Home > Holding Onto You(221)

Holding Onto You(221)
Author: Kennedy Fox

And if he lost his job…nope. I can’t even think about it. He has worked so hard to build a life for himself and Jackson. I won’t let anyone take that away.



Chapter Thirty-Seven






“What about this one?” I ask Jackson, picking up a pink teapot with little purple flowers painted along the base.

Jackson shakes his head. “Scarlet isn’t really a girly girl, Dad.”

“Good point. It’s too pink for her. Too bad I didn’t think of this around Halloween.” I push the cart forward, browsing the shelves of a home decor store. We needed to go grocery shopping, and Scarlet said she wasn’t feeling well. Telling her to stay home and rest, Jackson and I set out.

Something is off with her, and I’m sure it has to do with Daisy showing back up. I don’t want Scarlet to think that old feelings came back the moment I saw my wife. It did the opposite, and if there was any good that came out of this, it’s knowing that I can look at Daisy and feel absolutely nothing.

Scarlet is the only one I want.

“That one!” Jackson leans out of the cart and narrowly avoids knocking a glass candle holder off the shelf. “It has a skull on it.”

Smiling, I carefully move things out of the way and find what has to be leftover Halloween-themed dishes. This teapot is pink too, but instead of flowers, it’s decorated with skulls.

“It’s perfect. Good eye, buddy.”

Since Scarlet heats up her water for tea either in a saucepan or in the microwave, I get a kettle as well. We check out, go to the grocery store, and pick up Chinese takeout on the way home.

Jackson says he’s tired, which is music to my ears. Maybe after lunch, we can all take a nap. And by that, I mean Jackson nap in his room and I take Scarlet into the bedroom. I think about it the whole way home, missing her already even though Jackson and I have only been gone for a few hours.

“Can I give Scarlet her tea set now?” Jackson asks when I get him out of the car. I look up and down the street, making sure Daisy isn’t lurking about before I let go of his hand to reach inside and grab the bag.

“Soon. Let’s get the groceries unloaded and eat lunch before we do.” Keeping a tight hold of Jackson’s hand, I take him inside. The house is still and quiet, making me think Scarlet is upstairs sleeping. “Stay right here on the couch,” I tell Jackson, giving him my phone to watch YouTube. He doesn’t get to watch it that often, so his butt will be glued to the couch as long as the phone is in his hands.

Hurrying back to the car, I bring the bags of groceries up to the porch, setting them all in front of the front door. I lock the Jeep once the last bag is out and rush to the house. Jackson hasn’t moved, and I grab the three bags with the cold stuff to put away first.

I get the first bag completely put away before I notice the note on the counter. Setting the milk down, I grab it.


I’m so sorry. I love you and Jackson more than you’ll ever know. I didn’t want to do this, but I have no choice. This is for the best.

Love always,


I blink, not understanding what I’m reading. Shaking my head, I refuse to understand it. The note floats to the floor, and I rush upstairs. Scarlet’s room is empty. There are no clothes in the closet. The bathroom counter is free from her neatly cluttered makeup.

I exhale, feeling dizzy, and sink down onto her bed. What the fuck is happening? Why did she leave? And I still don’t understand her note. She didn’t want to do this? Then why did she?

Pain hits me hard in the center of my chest, spreading throughout my whole body. Is this what it feels like to have your heart break all at once? I dig my fingers into the mattress, fighting against everything inside of me not to feel.

“Dad?” Jackson calls from downstairs. I’m not sure how long I’ve been sitting there, zoning out, flashing between grief and anger. My foot has fallen asleep, and I can hardly move it.

“Yeah?” I call back, voice coming out weak.

“Someone is on the porch.”

Inhaling, I push up, shaking my foot to get some feeling back to it. “Don’t move. I’m coming down.”

Blinking a few times, I realize my eyes are watery, and only get worse when I see Jackson. He put the phone down and carefully got out the tea set, arranging it on the coffee table. What the hell am I supposed to tell him? I don’t even know what’s going on.

My heart leaps in my chest, thinking maybe it’s Scarlet at the door.

“Jackson, go up to your room,” I say as soon as I see Daisy.


“Now,” I say, and my tone scares him enough to grab the phone and run.

“Shut the door.”

“Is it a bad guy?” he asks, looking down the stairs.

“Kind of,” I say, knowing I shouldn’t tell him that his mother is bad, but I need him to stay out of sight. Once his door closes, I throw back the front door.

“What the fuck do you want?” I bark.

“Nice to see you too, Wes. Can I come in?”

“No.” I grab my coat that I left hanging on the banister and step outside. “What the fuck do you want?” I repeat.

“I came here to talk.” Her brows push together, and she looks confused. “Didn’t Scarlet tell you that we should—”

I rush forward. “Scarlet?” It’s making sense now. “What the fuck did you do?”


“Bullshit.” I’m raging, wanting to turn around and put my fist through the windows on the front door. “Goddammit, Daisy,” I say too loudly. There are people walking their dog down the street in front of our house, but I don’t fucking care right now.

Daisy showed up and Scarlet left. It has to be why. Scarlet wouldn’t just leave.

Trying to recover, Daisy puts a hand on her hip, ready to come at me with some ridiculous blow, just like she did back when we lived together. “Well, if she didn’t tell you that, then I’m guessing she didn’t tell you how she took this job thinking she could con you.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Yep. That little snake. I knew she wouldn’t confess.”

“Confess what? You’re not making any sense.”

“Your girlfriend, the woman you left alone with our son, is a con artist.”

“No, she’s not.” I shake my head and point to the street. “Get off my porch, Daisy. You’re sounding crazier and crazier by the minute.”

“It’s true.”

“And how the hell would you know?”

“A friend got arrested and spent time at Cook County with someone named Heather Cooper. Ring a bell?”

I blink. Scarlet does have a sister in prison.

Daisy’s lips curve into a smile. “I take your silence as a yes. Anyway, when I’ve been going to visit my friend—she shouldn’t have been arrested, but that’s not the point—and of course I noticed the bombshell blonde coming in. Everyone noticed her. I mean, how can you not?”

Daisy inches forward. “I didn’t pay her much attention after that, until I heard her mention Eastwood. You know how it is when you hear something familiar. Turns out, she has quite the reputation with the inmates. You see, her sister thought bragging about her would earn her cred or something. Boy, the stories I could tell you. But back to you, Wes. Your darling Scarlet thought some rich couple was hiring her. And then she showed up at your place. There was one thing I couldn’t figure out, but now that I know Quinn and Archer have a baby, it’s them.”

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