Home > Act Your Age, Eve Brown (The Brown Sisters #3)(60)

Act Your Age, Eve Brown (The Brown Sisters #3)(60)
Author: Talia Hibbert

Jacob was about to snatch up the condom when she grabbed a fistful of his hair, hard—hard enough that silvery pleasure sang down his spine and straight to his balls. Then she pressed her mouth to his, and he was no longer capable of thoughts or reason or making decisions. He was just . . . a body. She made him one big, horny, blissed-out body, she grounded him with her weight and her touch, she turned everything Technicolor, and he’d never felt like this in his entire fucking life.

“Eve,” he breathed, but the sound was lost in the slow sweep of her tongue. “Eve,” he groaned, and she moved to kiss his throat, to rake her nails down his chest and rock her clit against his cock. “Eve,” he said, over and over, but what he meant—what he couldn’t say just yet, but what he meant—was, I love you. I love you, Eve Brown.

She ripped open the condom and wrapped him up so fast it left him dizzy. There was the pressure of her hand as she rolled down the latex, so good that his hips punched up as if trying to fuck her fist, and then she was gone. Jacob felt a growl rumbling in the back of his throat and swallowed it, but he couldn’t swallow the urge to get inside her soft body. That need was too great.

So he gave in to it. He shifted his weight, braced one foot against the floor and one against the desk chair at Eve’s back. Wrapped his right arm around her body, despite the awkwardness of his cast, and gripped her chin with his left hand so she was forced to hold his gaze. Sometimes, eye contact made him uncomfortable. Right now, it felt like stripping her open and learning everything she kept inside, and that was exactly what he fucking wanted.

“Come on, then,” he said softly. “Since you want it so bad. Come and sit on my dick.”

A long breath rushed out of her and her lashes fluttered. Every little sign that he affected her flew straight to Jacob’s cock, and this time was no different. He was moaning well before her pussy kissed his tip. Then she made contact, and—

“Shit,” he hissed, pleasure forcing his eyes shut for a moment. He simply couldn’t keep them open; sensation swelled over him in a drugging wave, taking away his control. He fought it back enough to open his eyes again, holding her gaze as she worked herself slowly onto his length.

This. This was perfection. Jacob had been chasing it his whole life, but fuck, he’d never expected to find it quite like this.

He watched Eve’s pupils dilate as he felt her cunt tighten. Watched her lips part as she sank inch by slow, careful inch. And felt her surrounding him, easing him into that hot, wet clasp until it was a struggle to breathe. His thighs flexed with the effort of controlling himself; his hips demanded to move, to thrust, to fuck. But not yet. He’d let her soften around him first, until her body wasn’t strangling his cock so much as gripping it tight.

And then, when she was desperate and begging for it, he’d fuck her like an animal.

Eve’s breath hitched, and he wound a fistful of her braids around his hand and pulled her even closer. Until every word between them was practically a kiss. “Okay?”

“Okay,” she nodded, rolling her hips. Taking him deeper. He released her hair, ran a hand down her body, thumbed her tender clit. Her answering moan was low and decadent, so he did it again, pressing in firm, slow circles, and felt her tight little cunt bloom for him, just a little.

“See?” he asked softly. “Foreplay.”

“Better when you’re already in me,” she rasped, her head falling forward to bump gently against his.

“Yeah. Yeah, it is.” His fingers glided through her folds until he found the place where they were joined. He traced her soft, needy flesh and she whimpered, then sank down until his heavy balls were flush against the twin curves of her arse.

Their moans twined together like fragments of the same thread. He kissed her hungrily, clumsily, and she was the same. “Fuck me,” she breathed between the hot, rushed meetings of their lips. “Oh my God, Jacob, fuck me. You should’ve bent me over. Wait, why aren’t we in a bed?”

His laugh was tight and shaky. “Later. We’ll ruin the bed later.” Then he gripped her hip for leverage, holding her down as he began to thrust. It wasn’t exactly easy. Actually, it wasn’t remotely easy. He was glad, though; concentrating on the logistics made it easier to keep from coming. If he had been fucking her in a bed, if he’d been lying over all this brilliance just dicking her into the mattress, it’d probably be over by now.

As it was, he could already feel that rising tide of relief coming for him, an electrical storm of pleasure coalescing at the base of his spine. He gritted his teeth and fucked harder, reveling in the feel of her skin, her softness, the sounds of her sharp little screams. “Eve,” he groaned, burying his face against her throat. Somewhere in the back of his mind it occurred to him that his glasses—his spare glasses, at that—were going to be fucked, but frankly, he didn’t give a damn. “God, Eve.”

“Tell me,” she panted, rocking desperately against him, her nails digging into his back. “Tell me.”

“So fucking good,” he choked out. There was this thing called grammar, Jacob recalled, but he’d forgotten how to use it and it seemed unnecessary. “Fuck, Eve, so good. Do you want more, love? Tell me what you need.”

“Yes,” she whimpered. “More. Harder.”

He wasn’t entirely sure how he managed it—sex-induced super strength, or something like—but Jacob lifted her to the side without breaking their connection, rolling them both until Eve was splayed back on the desk and he was leaning over her. The desk creaked. Several files fell dramatically to the ground, as did his keyboard. The desk lamp fell, too, with a loud thud, and suddenly all the light in the room was behind them. But he could still make out the tortured bliss on her face, so he didn’t give a fuck.

Jacob grasped the edge of the desk behind Eve’s head, held on tight, and thrust hard.

She made a noise that could be described as incoherent, or perfect, or both, and then she held on to him and sobbed, “Jacob.” Her body arched in invitation, her legs spread wider, and he felt the first tight, tense flutterings of her impending orgasm. If he’d thought this couldn’t get any better, that he couldn’t burn any harder, he’d clearly been wrong; now everything about him was aflame.

“Do you like that?” he asked, just for the satisfaction of hearing her gasp—


He thrust harder, deeper, and she met him every time, until they were writhing together in a mess of grunts and moans and sweat and sighs, until her breathy sounds became sharp, building screams and her soft, pliant body turned rigid beneath him. There was barely a second of stillness before she shattered, as beautifully as before, her hands twisting in his hair and her body shuddering around him. He watched her with an ache in his chest so intense it made him shudder, too, and then suddenly the ache was everywhere and he was moaning as he came hard, hard, hard.

Dizzy. He was dizzy. But he could feel Eve panting beneath him, could hear her breathless laugh, could see—when he opened his eyes, and when had he closed them?—her smile, like the North Star he used to stare at on the road.

God, he loved her.

But all he said out loud was, “Fuck, that felt good.”

* * *

Eve had surprised herself countless times, during these last weeks. She’d surprised herself by interviewing for this position, for example. She’d surprised herself by hitting someone with her car—because, regardless of what Jacob liked to imply, that had never happened before. It was usually just cones and fences.

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