Home > The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(4)

The Engagement Embargo (Meet Me at the Altar #1)(4)
Author: Samantha Chase

Just as he was about to explain some of this to Tyler, Skylar popped her head into the room and announced it was time. “Thanks, Skye. We’ll be right there,” he said with a smile. Then, without a word, he walked back over to the mirror to make sure he looked okay. Standing beside him, Tyler asked him one more time if he was sure about this, and Elliott told him he was.

And in that moment, he truly believed it.

When he was in front of the room and looking out at all his family and friends, he felt good. Confident. At peace.

The music began to play and the next thing he knew, Tracy waltzed toward him–a beautiful vision in white–and he thought about how lucky he was–how fortunate. She looked so happy–happier than he’d seen her in weeks! Her smile told him her earlier lackluster reaction to the wedding really was just about nerves. Now that their big day was finally here, she was just as excited as he was, and her radiant smile was the sign he needed to truly relax. Yes, a radiant smile that was…

Not quite directed at him.


Looking over his shoulder, Elliott caught a glimpse of their officiant–Tracy’s best friend, Daniel St. James. Somewhere in the wedding planning process, the idea of having one of their friends officiate came up and it seemed like a good idea at the time. He had expected it to be one of his friends, not hers, and certainly not this guy.

Yeah, he wasn’t overly thrilled with Daniel stepping up to do the ceremony, but Tracy convinced him it was the perfect personal touch to their big day.

However, looking at the smile Daniel was currently directing at Tracy, he wasn’t quite so sure.

Once Tracy was at his side, she did smile at him and–for a moment–Elliott relaxed. Why was he looking for trouble or letting his mind wander toward things that didn’t even matter? Daniel and Tracy were friends and rather than looking at this as a bad thing, he should be thankful that he cared enough to want to be a part of their big day. Taking her arm and looping it through his, he faced forward with confidence.

Here we go…

“Family and friends, welcome,” Daniel began.

Elliott studied him and tried to relax but…he frowned. Daniel looked like he had just stepped off the cover of GQ while Elliott looked a little…well…not like the cover of GQ. They were both wearing tuxedos, but Daniel’s had a more custom fit to it while Elliott’s was definitely of the rental variety.

And it didn’t end there.

Here’s the thing–Elliott had no problem with who he was. He knew he was tall and good-looking–but not overly so. He was a hard worker, loved to volunteer his time wherever it was needed, and cared deeply about the people in his life. Maybe he was a little on the quiet and reserved side and he enjoyed the simpler things in life, but that made him happy.

He made a good living as a software engineer and had been the fastest climbing one in the company! And while some called him nerdy-looking–he was one of those people who enjoyed wearing glasses–he never felt inferior to anyone.

Until right now.

“You know, when Tracy and I first met, I knew we were going to hit it off,” Daniel was saying and Elliott forced himself to focus. “I remember the first time we hung out on the playground in fourth grade,” he went on with a small laugh and then proceeded to tell a story of the two of them bonding over peanut butter cookies–Tracy’s favorite.

Okay, that was sort of new information…

“I think back at all the amazing times we’ve had together–the trips to the Bahamas, the cruise to Mexico…”

Wait…when was this?

“Do you remember the time we got stuck in the rain when we were camping and had to share a sleeping bag in my tent?” Daniel asked while flashing his model-worthy dimples.

Is this even an appropriate story for a wedding service?

Elliott discreetly tried to clear his throat to get the point across that he was not amused with the direction of this speech, but no one seemed to notice.

“Tracy, you are my best friend and the most amazing woman in the world,” Daniel went on. “And you deserve every happiness and all that is good in this world because you are everything that is good and perfect and wonderful. We are all better people for knowing you.” He paused. “At least, I know I am.”


“Marriage is about the joining of two lives and making them one. About commitments and the future and building something together. Something special.” He let out a long, soft breath, and his gaze never left Tracy’s. “And every time I think of that for you, I know that the only way to make sure that happens, is if you’re with me.”

Elliott felt the collective gasp in the room all the way to his soul.

Say what now?

Tracy went to pull her arm from his, but for some reason, Elliott held firm.

“Daniel,” she began, her voice trembling slightly. “What? I mean…”

And then, the six-foot Adonis stepped forward and it was like something out of one of those damn rom-coms Elliott secretly enjoyed watching. The guy had the perfect amount of shame and confidence that made you want to cheer for him.

Your typical romantic hero.

Except…he was the bad guy here! No one should be cheering for Daniel because he–Elliott–was supposed to be the hero today! This was his day! His moment! How could he not…

“Maybe I should have said something sooner, but…I couldn’t. I thought I was doing the right thing,” Daniel explained, his eyes never leaving Tracy’s. “You are the only person in this world who makes everything right, and I know the timing of this really isn’t ideal…”

Did everyone think it was appropriate to bring their feelings up today?!

“But I wanted you to know–needed you to know–before you say ‘I do’ to another man, that…well…I would love the chance to prove to you how perfect we can be together.”

Next thing Elliott knew, he was stepping aside and watching his fiancée kiss her best friend.

This cannot be my life!

As he stood there stunned, he wondered just what exactly he was supposed to do–should he break them apart? Yell? Scream? Just what is the appropriate reaction to having your wedding hijacked in such a dramatic fashion?

Before he could figure it out, Tracy and Daniel looked at him. “Elliott, I’m sorry, man. I really thought I’d be okay with this,” Daniel said and, dammit, he sounded sincere.

“Me, too,” Tracy said. “I’m so sorry, but…I always hoped one day Daniel would feel for me what I felt for him. I just thought it wasn’t meant to be.” And then she had the nerve to smile at him.

A pitying smile.

“I never wanted to hurt you; you have to believe me. But…this is something I have to do, Elliott. I hope you understand.”

His mouth was moving–he knew it was–and yet no words came out, and in the blink of an eye, the happy couple was running down the aisle and away from him.

You could have heard a pin drop in the room.

A hand on his shoulder reminded him that he was indeed awake–that this wasn’t some sort of crazy dream or a nightmare.

This was his life.

“El, man," Tyler began. “I don’t even know what to say.”

That made two of them.

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