Home > The Other Daughter(89)

The Other Daughter(89)
Author: Janet Nissenson

 “Wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened,” muttered Scarlett under her breath.

 Jackson gave her a warning look, but the corners of his mouth twitched at the same time at her unintended humor.

 Laura glared at her daughter and then at Scarlett. “She doesn’t belong here,” she muttered sullenly. “And don’t ask me to ever accept her as part of this family because I won’t have it.”

 Jackson was the one to stand now, pointing his own finger at his sister. “You’ve got nothing to say about it, Laura,” he hissed. “And I’d advise you to get over whatever issues you might have with Scarlett. Because she and I are together and we plan on staying that way for a long time to come. So change your attitude in a hurry and figure out a way to live with it. Because I’ll warn every single one of you right now. If any of you ever make Scarlett feel unwelcome at any of our family functions, or say anything nasty to her, I promise that you’ll see very, very little of me in the future. Jesus Christ, Laura, this isn’t the nineteenth century, you know. Or even the 1960’s. Scarlett was conceived well before you even met Neil, so it’s not like he cheated on you or anything. And if anyone in this room has the right to be pissed off, it’s Scarlett for all the years her own damned father refused to acknowledge she existed. I’ll spare you all the details about how shitty her life was, but you ought to be ashamed of yourself right now, Laura. You grew up like royalty, living in the lap of luxury. Just like I did. And just like Hannah did. So try to feel a little bit of sympathy in that piece of ice you call a heart. You might not like having her in our lives but I do. So get used to it and grow up.”

 There was an almost eerie quiet in the big room after that, but Jackson’s words continued to echo even as both he and Laura took their seats. Scarlett slid her hand over his, giving it a grateful squeeze.

 “Um, and if it’s any consolation to anyone here,” she offered haltingly, “I have no interest and no intention of going to work for the company, even under the very unlikely event I was offered a position.”

 “We’d be lucky to have you,” retorted Jackson. “But I know as well as you do that isn’t going to happen, so let’s move on, shall we?”

 The look of relief on Candace’s face at this suggestion was so palpable that Scarlett had to stifle a giggle. Jackson’s mother smoothly segued the conversation into a more neutral topic. Scarlett had to admire the woman for her poise, and almost uncanny ability to remain calm under the most challenging of circumstances. Unlike herself, who often flew off the handle and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind plainly and defiantly. She was surprising herself at how much restraint she was exercising this evening, but knew that Jackson appreciated her self-control and recognized how hard she was working to control her temper and act like a lady for once in her life.

 As they continued with their dessert, Hannah winked at her from across the table and grinned.

 “Good for you for sticking up for yourself,” she mouthed. “And Uncle Jack was a total badass.”

 Scarlett returned the grin and the wink, nodding in agreement.

 The evening ended a few minutes later, with Laura heading out to the car without saying good-bye to Jackson or Scarlett, evidently still sulking after the tongue-lashing he’d given her. Neil actually had the good graces for once to mumble an apology of sorts to Scarlett for his wife’s hostility - albeit an indecipherable one but she figured it was as good as she was ever going to get.

 Hannah gave her a farewell hug, and Scarlett rather awkwardly patted her on the back.

 “I’m soooo glad to have finally met you!” enthused Hannah. “And I wish so hard that I could go with you tomorrow to see my grandparents and everyone. Tell them I love them and I’ll send everyone a group email next week.”

 Scarlett nodded. “I wish you could come along, too,” she whispered. “But I think tomorrow’s gathering will be a lot easier than tonight’s.”

 Hannah snorted. “You’ve got that right. Sorry about my mom being such a royal bitch. That’s on account of - well, because she is one most of the time. Not to me, of course, but - well, it’s a long story. Ask Uncle Jack to tell you more if you’re interested.”

 Scarlett shrugged. “Not particularly, no. I’ve seen enough to satisfy me. And you’d probably better join your parents, hmm? You don’t want to be upsetting your mother any more than she already is.”

 “Nah.” Hannah waved a hand in careless dismissal. “I’m used to her little hissy fits, and refuse to always give in. It’ll do her good to sit in the car and fume for a few minutes.”

 “And here I thought I was the wicked sister,” joked Scarlett.

 Hannah grinned. “Must be the red hair. But I guess I’d better join the parents. I still get tired out pretty easily, and it’s almost past my bedtime. Text me tomorrow after you leave my grandparents, okay?”


 The sisters exchanged one more hug before Hannah bid her uncle and maternal grandparents good night. Candace was a bit misty eyed as she watched her granddaughter depart, and then turned to Scarlett with a smile.

 “God bless you, my dear,” she murmured unsteadily. “I know it couldn’t have been easy for you to agree to help Hannah after the life you must have led. And I’m more than a little ashamed of the way my daughter treated you this evening. Laura should be filled with gratitude towards you and not anger and resentment.”

 Scarlett gave a little shrug. “Laura’s feelings don’t concern me, frankly. I suppose she’s entitled to feel the way she does, but I’m not going to dwell on it one way or the other. As for Hannah - it was actually the easiest thing in the world for me to agree to. I never considered for a moment not helping her out.”

 Jackson put an arm around her shoulders, hugging her close as he pressed a kiss to her temple. “Scarlett’s an amazing woman, Mom and Dad. Generous, kindhearted, and smart as hell.”

 “Oh, brother,” replied Scarlett with a little eye roll. “Stop making me out to sound like some sort of freaking Mother Teresa, okay? Make sure to tell your parents I’m also impatient, have a bad temper, and I’m not afraid to stick up for myself. Old habits, you know.”

 That admission drew a raspy, rather reluctant chuckle from Barton.

 “You’re a tough little cookie, that’s for sure,” he agreed. “But I admire anyone - man or woman - who isn’t afraid to speak up for themselves. And you’ve overcome a hell of a lot to get to where you are today, Scarlett. I’m still not entirely convinced you’re the right person for my son, but I guess if he’s happy that’s the important thing.”

 “Dad,” began Jackson warningly, ready and willing it appeared to jump in and defend his woman.

 But Scarlett placed her palm over his lips, shaking her head.

 “Hey, that’s way more than I ever thought I’d get from your father,” she teased. “So let’s not push our luck, huh?”

 The sound of their collective laughter - Scarlett’s, Jackson’s, Barton’s, and Candace’s - filled the room, and what had been a tense, sometimes unpleasant evening for Scarlett was at least ending on a high note.

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