Home > The Heiress Hunt (The Fifth Avenue Rebels #1)(53)

The Heiress Hunt (The Fifth Avenue Rebels #1)(53)
Author: Joanna Shupe

She grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek. “This is the best surprise ever. Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Have fun.”

He waved to the two gents and went back inside. Not even nine o’clock in the morning and he already had one victory. Not too bad for a layabout wastrel.

Now, on to tackling his other problem.

The takeover of Archer Industries was close at hand, but he could not rush it. This was a game of chess, with each move strategic and careful, focused on trapping his opponents. Leaving them no choice but to surrender in the end.

And the end would be very soon.

As he walked back inside the Webster home, the butler found him. “Sir, a message was delivered for you.”

Harrison took the card off the silver tray. “Thank you. Is Mr. Innis here yet?”

“He is in Mr. Webster’s office, sir.”

With a nod, he started for the office. “Thank you, Farley.”

He glanced at the note in his hand and sneered, recognizing the stationery. The note was from either his mother or his brother, no doubt asking when their money was due to arrive. Harrison crumpled the paper in his fist without reading it. Let them worry.

William Innis was waiting in Webster’s office. A young Black man, William was only a few years older than Harrison, and had graduated from Delaware State College with a degree in finance. While still in Paris, Harrison had hired William to oversee the takeover here in the States, and Harrison had instantly liked the other man’s forthright manner and the capable way he tackled problems. William had proven indispensable in the takeover of Archer Industries the last four months.

Harrison shut the door and walked toward the desk. “Morning, William. Thank you for meeting uptown today.” Since Harrison’s return to the city, they had worked in William’s office near Wall Street.

The other man adjusted the round glasses on his face. “I don’t mind. I live directly on the other side of the park.”

“I remember. Amsterdam near Eighty-Seventh, isn’t it? Well, we might work up here a bit more until the takeover is finished.” He wanted to remain close to Maddie in the hope that she’d soon forgive him. Not sleeping with her was driving him mad, like he was being deprived of food and water. The very air he needed to survive.

William removed a stack of papers. “Also, I’ve made progress on the other list, if you’d like to see it now. We acquired the last two big blocks of shares yesterday.”

“Excellent. All that’s left is to get the family shares.”

“We talked about making your brother an offer through an anonymous company. Then he wouldn’t know it was you.”

“Thomas won’t ever knowingly sell them. They’re practically all he has left.”

“Then I cannot see how to get controlling interest away from your family.”

Harrison grabbed for a pencil. “I might have an idea. Let’s see what we can do.”



Chapter Twenty-One


Even Vallie was impressed with the way Maddie played against Fred Hovey—and her coach was a hard man to impress. She invited both of them to stay for lemonade, but they declined, so she shook Fred’s hand vigorously. “This has been a treat. Thank you.”

“As I said, it was my pleasure,” Fred said as he toweled off his face. “You are fierce out there on the court, Maddie.”

“I just hope I’m good enough to win at Nationals.”

“Never doubt yourself. Always believe that you can do it,” he said.

“Exactly what I keep telling her,” Vallie said. “That, and to rush the net more often.”

Fred laughed. “A player must go with his or her own instincts on that one. Vallie was always too aggressive for his own good at the net.”

“Lies.” Vallie shook Maddie’s hand. “Great job today. I’ll see you in the morning. Get some rest.”

The men departed around the side of the house and Maddie nearly floated inside. She was exhausted, but it was the best kind of exhaustion, her mind happy and light. And she had her husband to thank for it.

This morning’s gesture touched her, a gift utterly perfect and one that only Harrison could have pulled off. How had he arranged this? It couldn’t have been easy.

I am trying to do better at the request of my wife.

No one knew her as well as he did, and he’d shown her time and time again how much he cared for her. Their wedding hadn’t been perfect, true. Her dreams of a big affair at St. Thomas’s Episcopal Church were dashed and she would have preferred to avoid a scandal. While none of this had been in her plans a month ago, she could not change the past.

Life is fleeting. We have to enjoy it while we’re here.

Nellie was right. Did Maddie really wish to keep Harrison at a distance forever?

No, of course not. Though they’d shared dinner together the past three nights, she missed the rest of it. She wanted more of what happened during their wedding night, like the breathlessness and the anticipation. The hot kisses and the slide of his hands across her skin.

The feel of him inside her body.

Goodness, she craved that. Just thinking about that night in the carriage house melted her insides, her skin turning tight and hot, the need for him burning in her blood. Never had she imagined a man could give her so much pleasure—and she suspected it was their connection, their friendship that made it possible.

She had to see him. Now. Though she was coated in perspiration and tired, she had to thank him for this surprise. Perhaps she could also distract him from whatever he was doing at the moment. A stolen hour or two where she could touch and kiss him, feel his strong shoulders and firm chest. Rub against him and hear him moan in her ear—

She nearly bumped into a footman in the corridor. “Oh, I’m sorry, Joseph.” Could he see the wicked thoughts on her face?

“My apologies, madam.” The young man started to go around her.

“Do you know where Mr. Archer is at the moment? Has he gone out?”

“I believe he is seeing Mr. Innis out, madam.”


Heart pounding, she hurried toward the entryway, desperation and lust making her light-headed. She was practically panting, nearly sweating with her need for him, the area between her legs thumping with desire. Coming around the corner, she spotted his wide shoulders in his beige coat, the long legs and the back of his head with his thick hair. The sheer handsomeness caused butterflies in her stomach.

The front door closed and Harrison turned around. Whatever he saw on her face sent his brows arching high. “Hello. Have a nice practice?”

No one else was around and she couldn’t wait a second longer to get her hands on him. Not bothering to answer his question, she put her palms on his chest and pushed him toward the coat closet.

“Wait, what is happening?” He chuckled softly as she manhandled him, not resisting in the least.

Opening the closet door, she shoved him inside. He stumbled, getting tangled up in the few coats stored there. She shut them in, plunging them into semidarkness, and the light coming in under the door offered just enough illumination to make out the confusion on his face.

“Are we hiding from someone—or are we playing another game?”

She didn’t want to talk. She launched herself at him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders like a mink stole while she captured his mouth. After a split second of surprise, he joined in, kissing her back feverishly. Had he been thinking about this, too? Had he needed her just as badly?

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