Home > Holding Onto You(379)

Holding Onto You(379)
Author: Kennedy Fox

Before I can even say a word, he crosses his arms over his broad chest. “There you are, babe. I was wondering where you wandered off to,” his deep voice growls.

Babe? Has he lost his damn mind?

I open my mouth to tell him off, but the guy next to me bolts up from the table like he's been electrocuted. “Crap, man. Sorry. I don't want any trouble,” he sputters before he grabs his laptop and literally runs out the door.

I stand up and head for the door, but not before I feel his hand reach for my elbow and pull me back to him. I try not to let his close proximity or his touch effect me, but I fail miserably. My stomach knots up and my mouth goes dry when I get the faintest whiff of his earthy, damn near mouth watering scent.

“Have you learned nothing from the last time you did this shit, damsel?” he asks, momentarily zapping me out of my haze.

I shoot him a look that hopefully conveys how annoyed I am with him using that term and twist out of his grasp.

I run out the door, with his footsteps following close behind me.

I know he's not going to let up, so there's only one thing left to do. Something I've become really good at. I'm going to push him away, for good.

I spin around and face him. “Christ, stop following me, Jackson. Stop showing up when you're not wanted or needed. And stop acting like you actually give a damn. And most of all, stop trying to save me because I'll only end up taking you down with me.” I draw in a ragged breath. “Just leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.”

I know my words aren't kind, but I need him out of my life for once and for all.

It's only then that I notice his friend Tyrone is standing there. He narrows his eyes at me before he looks at the ground.

Jackson's nostrils flare and he takes a step toward me. He reaches for my hand and puts something in it. “Take care of yourself, Damsel,” he says dismissively before he turns around and begins walking down the street.

I close my eyes and swallow against the lump forming in my throat.

This is what I wanted. So, why does it feel like I just made a huge mistake?

My eyes are glassy when I finally open them and come face to face with Tyrone.

“Wow, you're kind of a bitch,” he says.

I shrug because it's not a lie...especially after that encounter. “Yeah well, it had to be done.”

I turn to leave but his voice stops me. “Word of advice...the world becomes a dark and cold place after you push everyone who cares about you away. And it really sucks when you have to face your demons all alone.”

“I wasn't lying, Tyrone. I'll only end up hurting him in the end. Everything I touch, I wreck somehow.”

He laughs. “Have you seen him? Trust me, the man can take a few hits, Alyssa. And believe me when I say that Jackson is a great friend. Just give him a chance to be yours.”

“Why is this so important to you? I mean, not for nothing but you weren't exactly rooting for me the last time we saw one another.”

He considers my statement for a moment before he answers, “Because he's the greatest guy I've ever met and he deserves to get what he wants...for once in his life.”

I'm taken back by his statement, but before I have a chance to question him about it, Tyrone turns on his heels and starts walking down the street. My chest squeezes and everything in my body is telling me not to let Jackson walk away.

Before I can stop myself, I call out, “Tell him to meet me for lunch tomorrow around 12. The same diner we went to last time.”

Tyrone fist pumps the air and gives me a giant smile. “He'll be there.”

I'm walking to my car when I suddenly remember what day tomorrow is.

There's no way I can meet Jackson...I already have a date.



Chapter Nine






The last thing I should be doing right now is showing up to meet a girl who's made it clear that she wants nothing to do with me.

I shouldn't be pursuing this. I shouldn't be hopeful that she'll finally let me in.

I shouldn't be trying to save her from herself. Lord knows, I'm the furthest thing from a hero and there's a good chance I'll only hurt her in the end if she ever finds out the truth about me.

No, I shouldn't be doing any of those things...but...I just can't stop myself.

Another hour goes by and I glance at my watch. Tyrone told me she said 12. Maybe he got the time wrong and she meant 2?

If she meant 2, I'll be cutting it close to training time, but the gyms not that far from here.

I order another water and look out the window. There's no sign of her. I look at my watch again. 2:25pm. It's obvious that she's not coming and I've been stood up.

With a sigh, I stand up and throw some money on the table before I leave.



My muscles ache like no one's business after a grueling workout, all I want to do is go home and fall into bed.

Tyrone's at the bar across from the gym, hoping to strike it lucky with his latest conquest. I considered joining him, but decided against it.

I haven't exactly been in the greatest of moods today. I stick my key in the door and feel a hand tap my shoulder. The touch is light and the hand is soft.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling even more annoyed now that I have to deal with her. “Never gonna happen, Lou-Lou. Try Ricardo's door,” I growl.

My statement comes out much harsher than I intended. I briefly consider apologizing but think better of it. Better to just let her think I'm a dick, maybe she'll finally get the picture.

I hear the sound of a throat clearing and I spin around.

A pair of red and puffy hazel eyes meet mine.

“I'm sorry about not showing today, Jackson. I forgot I made other plans and I couldn't get out of them,” Alyssa's now raspy voice greets me.

I force myself to ignore the current state she's in. I force myself to look right past the sadness in her eyes, and the fact that she's obviously upset.

I force myself not to think about what those other plans she had may have entailed and the pang of jealousy that snags me.

But mostly, I force myself not to care anymore, because every time I do; she only ends up pushing me away and making me feel like an asshole for wanting to be her friend.

Her friend, right- my inner voice taunts.

“You came a long way for something that could have been done over the phone.”

“You know I don't have your number,” she whispers when I turn back around and open the door.

“Yeah, well, who's fault is that,” I say before I shut the door behind me, with her on the other side of it.

A small knock follows. I pull off my sweatshirt and ignore it.

The knocks increase in both sound and speed. Going from cautious and unsure to impatient and angry now.

And for some reason, that's what really sets me off.

I swing the door open so hard the walls vibrate.

She pushes past me with an angry scowl on her face, finally stopping in the living room.

I inhale sharply and continue after her until she does something that entices me, confuses me, and unleashes a fury inside me.

She takes off her shirt.

She's about to start undoing her pants when I reach over and halt her. “What the hell are you doing, Alyssa?”

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