Home > Charity Case : The Complete Series(124)

Charity Case : The Complete Series(124)
Author: Piper Rayne

“I’ll buy you one. It saved me during my dry spell until Reed,” Victoria says.

Hannah’s interest definitely looks piqued now and I can’t believe a woman as independent and strong as her, hasn’t taken her orgasms more seriously.

“Not like I really have any other options at the moment,” she says.

“Hannah Crowley?” a dark-haired woman peeks her head in the middle of our table, whispering like Hannah’s name should never be heard.

We all look at the woman who’s dressed in a cute tank top and shorts. Tattoos down each of her arms. Her hair short and sassy. Ten shopping bags hanging off her arms.

“Lennon?” Hannah wipes her mouth and stands, putting her hand out.

The woman stretches her arm out and shakes it. “Guilty as charged.”

Hannah motions to the empty chair at our table. “Please join us. Do you want a sandwich or anything?”

“Well, those pickles look good.” Lennon laughs and we all glance to the jar of full-size pickles floating in juice on top of the counter.

“They’re delicious,” I comment.

She laughs, and points. “I have a feeling we have a lot in common.”

“I take that as a huge compliment since you’re the inventor of the Unicorn Cock. Can you tell me about the name?” I lean forward like I’m a keener in school and can’t get enough.

She sits back, crossing her legs. “Well, truth be told, it actually came out of my friend Whit’s mouth at first when she was dating her now husband. She was drunk and referred to his cock as magical. I still think it’s hilarious. Anyway, it turned into a joke with my friends.”

“What made you want to invent sex toys?” I ask. I hope I’m not coming off like a desperate fan girl right now, but truth be told I kinda am.

“Let her be,” Hannah urges. “Sorry, this is Chelsea and Victoria. They work at RISE as well.”

She nods and smiles at both of us. “You guys remind me a lot of me and my friends.”

I know I probably look like a complete loon right now because I’m grinning from ear to ear.

“Anyway, I wanted to say how impressed I am with your foundation. My husband is an investment banker and his partner, Drew, was telling me about it. I don’t even know how he found you guys, but I really wanted to help. I have a daughter myself, and I try to teach her to be a strong female. So much so that my husband thinks I’m making her twin brother too submissive to her.” She laughs. “He just hasn’t found his voice yet. Good thing he has an older brother. Brady will show him the ways of the world if he could stop doing the five knuckle shuffle for five minutes. He’s fourteen.”

All of our heads nod in understanding.

“Anyway, here is the check.” She digs into her purse. “I’d love to open up a branch in San Fran. Instead of my company name, we’d do it through my husband’s company. That is if you’re ever game.”

“Expansion already?” I glance to Hannah whose eyes are poised on Lennon.

“I think we could definitely talk more about it. We’re still getting on solid ground right now.”

Lennon smiles and slides the check across the table. Hannah never looks at it and pushes it Victoria’s way. She picks it up, stuffing it in her purse. You’d think we were doing a drug deal here.

“Great. I’m so happy you feel that way,” Lennon says, seeming really sincere.

“Would you like to come to our gala in September?” Hannah asks. “It’s like our coming out party.”

“I do love a good coming out party.” She winks.

As the lunch crowd slows down, there are more empty tables available and Lennon glances over the chalkboard menu. “My husband will be here soon. I’d love for you guys to meet him.”

“Let me buy you lunch,” Hannah says. “What would you like?”

“It’s funny because I feel like I should have Santora sausage.” She looks at our table. “It’s my friend’s family company.”

We all smile.

Then she stands. “I’ll be right back.” She heads to the counter, ordering her sandwich or sausage or whatever.

“What are you thinking?” I whisper.

Hannah shrugs. “I don’t know. I don’t really know her, but she seems professional.”

“And wealthy, wait until you see the amount of the check.”

We both raise our eyebrows to Victoria.

“What? I’m the bookkeeper, am I not? I saw a bunch of zeros before I put it in my purse.”

We laugh.

“Our mission is to reach as many girls as possible. So, I think it’s something we should consider.” Hannah leans back in her chair. “Now here are three guys who could probably put your Unicorn Cock vibrator to shame, Chelsea.”

I turn my head toward the door and in walks Mauro, Cristian, and Luca Bianco, all of them dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Sweaty but probably still smelling entirely edible.

Not as much as Dean though. No one can beat that guy in my books.

“Hey, Bianco brothers,” I call out.

They each stop, wide welcoming smiles on their mouths.

“Chelsea, I heard a rumor about you.” Luca eyes my left hand. “And it’s true, huh? Dean’s going to make an honest woman of you?”

“Again?” Cristian asks.

Mauro hits him in the stomach. “Great news.” He bends down and kisses my cheek.


He doesn’t pull away right away. “I’ll leave the other rumor to myself.” He winks telling me his brothers haven’t heard that there’s a little one holding its own in my belly. So far so good. Knock on wood.

“Thank you for that.”

“Luca!” their mom yells and points from behind the counter.

“Seriously, have you not heard about the loser line?” Cristian follows his brother over to his mom. Once he’s hugged her, he heads to the back while Mrs. Bianco lectures her youngest son for the millionth time about giving his hookups the deli number.

“Aren’t you mackadocious.” Lennon looks up to Mauro.

He studies her for a second. “Thank you?”

“Definitely a compliment. I mean you don’t hold a candle to my man, but I imagine you’d make a great hero in a romance book.” She winks and then sits down in her chair.

“Doesn’t the hero always end up falling head over heels for a girl?” Mauro asks.

“Yep,” me, Victoria, and Lennon say in unison.

“Yeah, I’m not sure about that then.” His hand grips my shoulder. “I need to get to work, just stopped by for a sandwich. Have a great day ladies.” He nods.

“Your man?” Lennon asks, and I catch sight of Dean and Reed crossing over from the courthouse, already assuming we’d be here.

“No, that’s my man.” Dean walks in with a smile on his face as Reed’s going on about something. Probably baseball.

“Oh, I do love a briefcake,” Lennon says. When we all look at her for an explanation, she says, “You know a beefcake in a suit?’ “Truthfully, I like them in just about anything.”

Dean kisses me on the cheek and as usual, his hand runs over my stomach.

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