Home > Home With You(17)

Home With You(17)
Author: Allie Everhart

"What do you mean?"

"That guy said your stuff was packed up, like you'd left."

"What guy?" I ask, my heart beating faster.

"This guy who was looking for you. He knew your name so I assumed you knew him."

"I do. I mean, kind of. We met the other night. So what did he want?"

"He had your backpack. He wanted to give it back. I told him I'd give it to you but he said he wanted to give it to you himself. I assume that means he'll be back, although he saw your stuff gone and thought maybe you'd moved on. He left me his number so I could call him if I saw you. Should I call him?"

"No! Just forget it. And if you see him again, don't tell him you saw me."

"Okay." She turns and wipes the table behind her. "Oh, he got you a brownie. It's behind the counter if you want it."

He bought me a brownie because he feels sorry for me. Because he pities me, the poor homeless girl. I don't want his pity.

Gladys sits down on the chair next to me, coughing.

"Is she sick?" the girl asks, stepping back like she's afraid it's contagious.

"She just has a bad cough. It gets worse when it's cold outside. That's actually why I came in here." I walk up to the girl and lower my voice. "Do you think she could stay here tonight? I know it's not allowed but it would only be for a night. It's supposed to get really cold tonight and I know if she just had one night where she's warm and could sleep, she'd get better."

The girl shakes her head, continuing to clean. "Sorry, but I can't. I just started this job and I don't want to get in trouble."

"You won't. I know Zoe. She's one of the managers. If you called her, she'd say it's okay. I know she would. But you don't have to call her. Nobody has to know about this. I won't tell anyone. I swear. And I'll make sure we're out of here before the morning manager gets here."

"I can't leave you the keys to lock up," she says. "I need them for next time I work."

"I'll give them back to you. Just tell me when you work next and I'll make sure I'm here."

She looks back at Gladys, who's still coughing, then back at me. "I'm really sorry but I can't. I barely know you, and like I said, I just got the job and can't risk losing it."

I nod. "Okay."

"But you can stay until close." The girl walks back to the counter, probably to get away from me before I ask for anything more. I understand she's worried about getting fired but now I don't know what to do. Gladys is going to freeze outside all night. We only have two thin blankets to share and our tent has holes in it and won't close because the zipper's broken.

Going back over to Gladys, I lean down to her. "I'm going to go set up the tent."

"Let me help," she says, getting up.

"No. You stay here where it's warm." I take the sandwich Levi gave me and set it down in front of her. "Eat that. It'll help you get better."

"Raine, that's yours." She hands it back to me. "You haven't eaten all day."

It's true. I should probably eat it since I don't know when I'll find food again.

"Would you eat a brownie?" I ask, remembering the one behind the counter.

She smiles. "You know I love my sweets."

"I'll be right back." I go to the counter and grab the brownie Miles bought and bring it to Gladys. "Stay here, okay? I'll come get you when the tent's ready."

Going outside, I shiver when I feel the cold wind hit my face. It's only September. Why is it so cold already?

When I reach the alley, I blink a few times to make sure what I'm seeing is real. Did I go too far and end up in the wrong alley? I walk back to the street. I look left and see the black awnings of the coffee shop. I'm definitely in the right alley so what's going on? Did someone else move into our spot?

I walk back down the alley and cautiously approach the dark green tent. It looks brand new with not a single tear, and it's big, made for at least two people, maybe three.

"Hello?" I ask, tapping the side of it.

Nobody answers, but they could be asleep. I reach for my backpack to get my knife, just in case I need it, but then remember my backpack is gone. Miles has it. I wish he'd left it here. I really need it.

"Is anyone there?" I ask, tapping the tent again.

There's no response and the only movement I see is from the wind blowing the tent's fabric around. I crouch down and slowly unzip the tent and peek inside. There's nobody there but it's full of stuff. Sleeping bags. Heavy blankets. Pillows.

"What the hell?" I say to myself as I climb inside. Why would someone leave all this here? It's brand new. If someone finds it, they'll steal it.

There's a lantern on the side of the tent. I flip it over and find the 'on' switch. It lights up the tent and I notice a plastic sack in the corner. I pick it up and look inside. It's full of food. Bread. Peanut butter. Grape jelly. Beef jerky. A can of nuts.

"Holy shit," I mutter, popping open the can of nuts and tossing some in my mouth. I'm not sure who they belong to but I'm starving and have to eat something before I pass out. The sandwich Levi gave me is in my pocket and I take it out and unwrap it. I devour it, worried that at any minute now the owner of the tent will come back and kick me out, or worse, hurt me for being here.

What am I going to do? My tent is gone, along with the only other blanket we had. Whoever moved into the alley must've thrown them out. They staked their claim and now Gladys and I have to find a new home. Maybe whoever this belongs to would let us stay here for a night or two to give us time to find a new place. Or maybe we could share the alley.

I doubt that would happen. People on the streets tend to be territorial. Like Levi. He'd kill you before giving you his street corner.

My sandwich is gone and now I'm thirsty. I don't even remember the last time I had something to drink. I look around the tent and notice a water bottle peeking out from under the sleeping bag. I grab it but it's empty. The girl in the coffee shop would give me water. And if she didn't, I could always drink out of the bathroom sink.

I'd love to stay in this tent all night and fall asleep under the warm blankets, on the soft cushion of a sleeping bag. But unfortunately, this isn't mine. I have to hurry and find a new place for Gladys and me to stay. Maybe Levi would let us stay with him for a night. He acts like I annoy him, but deep down I think he likes me, not in a romantic way, but like a kid sister.

I turn the lantern off and crawl out of the tent, zipping it shut. When I stand up and turn around, I see someone right in front of me. I rear back, fearing the worst, then get a better look and relax slightly, but my heart's still thundering in my chest.







"What are you doing here?" I demand, angry he showed up here, and even angrier that he looks so damn hot. Why does a guy like this have to come along now? When my life's a total mess? Not that my life has ever been great, but it will be someday. Why couldn't he show up then and not now?

"I wanted to see you." He holds up a case of bottled water. "And give you this."

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