Home > The Other Daughter(47)

The Other Daughter(47)
Author: Janet Nissenson

 She stared at him slack-jawed. “Huh? I’m going to some sort of fancy-ass snooty spa? Who the hell made that decision without consulting me?”

 Jackson kept his eyes on the road, seemingly ignoring her outrage. “It was David’s decision, but I happen to be in complete agreement with him. I mean, I didn’t need to see blood test results to guess you were anemic and rundown. You’ve probably been running on empty for years now, Scarlett. And after what you just went through after the procedure, you’ve got to be even more depleted. Staying at the resort for a couple of weeks will do you a world of good. You can get tons of sleep, eat good food, have massages, go for a swim. I think they have a bunch of classes, too, like yoga and Pilates and stuff.”

 She made a rude noise. “Pilates. Jesus, what am I? Some bored suburban housewife? Sorry, but this resort really doesn’t sound like my kind of place. So if going back to the Biltmore isn’t a possibility, you can just take me right to the airport so I can go home. Frankly, I’d prefer that.”

 “Too bad,” replied Jackson cheerfully. “For once you aren’t getting your way. We’ll be at the resort in less than half an hour, so just kick back and relax for the rest of the drive.”

 “Screw that,” she hissed, jiggling the door handle. “I swear, if you don’t turn around right now and take me to the airport I’m going to do a tuck and roll right here on the freeway.”

 “You know, I thought you might threaten to do something childish like that,” he informed her blithely. “Which was why I took the precaution of engaging the child safety locks. Look, I get that you hate being controlled or having someone make decisions for you. But from what David told me you were also upset that no one had come to visit you or do anything nice for you. And now that I’m trying real hard to do exactly that, you’re pissed off. I can’t win with you, can I, Scarlett?”

 She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “I just wished I’d been consulted about this,” she groused. “I mean, I do have a job to get back to. Jobs. I decided to quit the Ikea job, too, but told my boss that I’d stay on a few more weeks since they’re a little short handed right now.”

 “All taken care of,” he assured her. “I got hold of Ananda last night and she thought it was the greatest idea ever. In fact, she was going to browse through all of the different classes and spa treatments they offer at the resort and tell you which ones you ought to do. Expect to get a very lengthy email from her later today.”

 Scarlett rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Great. Just awesome news.”

 “I also got in touch with your manager at Ikea, and he was totally understanding about the whole thing. He acknowledged you were doing him a big favor by hanging on over the summer, so he was fine with you taking the extra weeks. So problem solved. Okay?”

 “If you say so,” she muttered ungraciously. “Did you happen to get the rest of my things from the Biltmore? I only have the clothes on my back with me and a few toiletries. Speaking of which, I’m guessing you’re responsible for this new stuff.”

 He winked at her, the corners of his mouth lifting into a grin. “Yup. I’m the culprit who arranged to have your other stuff smuggled out of your hospital room and replaced with the new things. Which look great on you, by the way. I had a feeling that shade of blue would work well. As for the rest of your stuff, one of the hotel staff packed up the few things you left behind and I picked it up early this morning. The bag is in the back along with some other stuff you’ll need.”

 “What kind of stuff exactly?” she asked warily.

 Jackson shrugged lightly. “Oh, just a few more outfits. Some shoes. I mean, not only didn’t you pack anywhere near enough for a two week stay but you probably didn’t bring along stuff suited to this weather. It’ll be a little cooler at the resort since it’s at higher altitude, but still pretty damned hot. I just sort of grabbed a bunch of stuff at the store last night, so I hope the sizes are okay. And if there’s anything else you need they have a small boutique at the resort according to their website. Just charge whatever you like to the room.”

 Scarlett threw her hands up in mingled disgust and surrender. “Whatever. And do I even want to ask how much money this is costing you? I’m going to assume you’re footing the bill and not my father. I mean, the bastard got what he wanted from me, so now he can forget all about me again.”

 “Don’t worry about the money, okay? And Neil doesn’t know about this. Nobody does except you and me and David. And your bosses.”

 “Yeah, I pretty much figured that. Neil wouldn’t give a shit about me being rundown or anemic. Or dead. It’s only his other daughter who matters, isn’t it?”

 Jackson sighed, but to her it sounded like a sigh of sadness. “Not to me. Hannah might be sicker than you are, her illness pretty damned serious. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve attention, too. That you don’t deserve to be appreciated and cared for. And loved.”

 Scarlett abruptly turned her head to gaze out the window, irritated to realize that his words were threatening to bring tears to her eyes. He sounded both kind, compassionate, and something else she didn’t dare - didn’t dare - to put a name to.

 ‘He has a girlfriend, you idiot,’ she reminded herself harshly. ‘A gorgeous, blonde, well-dressed girlfriend whom his family probably adores. And despite what he said a few minutes ago about how she doesn’t control him, their relationship must be pretty serious since she was at the hospital with him and his family. So he’s just being nice to you right now, Scarlett, because you look like hell, and because that loose-lipped doctor went ahead and told him about the little pity party you threw for yourself yesterday. That’s all it is and nothing more.’

 They drove in silence for several minutes, and Scarlett nearly found herself dozing off. Much as she hated to admit any sort of weakness, she still had a long road to recovery after what she’d gone through the past couple of days. She was exhausted, with little to no energy, and rather grudgingly acknowledged that staying in a luxury resort being catered to and pampered for two weeks sounded pretty damned good right about now.

 “How did your finals go?”

 Jackson’s unexpected question jolted her fully awake, and she had to stifle a yawn as she replied.

 “Good. I’m still waiting for a couple of final grades, but so far I’m pulling straight A’s. I’ll be glad to have the summer off. Gives me a chance to prep myself for senior year. It’s going to be a tough one. In addition to classes, I have to complete a senior project, plus start scouting out internships.”

 “Knowing you, I’m positive you’ll ace senior year. You know,” he commented, “I was sort of surprised to learn you were an architecture major. I would have thought that after everything you went through as a kid and teenager you would have maybe chosen a different type of field. Something along the lines of, well, you know.”

 She frowned. “You mean like being a counselor or social worker or teacher? Something like that?”

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