Home > Chocolate Chip Cookie Conundrum(52)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Conundrum(52)
Author: Addison Moore

“What? Can’t a girl play a game of racquetball once in a while when she feels like it?”

“Racquetball?” I give her the stink eye.

“I had to tell Evie Stevie something. I’ll keep your cover if you keep mine.”

Speaking of Evie, she strolls down with Dash and they’ve got Toby on the leash between them.

Carlotta grunts as they head this way, “You watch that dog, girls. The last time the two of you took him for a walk, he dug up a body.”

“Don’t worry,” Evie calls out. “The next time he digs up a body, we’re leaving it alone. It’s as if that last one unraveled the universe.”

“You could say that again,” I mutter as they take off for the shoreline.

Everett and Noah head this way, both with serious expressions on their faces. Everett says something to Noah, causing him to nod, and they both clam up as they come upon us.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I look from one to the other.

“Nothing.” Everett gives the back of his head a quick scratch. “Everything’s fine. Did you eat?”

“Hear that, Lot Lot?” Carlotta stiffens. “Nothing’s going on. Sexy just wants a samwich in his belly. Now let’s head to the buffet before Harry decimates it. That man has an appetite like no other—both in and out of the bedroom.”

“Not yet,” I say. I’m not buying the fact everything is fine.

Everett glances at his phone and scrolls through his messages. He’s preoccupied, looking for something, for someone, and I don’t know why.

“Look at this.” His face brightens a notch. “I must have missed this message yesterday. It’s from Fiona. She says congratulations, you’re officially on paternity leave. And once that ends, you can resume your place on the bench. The Board has approved your return.”

We let out a spontaneous cheer as I wrap my arms around my handsome husband and land a kiss to his lips.

“Way to go, Sexy.” Carlotta pats him on the arm. “It’s nice to see both you and Foxy have gainful employment once again. I’ll miss having you around the house. Now all I’ll have to do all day is sleep in until noon, watch television until dinner, and eat a box of cereal right before bedtime.”

My chest bucks with a dry laugh. “In other words, business as usual.” I reach up and give my husband’s scruffy cheek a quick scratch. “Congratulations, Everett. It’s as if every single nightmare is finally behind us.”

“Big Boss!” The sound of Cormack’s crowing sets my every last nerve on edge.

“And I spoke too soon.” I turn around to see both Cormack and Cressida dressed like parfaits in billowing silk gowns that are formal to the hilt. Each one has long white gloves on that cover their elbows and enough jewelry encrusted around their necks to warrant a bodyguard—I’m sure the Royals would be envious. They’re a bit overdressed, but if ever there was a day to do it, it would be today.

Cormack flings herself onto Noah. “You’re free! Can you believe it? But don’t you worry. You and I can start our own family, and we can get going on that as early as tonight. My eggs aren’t growing any younger, you know.” She gives a sly wink his way.

“Didn’t you hear?” I don’t mind spilling the news. “Cormack, I told Noah he’s Lyla Nell’s father.”

“What did you do that for?” she screeches. “I thought we had a bargain! How would you like it if I told Jimmy Carrera that you weren’t his daughter?”

“He’d probably have you used for target practice,” I’m quick to tell her in hopes to scare the thought right out of her. “Word is, he’s already working me into his will. He’s pretty psyched about getting back together with Carlotta, too.”

All of that is gospel. And the worrisome part? Carlotta said she was looking forward to getting back together with him, too.

Cormack gives a hard sniff. “It doesn’t matter.” She runs her finger down Noah’s gray tie. “I’ll help you raise that hellion just like Essex is helping raise Everly.”

Everett shakes his head. “Your analogy misses the mark in so many ways. But please don’t call either of my daughters a hellion. I can only be pushed so far, and right now you’re pushing in the wrong direction.” He looks to Cressida. “I believe my attorneys will be meeting with yours in the morning to discuss a change of title for your share of the B&B, and they’ll discuss the fair market value as well.”

She waves it off. “I don’t need your money, Essex. Just take that cursed bed and breakfast off my hands already. I’ve had about enough of those ghosts and their shenanigans.”

“Cressida, thank you,” I say, pressing my hand to my chest. But deep down, I know it’s Greer and the ghostly gang I really need to be thanking, and I will.

Everett twitches a smile. “Thank you, Cressida. I’ll donate the fair market value to the children’s wing at the hospital like we talked about the first time. Cormack, do you want to join in on the fun?”

Her lips move side to side. “You know I’ve always wanted to have a threesome with you, Essex, but unfortunately, my heart belongs to someone else now. And fifty percent of that B&B belongs to me. I’m not giving it up for nothing.”

“What about your new Getting Candid with Cormack gig?” I ask. “Isn’t that going to hog up all of your time?”

“I’m a Thoroughly Modern Millie. I can take on a talk show and fry it up in a pan.”

Great. Just when I think I can get Cormack to break, she starts quoting show tunes and commercials from an era gone by.

“We’ll see you later.” Cormack gives Noah’s tie a playful tug. “I’d better fuel up. I have a feeling our practice sessions are going to run into extra innings, if you know what I mean. Oh, and congratulations on arresting Kit Knickerson! I knew you’d catch the killer.”

I don’t bother correcting Cormack that she’s yet again botched the case. I’m sure once she sees Kit at the studio she’ll catch on. Either that or she’ll figure that Kit has a father much like her own who greases her legal troubles away. Such is the life of a featherhead.

Cressida makes a face my way. “But this doesn’t mean I’m leaving Honey Hollow. I’ll be at the B&B until yachting season begins.”

They take off and I laugh as I pull Everett close.

“Please tell me yachting season lasts eleven months at least.” I’m about to yank at his tie when something large and protruding hits my hip from his right pocket. “Whoa. What do you have in your pocket? One of Lyla Nell’s rattles?”

Carlotta links arms with Noah. “Let’s make tracks, Foxy. Lot Lot’s appetite is coming back strong, and I’d hate for you to see the two of them get frisky on the sand.”

Noah averts his eyes. “There are a million people out. They’re not getting frisky on the sand.”

“Sure, they are,” she contests. “She’s a Sawyer deep down where it counts. And if Sexy plays his lumpy pants right, he’ll have her doing her own rendition of the bunny hop before the egg roll starts.”

I reach into Everett’s pocket and pull out the biggest wad of cash I have ever seen.

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