Home > The Heiress Hunt (The Fifth Avenue Rebels #1)(19)

The Heiress Hunt (The Fifth Avenue Rebels #1)(19)
Author: Joanna Shupe

Lockwood lifted a brow. “Ah, yes. From what I understand you’re practically a member of the family.”

It was an unwitting jibe, but one that hit a bit too close to old wounds. “Practically, but not quite.” His smile was all teeth.

Lockwood took a sip from his flask. “So what do you fellows do around here for fun? I hear the Newport Casino is a roaring good time.”

Kit rubbed his hands together. “Oh, it is. We could go tonight, once the household has settled after dinner.”

“I’d like that,” the duke said. “The three of us could make an evening of it.”

Harrison would rather eat glass. However, if Kit took Lockwood out, then at least the duke wouldn’t be spending time with Maddie. “I’ll politely decline, but you two carry on without me.”

“That’s a shame,” Lockwood said. “Maddie said you are quite the cardsharp.”

It was true, and cards had been an easy way to make money in Paris, after he was disinherited. But he didn’t like Lockwood knowing anything about him.

“Harrison’s a corker with cards,” Kit put in. “I wouldn’t play against him, if I were you.”

Harrison rose and straightened his clothing. “Indeed, that is good advice. Best be careful, Lockwood, or I’ll take everything you have right out from under your nose.” With that, he excused himself and sauntered toward the house.



Chapter Eight


Despite the lively conversation around her, Maddie was distracted at dinner. Tension hung in the room, an uncertainty compounded by the questioning glances she received from both her mother and Lockwood. Harrison sat across from her, though he hadn’t contributed much to the discussion, either.

The afternoon hadn’t gone as planned. Harrison won all the egg hunt prizes, including a picnic with Katherine tomorrow. Maddie should be happy for them both. Katherine was a good sort, nice and intelligent without a hint of scandal—yet the idea of their pairing caused Maddie’s stomach to churn.

Would he make Katherine laugh during their outing? Would he charm her . . . then kiss her?

It’s none of your concern, Maddie.

Indeed, she had other things to worry about—such as why she hadn’t been thrilled to see the duke. Lockwood had traveled there to surprise her, yet she hadn’t felt anything more than appreciation for his thoughtfulness. No burning giddiness to get him alone. No desire to touch or kiss him. No jealousy as he’d interacted with the other young ladies.

What was wrong with her? Lockwood was the catch of the season. She should have doted on him today instead of hiding in her room this afternoon. She made a desperate lunge for her wine.

“Are you all right?” Lockwood asked softly. “Is it your head again?”

She’d used a headache as an excuse for time alone earlier. “I am feeling much better, thank you. Is Your Grace having a pleasant time thus far?”

“Of course. You are here. What more could I want?”

The compliment warmed her. Lockwood really was a decent man. So why wasn’t she swooning with giddiness? She’d plotted since March to gain his attention. Now she had it—and she was focusing on Harrison’s outing with Katherine Delafield instead.

Get your head on straight. Remember your planning.

“Your Grace,” Mama said from Lockwood’s other side. “Tell us what exciting news you hear from London.”

The duke wiped his mouth with a linen serviette. “I haven’t any excitement to share, I’m afraid. Most of my news is from the House of Lords. It’s quite boring.”

“Yes, governing over the rabble,” Harrison drawled. “How tedious.”

Maddie gaped, astonished at her friend’s rude behavior. Lockwood, on the other hand, merely shrugged. “We do what we can to improve society. Leading is never an easy task.”

Harrison opened his mouth, as if to cast another volley over the table, so she turned it around back on him. “What have you done to improve society while you were in Paris, Mr. Archer?”

“I was working, actually.”

Maddie blinked, surprise robbing her of speech. So his time away had been about more than merely mistresses and champagne. Why did she find that reassuring?

Because you were jealous. She studied her plate, hoping no one noticed her reaction.

“And where did you work?” Mama asked.

“I had a position at the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique.”

“Ah, the French shipping line,” Lockwood said as he cut into his beef. “Interesting choice. A competitor to your family’s company, if I am not mistaken.”

“Are you intending to take a position at Archer Industries, then?” Mama signaled for more wine. “Now that your brother has taken over?”

“Perhaps.” Harrison did not expound, but Maddie knew the answer. Harrison wanted nothing to do with his brother or Archer Industries. As soon as he found a bride, he planned to return to Paris.

The duke reached for his wineglass. “If I am able to offer any assistance, Archer, send me a cable. I have contacts all over the world, you know. My name can open almost any door.”

A muscle jumped in Harrison’s jaw as he stabbed a roasted potato with his fork. “Thank you.”

Harrison’s gaze locked on hers, and the emotion roiling in his midnight-blue eyes pinned her to the seat. She could not move, could not breathe. The look was intense and heated—a combination she had seen only one other time in all the years they’d known each other.

And that was when he’d nearly kissed her on the terrace last night.

Growing up, they had been able to communicate without words, their minds almost linked, but this new man perplexed her. What was going through his head? Why was he wearing such a fiery, greedy expression, as if he were contemplating leaping across the table to get to her?

A shiver worked down her spine.

Then he blinked, his face clearing, and the moment passed. With an exhale, she angled her head toward her lap. Had she imagined the entire encounter?

No, she hadn’t. The certainty of what she’d seen sank into her bones. Hand shaking, she reached for her wine. What was happening between them? He’d invaded her mind, twisted her into knots ever since he’d returned. It was more than friendly flirting, too. Kit and Preston flirted with easy jokes and broad smiles. Harrison’s attention lingered on her with steely purpose, communicating a new message she hadn’t yet deciphered . . . but found intriguing.

They had always been drawn toward each other. She tried to tell herself this was merely another example of their natural ease and amiability, yet the tiny voice in her brain said this was more. Her heart was beating faster, her breath more rapid. A seductive warmth would spread in her lower half, her eyes searching for his whenever they were in proximity.

This connection between them felt dangerous and wicked, but exciting, as well.

Dinner continued until finally the ladies excused themselves to retire to the salon. Mama caught Maddie’s arm as they entered and kept her voice low. “Whatever animosity is between the duke and Harrison must stop. We are trying to find that man a bride. He cannot be sniping at Lockwood at every turn.”

There was no use pretending ignorance. “I will speak to him.”

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