Home > The Other Daughter(62)

The Other Daughter(62)
Author: Janet Nissenson

 She was oddly quiet after that, turning her attention to her dinner - an enormous combination platter of an enchilada, taco, chile relleno, rice, beans, and salad. For all of her street smarts, tough attitude, and fierce independence, he sensed that she was far from an expert when it came to relationships. He’d known without having to ask that it had been awhile since she’d had sex, given how tight she had felt, the little gasp she had given when he’d pushed inside of her for the first time. And though he wouldn’t dare even hint at the idea, knowing her hackles would rise up instantly at the mere suggestion, Scarlett seemed oddly shy and awkward when it came to sex or romance, as though she’d never had a serious, long lasting relationship with a guy before. He smiled inwardly as he wondered if she had any idea whatsoever that things were about to change in a big way for her in that regard.

 “I know you’ve been itching to chew my ass out about the co-tenancy thing,” he commented idly. “So to hopefully spare myself the grief, let me explain.”

 She gazed at him sardonically. “Be my guest.”

 “It was just to make it easier for me to pay the rent, gain access to the building so I could bring stuff over, and arrange for the year’s lease without you knowing about it - you know, as a surprise,” he ventured.

 She gave him a little eye roll. “Yeah, because you knew for damned sure that if you had even tried to bring the idea up I would have shot it down. The only way you could have pulled something like this off was to be sneaky and underhanded about it. Oh, and make sure to throw a walk-in shower into the deal so I wouldn’t be able to say no.”

 Jackson grinned. “So that was the deciding factor, huh? Not all of the amenities, or the great kitchen, or the big closet?”

 “Yup, pretty much. I don’t care about the in-house gym or basketball court, and I think you know me well enough to figure I won’t be first in line to attend any community barbeques or cocktail parties. The pool is pretty cool, so I might make use of that once in awhile. I’m not exactly a gourmet chef so I would have been happy with a microwave and fridge. My clothes barely take up a quarter of the space in the closet - and, no, I do not need to fill the damned thing up. So, yeah, I would say the shower is what sold me on the place.”

 “It is a good sized shower,” he commented lazily. “Plenty big enough for two people. As we proved this afternoon.”

 Her already flushed cheeks pinkened even deeper at his suggestive observation, and he instantly grew hard as he recalled in all too vivid detail how Scarlett had sunk to her knees, the hot water streaming over both of them, and given him a very enthusiastic blow job. He’d returned the favor shortly thereafter, easing her to sit on the shower’s built-in bench before spreading her thighs apart and licking and sucking her until she’d come against his lips and tongue.

 “Yeah, we did, didn’t we?” was all she murmured before returning her attention to her dinner.

 As he had earlier, Jackson sensed her unease when it came to discussing sex and tactfully steered the subject to something far less personal. But by the time they had finished eating and were waiting for the check to arrive, he didn’t bother to mince words.

 “So where do you see this going from here?” he asked casually. “And by this, I mean us. You and me. What you might call a relationship.”

 Scarlett was visibly startled at this question. “Uh - no idea? I mean, is that what this is - a relationship? Because I’m not real good at those, in case you were wondering. Not that I’ve had very many. Probably haven’t even had a real one, not like what you and Devon had. Have I mentioned the string of needy losers I dated over the years?”

 He laughed and nodded. “A few times, yeah. And from what you’ve told me about them, I’d have to agree. What you had doesn’t sound like any sort of real relationship to me, at least not a healthy one. As for the two of us - I’ve got to admit I’m not really sure what this is, either. Obviously, I’m attracted to you, and it seems like that’s pretty mutual. Despite all of our differences, we get along for the most part. And I really, really like you, Scarlett. You make me laugh, even when you’re deliberately trying to piss me off or annoy me. I feel like I can be myself with you, that I don’t have to hold back or pretend to be someone I’m not. I just like being with you.”

 She seemed surprised when he reached across the table and took her hand in his, as though she wasn’t at all used to guys doing something so sweet and affectionate. “Same here,” she whispered. “But an honest to God relationship between us? How in the hell could that even be, Jackson? If there were ever two people who shouldn’t be together, whose paths shouldn’t have even crossed, that’s you and me. There’s no future for us, if your family ever found out about me all hell would break lose. And if your family is as nosy as you say they are, you won’t be able to keep me a secret forever.”

 He exhaled tiredly. “Yeah, I know. I told myself that over and over this last week, even as I was booking my flight here from Phoenix. I managed to convince myself that the only reason I was coming up here was to help you move, make sure you had everything you needed, and that would be the end of it. But that’s a lie. Or at least not the whole truth. I flew up here because I missed you and wanted to see you. And after what happened earlier, there’s no way I’m not going to keep seeing you. It won’t be easy, and I’m not sure how we’ll make it happen, but there’s no way in hell this is the end of it, Scarlett. In fact, it’s just the beginning.”

 “Oh, Jackson,” she whispered almost despairingly. “You don’t really mean that. Right now I’d be willing to bet you’re thinking with your dick instead of your brain. Because aside from all the reasons I just gave you as to why a relationship between us would be bad news, I’m also a terrible candidate for a girlfriend. I’m stubborn and cranky and unreasonable. Sometimes I have nightmares and frequently have insomnia. I eat too much junk food and drink way too much coffee, and frankly at times I can just be downright mean, a total bitch even. And you’re way too nice a guy to want to voluntarily saddle yourself with a head case like myself. You’re probably the most normal guy I’ve ever known, while I’m just a mess. Jesus, you could have any woman you wanted - gorgeous women with perfect bodies and hair, who know the right way to dress and act and talk, and who won’t make your life a living hell.”

 “Maybe,” he agreed off-handedly. “Though the any part might be an exaggeration. The problem is that I don’t want any of them. Ever since I met you, Scarlett, I think every other woman has paled in comparison. And maybe you are difficult and moody and tend to fly off the handle with a moment’s notice. But after all you’ve gone through in life I’d say you’re more than entitled to act that way. And you’re also exaggerating, you know. You’re nowhere near the nightmare you keep making yourself out to be.”

 Scarlett scowled at him. “You haven’t spent all that much time with me. For all you know, I’ve actually been on my best behavior when we’ve been together.”

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