello!” Elliott interrupted. “Remember me? The guy you were supposed to have lunch with?”

“Elliott,” Josie whined. “Don’t make me feel bad about doing my job. I would never do that to you.”

“You’re right,” he said. “I’m sorry. I was just really looking forward to hanging out with you and you know how Winston’s is one of my favorite places.”

“I know and again, I’m sorry.” She paused and glanced over at Skye. “Take Skye with you.”

“What?” they cried in unison.

Nodding, Josie explained, “Yeah, the two of you should go. Elliott, I know you hate to eat out alone and I sort of sprung this whole crazy client situation on Skye this morning. She deserves a good lunch. So, you two go and I’ll talk to you both later.” And before either could comment, she walked out of the office.



Elliott was totally fine with the change of plans, but when he caught the look of sheer panic on Skylar’s face, he realized he was the only one.

“So,” he said with more enthusiasm than he felt, “you ready?”

If anything, her eyes went wider. “You’re not serious, right?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Elliott, think about it! You’re not supposed to go out with anyone–even if it is just me,” she argued lightly. “I know Josie said it was okay, but…I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

There was a part of him that completely agreed with her–going out for lunch together was going to confirm what he already knew.

He should have paid more attention to Skye while they were growing up.

The few times they spent time together–alone–made him realize just how much they had in common and how amazing she was.

Unfortunately, with his reputation and the whole no dating for a year thing, he really was courting disaster by pushing the whole lunch thing.

And yet…he couldn’t stop himself.

“Come on, Skye,” he pled with just a hint of groveling. “Don’t make me go to lunch alone. You know Sullivan’s has the best menu and I happen to know you are a fan of their lobster salad.”

“How…how do you know that?”

She was sitting behind her desk again and Elliott placed both hands on it and leaned in a little close. “We talked about favorite restaurants and meals the day you drove me home and I remembered.”


It was adorable how flustered she was and he knew he had to do something to get her to agree to go out with him.

Now he sat down on the corner of her desk. “You know my sister is going to wonder why you didn’t go with me. How are you going to explain that to her?”

“I would tell her that I already had lunch plans,” she countered.

“And do you? Have lunch plans?”

“Well, no. But Josie doesn’t know that.”

“Hmm…and you’re okay with lying to her?” And before she could respond, he was going on. “You’ll probably end up grabbing a salad or something from one of the local fast-food places because you can’t go and sit someplace nearby to eat. Everyone around here knows you and Josie and Leanna and there’s always the chance that it will come up that you didn’t actually eat wherever it is that you’ll tell my sister you ate.”

“I don’t really think that’s going to happen,” she said, but she didn’t sound overly confident.

“Of course, you could possibly get away with it, but I have a feeling you’ll feel guilty because my sister is the queen of throwing a guilt trip and are you sure you really want to subject yourself to it?’

“Oh, alright!” She pushed away from her desk and stood up. “Geez! Josie is good at throwing guilt around, but she’s got nothing on you! Good grief!” Reaching down, she grabbed her purse before walking around to him. “And just for the record, I don’t appreciate being badgered.”

Elliott went to comment but she was already walking out of the office and he had no choice but to follow.

Out in the parking lot, Skye insisted on taking her own car but he wore her down on that too and once he had her in his car and they were on their way, he let himself relax.

“So, what’s the deal with the difficult client?” he asked.

Skye explained the whole situation to him and it seemed a little crazy for anyone to expect to add thirty extra people without having to pay for them.

“You didn’t cave, did you?”

“I wouldn’t say we caved, but we’re certainly jumping through hoops to keep the cost down for them. They’re still paying, just not as much as they should.”

He shook his head. “I wouldn’t have given in to them. I mean, everyone’s always looking for a deal, but this was way more than asking for an additional dessert or maybe an upgrade on the menu.”

“Believe me, I agree, but Josie is convinced that if we give them their perfect day that it will lead to more high-paying clients. I’m not sure I believe her, but I’m going to have to trust her on this.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

She shrugged. “It’s not like I’m going to do an I-told-you-so dance or anything, but the next time something like this comes up, I’ll probably remind her that it didn’t work out.”

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