Home > Chocolate Chip Cookie Conundrum(44)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Conundrum(44)
Author: Addison Moore

“Look on the bright side.” Meg sheds one of her greedy grins that she gives right before she lets a zinger fly. “Nobody will be calling Everett Mr. Sexy in the pen today.”

“Amen to that,” I say. My husband is free and exonerated of all the charges. We’ve already had a stellar week.

Mom hitches her head toward the audience as the crowd fills in nicely, and I see Keelie and Bear waving at me from the stands.

“We’d better get to our seats,” Mom says. “Break a leg, Lottie.”

They scuttle off and I spot Cormack Featherby standing backstage reviewing the notes in her hands, and her lips are moving as she reads to herself.

Cormack looks professional in a pink tweed skirt and matching blazer. Her heels are white with bright pink soles, assuring us those are the pricey name brand shoes most women would love to own yet would loathe not eating for a month to have them. Her blonde hair sits to her shoulders, so glossy and smooth as if she just came from having a professional blowout, and I have no doubt she did. Cormack and I aren’t exactly what one would call friends, but the favor I’m about to ask her would require a sister-like devotion for her to pull off.

“Cormack,” I pant as I come upon her. “You look great. And you’re going to do great, too.”

“Thanks, Lizzy.” She closes her eyes a moment and her shoulders squeeze tight. “I just know this is going to lead to great things. It’s as if every road in my life has led me right here. And to think, I have your bad luck to thank for it.”

“Hey, if this talk show gig takes off, you might want to consider selling your half of the B&B to my mother. You’ll be the star you always wanted to be and she’ll have her home back.” I plead with her silently with my eyes, but her features only seem to harden.

“Nice try, Lorikeet, but I happen to be a savvy businesswoman who is more than capable of dabbling in real estate investments while I pursue my career.”

“Okay, you don’t have to do me any favors, but I think you should do a very big one for Everett.”

“Essex?” Her nose twitches like a bunny before she gasps. “I get it! You want me to say he’s the father no matter what it says on that card. It’s brilliant! Of course, I understand. You’re his wife. It would look bad for the two of you to be raising someone else’s baby.”

It takes all I’ve got not to roll my eyes.

“The baby will belong to Everett and me regardless—and to Noah, but that’s not the point. Please read whatever the card says. We’re fine with it, really. But what I’m not fine with is the card that reveals my own paternity. Jimmy Canelli’s men are trying to kill Everett. And you have a chance to save his life. No matter what that card says, Cormack. You have to say Jimmy Canelli’s name. And then give the card to me so I can destroy it.”

Her celadon green eyes look to each of mine. “We’ll see.” She starts to walk away and I grab her by the wrist. “Cormack, please. This isn’t for me. It’s for Everett. You have the opportunity to keep his heart beating.”

“Let’s just say that I’ll consider it heavily. I do have a career to think about, too. Now shoo. You’re already adding to what’s quickly becoming a stressful day. It’s bad enough Big Boss’ future is on the line.”

She stalks off and I stalk off as well as I make a beeline to the refreshment table.

“Lemon.” Everett pulls me in. “If you have the slightest reservation, we can pull the ripcord at any time.”

Noah nods. “We’ll get the B&B back for your mother—all of it—one way or another.”

“I’m fine. As long as you’re both ready and willing, so am I.” I pull Noah close, but as tempted as I am to tell them what I have planned for my paternity reveal, I choose to keep my trap shut. Everett wouldn’t want me to do it. Noah most likely wouldn’t either. I’ll tell them both after the fact. No use in causing any more drama than necessary right now.

“Would you stop!” Lily snips at Suze and we turn that way, only to see an entire platter of my chocolate chip cookies reduced to crumbles, and unbeknownst to everyone here but me, there’s an ornery, otherworldly fowl fouling things up.

“Cluck Norris,” I hiss lower than a whisper and the wily bird looks my way.

“My apologies, Lottie.” He floats up a notch. “But my goodness, your cookies are delicious.”

Suze scoffs at Lily. “I’m not the one sneaking cookies every time I turn around. You are!”

“Me?” Lily belts out a maniacal laugh. “You wish. Besides, I don’t toss cookies into the air when I eat them. I put them straight into my mouth like a normal person. But you wouldn’t know what a normal person is, would you?”

“All right, ladies,” I say. “Why don’t you both take a break? I think tensions are running high for all of us. Suze, Lyla Nell could be your grandchild. I don’t blame you for wanting to plow your way through a platter of cookies.” I don’t mind gaslighting her one bit. She’s been gaslighting me regarding her transmundane status for months.

“But”—her body straightens with a start—“I didn’t…” She tosses her arms up and groans as she and Lily go their separate ways.

A tiny laugh bumps through me.

“It was all Cluck Norris’ fault.” I wink at the clucky bird. “But in his feathered defense, the cookies are pretty irresistible if I say so myself.”

“I more than agree,” Noah says without missing a beat. “In fact”—he reaches over and snaps up a few—“I’m going to do my best to eat every cookie on this table.”

“Not if I beat you to it,” Everett says, snatching up a handful himself.

“Well, I’m not getting left out of the loop. Technically, I’m still eating for two.” I pick up a half a dozen cookies and turn back to the gorgeous men before me.

“Lottie”—Cluck Norris chirps—“the tension is coming off the three of you in waves. Why don’t you take your mind off things by discussing the case? Dare I say, every suspect is in the house.”

I take a quick breath. “Cluck Norris thinks we should take our minds off things by discussing the case.”

“He’s a wise bird.” Everett nods. “Who are we looking at, Lottie?”

I shrug over at Noah. “I’ll get right down to it. I think Kit’s the killer. Burt says she was trying to get Candace to do a special on her brother and Candace outright refused. I guess it was too painful for her, but Kit wouldn’t take no for an answer. Burt says they were arguing about it that very day. Not only that, she changed her shirt after the killing—from a white T-shirt to blue.”

“What about Fern?” Noah asks. “She has a history with Candace. Kit mentioned that things between Fern and Candace took a turn for the sinister—that they had their secrets.”

“Fern painted a dark picture of Kit,” I say, considering it. “Fern seemed to be one of Candace’s old friends. I mean, it’s no crime to have gone to college with the deceased. She did say Candace had a temper and not a lot of tolerance for friction in her relationships. Woody backed that up, as did Burt. I really think we need to double down on Kit.”

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