Home > The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(34)

The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(34)
Author: Samantha Chase

Turns out, it wasn’t that hard because she shot him a hard glare before turning and smiling at everyone but him.



Chapter 10



Sometimes you don’t know how much something means to you until it’s taken away.




“I don’t know why I let you talk me into this,” Skye said to Leanna for the tenth time. Now they were practically at the table and her nerves were getting the best of her.

“It’s for your own good. You tried something, it failed, and it’s over. Unfortunately, Elliott is Josie’s brother and, therefore, always going to be in your life. You need to get used to hanging out with him again as just friends.”

It all sounded perfectly logical, but her stupid heart still hadn’t gotten the memo.

Everyone moved to make room for them, and somehow Skye ended up wedged between Elliott and Jared. She’d met him a few times before and he was an IT guy or something. “Hey, Jared. How are you?”

“Good,” he said with a warm smile. “Glad you ladies decided to join us tonight.”

Somehow she doubted that, but she smiled nonetheless. “I haven’t been here in years, but I seriously used to love playing Skee-ball. Do they still have them back in the game room?”

“They do and you’re on!” he told her, playfully nudging her shoulder, which caused her to bump Elliott’s arm. “I happen to be the king of Skee-ball!”

She heard Elliott’s snort but refused to turn and acknowledge it.

Their waitress came by and brought more plates and took all of their orders for more food and drinks. It was a great distraction and as soon as she was gone, conversations started up all around.

Unfortunately, they all started up with other people, leaving Skye and Elliott to talk to each other.


“So,” he began after a few awkward moments. “How was your week?”

She shrugged. “It was a little quiet, thankfully. This is an off week for us and as much as I hate to feel good about it, sometimes we need it to sort of refresh and regroup.”

He nodded. “I get that.”

Her stomach growled and she reached for a mozzarella stick and nibbled on it because she had no idea what else to say.

Then she felt Elliott’s arm move to rest behind her along the top of the booth. He then leaned in close so he was practically whispering in her ear.

“I’m really glad you came out tonight. I wanted to talk to you, but I wasn’t sure you would want to talk with me.”

Sadly, neither did she, even though they were sitting ridiculously close and talking right now. If she turned her head, they would practically be kissing, so she focused on her mozzarella stick while he continued to talk.

“We got interrupted on Monday and I think you jumped to the wrong conclusions,” he explained. “I did come here last weekend and the guys definitely were encouraging me to…you know…get back on the bike, for lack of a better phrase, but…nothing happened.”

Now she did turn her head and they bumped noses.

Skye jumped back a little and banged into Jared, and he took that to mean that she wanted to talk to him.


For five minutes she listened to him talk about the rec basketball league he was on and she seriously had to fight the urge to yawn. When she couldn’t take it any longer, she put her hand on his arm and gave him her most endearing smile.

“Hey, I hate to be a bother, but I need to go to the ladies’ room,” she said sweetly. “I hate making you move, but…this is the downside to booths, right?”

“No worries,” he said, sliding out of the way for her, and after thanking him, she quickly made her way through the crowd and outside to the party deck for some air. Right now, she just needed a minute to herself without being sandwiched next to Elliott and listening to uninspiring conversation.

She felt someone move in close behind her. “Can I buy you a drink?”

Turning, she put a smile on and…froze.

“Elliott, what are you doing out here?” she asked as her eyes went wide. Looking beyond him, she frowned. “Don’t you think it looks a little suspicious for us both to get up to use the bathroom?”

“I told them I was going to see about getting pitchers of beer for the table,” he said, leaning in close and giving her a playful tap on her nose. “And if we’re being technical, you’re not in the bathroom.”

Taking a small step back, she groaned. “I just…needed some air.” Maybe it was rude of her, but she walked away and found a quiet corner because she still felt a little claustrophobic. Of course he followed, and she knew they couldn’t stay out here forever. Eventually she was going to have to go back to the table, and so did he.

But as he moved in close to her once again, all Skye could think about was how she didn’t want to go back to the table. Hell, she didn’t even want to go back inside. Elliott effectively kept her moving until she was literally backed into a corner, and it was the least claustrophobic she had felt all night.

Swallowing hard, her eyes slowly traveled up the length of him–from his dark khakis to the black polo shirt, up over his strong stubbled jaw, kissable lips, and eyes that were equally devouring her. “We should probably…”

She never got to finish.

One strong hand wrapped around her nape and hauled her in close before his lips crashed down on hers. And dammit, it was a sexy as hell move and she loved every second of it. Skye gripped the front of his shirt to keep him close even though she didn’t think he needed the help.

She loved the way he kissed–loved how soft his lips were and how hard and muscular everything else was on him. Right now, she wanted to climb him like a tree and wrap her legs around him and then hold on for the ride! One kiss blended into the next and they were wet and needy and full of so much promise that she didn’t know how she was going to survive the rest of the night.

As if reading her thoughts, Elliott abruptly ended the kiss and stared down at her. “Tell everyone you’re not feeling well and let’s get out of here,” he was breathless and his voice was gruff and deep and sexy and made her knees weak.

“I…I don’t know if they’ll believe me…”

He looked around and took her by the hand before leading her back inside. By the front entrance he said, “Stay here,” and then he stalked back toward their table. There was no way for her to know what he was saying or to guarantee Josie or Leanna weren’t going to come running to her aid, but a minute later, he was back. Once again he took her hand in his and led her out the door and she practically had to run to keep up.

“Elliott, slow down,” she said with a laugh, and they were in his car a minute later. He hadn’t said a word to her and she was curious about what he’d told everyone. They drove for almost ten minutes in total silence and she couldn’t take it anymore. “What did you say in there?”

“I told them you got sick in the ladies’ room and I was taking you home,” he said firmly, his eyes never leaving the road. “Leanna got up and wanted to make sure you were okay, but my sister whined a little about being left alone and since I had it under control…”

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