Home > The Other Daughter(74)

The Other Daughter(74)
Author: Janet Nissenson

 “We understand,” reiterated Margie. “Vegas is not a place that holds good memories for you, Scarlett. We don’t blame you in the least for starting over someplace new. And it’s not like you didn’t keep in touch over the years, sweetie. We talked or texted or Face Timed at least three or four times a month. Though none of that is as good as seeing you in person.”

 “You look beautiful,” remarked Roz. “Healthy. More importantly, happy. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you glowing like this.”

 “She’s in love,” teased Margie. “And love looks awfully good on you, sweetie. Not to mention that dress.”

 Scarlett smiled, and smoothed out an imaginary wrinkle on the fitted wool dress of hunter green - an early Christmas present from Jackson along with the buttery soft black ankle boots and sophisticated black leather satchel. Her protests that this new outfit was already way too much had fallen on deaf ears - no surprise there - because Jackson had insisted that he had lots more gifts for her. And though they had been forced to spend Christmas apart, they would be together to ring in the New Year. She was heading back to Berkeley day after tomorrow, and Jackson would be joining her the next day. He’d booked a suite for them at some exclusive spa resort up in the Napa Valley where they would spend New Year’s Eve in grand style.

 Personally, Scarlett would have preferred something a little less lavish - maybe a rustic cabin up in the redwoods where they could hike and gather around an outdoor fire. But considering the fact that it was winter now, with a big storm due to hit the Bay Area the last couple of days of December, they wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the outdoors anyway.

 ‘Maybe in the spring,’ she told herself, then wondered if they would still be together by then. Not, of course, that there were problems in their relationship. And certainly not because either one of them seemed the least bit anxious to part ways. In fact, it was just the opposite, she mused. They got along beautifully, even harmoniously, and their relationship seemed to be getting stronger with each passing day. True to his word, Jackson told her he loved her not just once but multiple times each day, an emotion that she never failed to echo back to him.

 But at the same time Scarlett knew that things couldn’t possibly last between them for too much longer. Sooner than later his family - particularly his controlling father - was either going to find out about her or at least become overly suspicious when he failed to bring a girlfriend home to meet them all. And if by some chance their luck continued to hold and they were able to carry on their relationship without being found out, there was also the matter of where she was going to wind up living next summer. Remaining in the Bay Area would severely limit her choices of internships - which were highly competitive - plus the cost of living continued to be sky high. And there was zero chance she was going to allow Jackson to keep paying her rent and other expenses.

 And then, of course, there was that other unspoken fear she hadn’t yet had the guts to discuss with him - the fear that she would find a way to sabotage this relationship, to royally fuck everything up. A fear that he would instantly dismiss as unfounded, but that Scarlett knew was more realistic than he wanted to believe. After all, exactly how many times in her life had things gone well for her? And the very, very few times that they had, how long had the good times lasted? The answer, as she knew very well, was not long at all. She was trying real hard not to be pessimistic about the future of her relationship with Jackson, but who could blame her for expecting the hammer to fall sooner than later given her lousy track record with relationships?

 ‘And not just with relationships. With life in general,’ she reminded herself glumly.

 But for now she wasn’t going to think about that, she decided resolutely. She was going to stuff herself with the delicious Christmas dinner Margie and Roz had prepared, then hand out the small gifts she’d brought for both women and the two foster kids currently living with them - both teenaged boys with Down’s Syndrome. After that would come dessert, followed by a fun evening of watching movies and playing board games.

 Scarlett guessed that Jackson’s wealthy, stuffy family would have turned up their noses at the very idea of such a simple holiday celebration. But even though it would have meant being with the man she loved to distraction, there was zero chance that she’d rather be spending Christmas with the Gilmore family instead of Roz and Margie. They were, after all, her real family, the first and only one she’d ever known. And being here with them again after an absence of three years was the best Christmas present she could have ever asked for.



Chapter Nineteen


 Napa Valley – New Year’s Eve


 “This is definitely the best view I’ve had all day. And I’m not just saying that because it’s been pouring rain and cloudy since breakfast time.”

 Scarlett grinned, even as she sank a little further down into the cloud of scented bubbles that mostly covered her nakedness. “Doesn’t take much to please you, does it? I mean, since the only parts of me that are visible right now are above the neck.”

 Jackson returned her grin, though his was definitely more of a leer. “Hey, I can use my imagination, babe. I know what’s beneath all those bubbles. In fact, I’ve spent the better part of the day being very, very up close and personal with all those parts of you that aren’t visible at the moment.”

 She winced. “Yeah, I’m aware. In fact, that’s the main reason I’ve been soaking in a steaming hot bath for the past half hour. Someone was extra demanding this afternoon, which means that someone else was having a little trouble walking. Hopefully these bath salts live up to their hype and help with muscle soreness. Though I’m guessing it’s intended for leg or back soreness, not - uh, more private parts.”

 “You don’t know that,” he objected. “After all, I did book the romance package for our stay - champagne, chocolates, roses, massages, the works. I’m guessing the hotel staff assumes we’ll be doing something besides playing cards and going for nature walks. Especially since the latter hasn’t been much of an option these past couple of days.”

 It had, in fact, been raining off and on - mostly on - since their arrival here at the luxurious Gregson Resort in the Napa Valley two days ago. At Scarlett’s insistence, they’d managed a few short walks around the expansive property in between storms, and then only after she’d mocked him for his reluctance to be out in the elements. She, on the other hand, had seemed to relish the rainy conditions, had enjoyed breathing in the fresh, clean air right after a storm had passed, and had shrugged off his suggestion to at least bring an umbrella along in case the heavens opened up again while they were out.

 “You’re weak, Gilmore,” she’d taunted unmercifully. “I’ll bet you never had to wait for a crowded bus in the pouring rain, or dodge puddles while riding a bike to campus. Probably got chauffeured to school until you were old enough to drive yourself in some fancy ass sports car. Walking in a little rain like this is good for you. Toughens you up.”

 He’d held up a hand in warning. “If the next words out of that sassy mouth are something like “it’ll make a man out of you” I’ll have to remind you of just how manly I can be. Once we’re back in our room, of course.”

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