Home > The Other Daughter(84)

The Other Daughter(84)
Author: Janet Nissenson

 “No.” Jackson shook his head. “I’ll stay on long enough to finish up the projects I’ve started, but I won’t take on any new ones. And as soon as everything is wrapped up, I’m leaving, Dad. Whether my new venture works out or not, it’s way past time for me to strike out on my own.”

 “With her by your side, no doubt,” sneered Barton. “I still don’t believe that she isn’t the one pulling the strings.”

 “She’s not,” Jackson stated flatly. “And her name is Scarlett. Get used to saying it, Dad, and you also need to figure out a way in a hurry to adjust your attitude about her. Because she’s in my life to stay and if you want to keep me in your life, better accept the fact that we’re a package deal. Oh,” he added with a decidedly evil grin, “you also need to start thinking about how you’re going to break the news to the family about Scarlett. Because I’m planning on bringing her over to the house for dinner as soon as it can be arranged.”



Chapter Twenty Two


 One Month Later - Phoenix


 “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” hissed Scarlett. “And I really, really can’t believe you got your father to agree to hosting this dinner.”

 Jackson grinned. “Wasn’t like I left him much of a choice. Relax, okay? If it’s that bad we’ll just up and leave. But my mother in particular considers it bad manners to argue at the dinner table, so I’m guessing she’ll be unfailingly polite to you, no matter what. As for the rest of the group - well, no guarantees.”

 She scowled up at him. “Great. Just fucking great. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Just what I needed to hear.”

 He slid his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “It’ll be fine,” he assured her. “But, uh, you might want to lay off the four letter words for the next few hours. Just a suggestion.”

 She glared at him as he assisted her out of his Tesla SUV. And while the idea of spending over eighty grand on a car made her shudder, at least it was an electric vehicle. Unlike the other vehicle he owned - some sort of monster truck that he used for work or to go camping or backpacking. She hated to think of how much gas something like that guzzled.

 “Fine,” she agreed huffily. “Though I’ll still be cursing under my breath. Especially around my father. So this is La Casa Grande, huh? Holy shit. How big is this place anyway?”

 He shrugged. “I think around ten thousand square feet, something like that. But that includes the guest house, pool, tennis courts, and the grounds. The main house is probably half that size.”

 Scarlett shook her head in mingled bemusement and disgust. “And just the two of them live here right now?”

 “Yup. My mom has actually talked about downsizing several times, but my father won’t hear of it. He built this place from the ground up, you know, and it’s a symbol of his success to him. And they’re constantly remodeling stuff, or making additions. They throw a lot of parties and other social events so my father in particular is obsessed with always having to having the biggest and best house of all his friends. The ego - and the insecurity - are pretty out of control there.”

 “You think?” retorted Scarlett sardonically. “Is that why he’s so fixated on controlling all of your lives?”

 “That’s part of it. The other part,” added Jackson with a grin, “is that he’s just an asshole. Come on, let’s get this over with. The sooner we’re through with dinner the sooner we can go back to the condo and actually enjoy this weekend.”

 Scarlett wished that they’d been able to push this dreaded family dinner off until tomorrow evening. Her flight from Oakland had arrived into Phoenix less than three hours ago, giving her barely enough time to swing by Jackson’s condo, shower, and change clothes. Plus, it had been a hectic morning at the coffee shop followed by a full day of classes and lectures. She’d made it to the airport less than an hour before her flight took off, which had only added to her stress level.

 This was the first time she’d been inside Jackson’s condo, but there simply hadn’t been enough time to take it all in. At first impressions, though, the place had seemed a little on the small side, and decorated somewhat minimally. And when compared to the grandeur and size of his parents house - correction, estate - his condo looked like a shoebox. But at least she hadn’t felt overwhelmed or intimidated at Jackson’s place the way she did right now. And if she hadn’t already been nervous and on edge at the idea of meeting Jackson’s mother, sister, and niece - her own half-sister - then she sure as hell was now.


 She tugged urgently on his arm as he began to lead her in the direction of the front door, trying desperately to stave off a panic attack.

 “Do I look okay?” she asked anxiously. “You’re positive I’m not underdressed?”

 Jackson placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze before dropping a kiss on her forehead.

 “Positive,” he told her firmly. “You look fantastic. Your father isn’t going to recognize you.”

 She shrugged. “Like I give a damn about what he thinks. Or your father for that matter. It’s the female members of your family who worry me. In every picture I’ve seen on your phone or Facebook page of your mom and sister and sisters-in-law they’re all dressed to kill, even if it’s at a picnic.”

 “You won’t have to deal with my sisters-in-law tonight, or my pain in the ass brothers,” he reminded her. “And my mother will act the part of gracious hostess like her life depends on it. Hannah is going to adore you, she’s already pestered me half a dozen times about how excited she is to meet you. As for my sister - well, that one might be a little tougher but nothing you can’t handle.”

 Scarlett grimaced. “Gee, that made me feel a whole lot better. Should I duck for cover or something around your sister?”

 “Nah,” Jackson waved a hand in dismissal. “Laura’s just a big old drama queen, always has been. Losing her temper or fighting isn’t her style. She cries or faints or fakes a migraine when she’s upset. Gets her more attention that way, and sympathy.”

 Scarlett stared at him in horror. “I think I’d rather have her throw something at me,” she muttered. “A good old fashioned street fight I can handle anytime, right up my alley. But weepy, neurotic women? The very idea terrifies me.”

 He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “You’ll be fine. And if Laura starts to pull one of her stunts let Neil tend to her. It’s one of the very few uses he has.”

 As they walked through the front entrance to the grand house - the door having been opened by an honest to God butler - Scarlett forced herself to take a deep, calming breath and relax. At least she’d been spared the ordeal of meeting the whole family at once, she thought. Jackson had set his foot down when his mother had initially wanted to include Grant, Alex, their wives and children, which would have increased the number of people at this so-called casual dinner to a whopping total of sixteen. The controversy about how many family members to include had been just one of the obstacles to delay this evening’s dinner, though the major hindrance had evidently been the hysterical hissy fit Jackson’s sister had thrown after learning her husband had fathered a child out of wedlock. It had taken weeks to calm her down enough, along with stern, multiple reminders that Scarlett had saved Hannah’s life, before Laura had reluctantly agreed to this evening.

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